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杨静 李靓 冯佳雨 徐晓慧 徐婷玲 张岩波 周脉耕 董文兰

杨静, 李靓, 冯佳雨, 徐晓慧, 徐婷玲, 张岩波, 周脉耕, 董文兰. 基于IPA决策模型的促进身体活动措施优先级研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(11): 1300-1307. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.010
引用本文: 杨静, 李靓, 冯佳雨, 徐晓慧, 徐婷玲, 张岩波, 周脉耕, 董文兰. 基于IPA决策模型的促进身体活动措施优先级研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(11): 1300-1307. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.010
YANG Jing, LI Jing, FENG Jiayu, XU Xiaohui, XU Tingling, ZHANG Yanbo, ZHOU Maigeng, DONG Wenlan. Research on the priority of measures to promote physical activity based on IPA decision model[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(11): 1300-1307. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.010
Citation: YANG Jing, LI Jing, FENG Jiayu, XU Xiaohui, XU Tingling, ZHANG Yanbo, ZHOU Maigeng, DONG Wenlan. Research on the priority of measures to promote physical activity based on IPA decision model[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(11): 1300-1307. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.010


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.010

国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFC1315304


    董文兰,E-mail: dongwenlan@ncncd.chinacdc.cn

  • 中图分类号: R195

Research on the priority of measures to promote physical activity based on IPA decision model


China National Key Research and Development Program 2018YFC1315304

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探究促进人群身体活动措施的优先级排序,为制定促进身体活动相关策略和计划提供理论依据。  方法  由488个国家慢性病综合防控示范区的疾病预防控制中心专业人员对13个维度下的47项促进人群身体活动措施的可行性和重要性进行打分;采用重要性-绩效分析(importance-performance analysis, IPA)模型对促进身体活动维度指标进行象限划分;采用二阶验证性因子分析的标准化因子载荷系数确定同一象限内维度指标优先级和各维度内措施的优先级。  结果  最高优先级内各维度指标优先级顺序为:人员培训、工作场所干预、学校干预、宣传与社区活动、体育部门干预、提高设施/场所可及性。优先改进级内维度指标为改善环境。最低优先级内各维度指标优先级顺序为:其他场所和人群干预、领导力和合作伙伴关系、医疗保健机构干预、加强建筑设计、筹资与财政支持、监测与评估。  结论  结合验证性因子分析,IPA模型能够较好地实现身体活动促进决策模型构建。
  • 图  1  促进人群身体活动维度可行性-重要性IPA模型

    Figure  1.  IPA model for feasibility-importance of dimensional indicators for physical activity promotion

    图  2  可行性二阶验证性因子分析模型

    1. CFI:比较拟合指数;NFI:规范拟合指数;RMSEA:近似误差均方根。
    2. PA代表总体,圆圈里的ASO_1等为各维度指标,方框里的ASO1等为各具体措施。模型拟合指标分别为: χ2 /df=4.158,P<0.001; CFI=0.860,NFI=0.824,RMSEA=0.086。

    Figure  2.  Second-order confirmatory factor analysis model for feasibility

    1. CFI: comparative fit index; NFI: normed fit index; RMSEA: root mean square error of approximation.
    2. PA represents the whole; ASO_1 and others in the circle are dimension indicators; ASO1 and others in the box are the specific measures. The model fit indices are as follows: χ2 /df=4.158, P < 0.001; CFI=0.860, NFI=0.824, RMSEA=0.086.

    图  3  可行性-重要性象限气泡图

    Figure  3.  Feasibility-importance quadrant bubble chart

    图  4  促进人群身体活动措施优先决策旭日图


    Figure  4.  Sunburst chart of priority for physical activity promotion measures

    The color depth in the same layer indicales the sorting order. The darker the color, the higher the priority.

    表  1  促进人群身体活动维度指标的可行性和重要性平均值

    Table  1.   Mean score of feasibility and importance of dimensional indicators for physical activity promotion

    层面Level 维度指标(英文缩写)
    Dimension indicator (abbreviation)
    Mean score of feasibility
    Mean score of importance
    营造富有活力的社会Create active societies 宣传与社区活动(ASO_1) Communications and community events (ASO_1) 4.06 4.66
    人员培训(ASO_2) Capacity building (ASO_2) 3.84 4.58
    创建利于活动的环境Create active environments 改善环境(AE_1) Improve the environments (AE_1) 3.58 4.52
    提高设施或场所可及性(AE_2) Improve access to facilities or spaces (AE_2) 4.23 4.80
    加强建筑设计(AE_3) Strengthen building design (AE_3) 3.62 4.49
    培养热爱活动的人群Create active people 学校干预(AP_1) School based intervention (AP_1) 4.17 4.68
    医疗保健机构干预(AP_2) Healthcare based intervention (AP_2) 3.62 4.50
    工作场所干预(AP_3) Workplace based intervention (AP_3) 3.93 4.60
    体育部门干预(AP_4) Sports sector based intervention (AP_4) 4.09 4.66
    其他场所和人群干预(AP_5) Intervention in other settings and people (AP_5) 3.43 4.32
    建立支持活动的系统Create active systems 领导力和合作伙伴关系(ASY_1) Leadership and partnership (ASY_1) 3.35 4.38
    监测与评估(ASY_2) Monitoring and evaluation (ASY_2) 3.03 4.19
    筹资与财政支持(ASY_3) Financing and fiscal support (ASY_3) 3.19 4.31
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    表  2  促进人群身体活动措施优先级排序

    Table  2.   Priority order of physical activity promotion measures

    Standardized factor load coefficient
    The highest priority grade
    人员培训Capacity building 纳入专业教育Inclusion in professional education 0.859
    教育系统人员培训Training for school personnel 0.843
    医疗卫生人员培训Training for healthcare personnel 0.836
    道路安全培训Training on road safety 0.808
    社会体育指导员培训Training for social sports instructors 0.805
    工作场所干预Workplace based intervention 开展综合性干预Comprehensive intervention 0.873
    建设/提供健身活动场地Provide facilities 0.854
    制定指南Develop guidelines 0.808
    采用能减少久坐的工作台Use workstations that reduce sedentariness 0.775
    组织健走活动Organize walking programs 0.738
    实施工间操制度Exercise during work 0.734
    School based intervention
    幼托和学龄前机构干预Intervention in preschool settings 0.891
    积极的课间活动Active school recess 0.890
    高等教育机构干预Intervention in colleges 0.865
    优质体育课程Good-quality physical education 0.859
    积极的通学方式和课后活动Active transportation and after school activity 0.837
    开展“健康促进学校” Health Promoting Schools 0.821
    宣传与社区活动Communications and community events 持续的大众宣传运动Sustained public education 0.891
    多重效益宣传Communications on co-benefits 0.885
    利用相关领域的活动和宣传日Use events on related issues 0.882
    制定宣传策略Develop communication strategies 0.854
    开展群众参与活动Mass participation events 0.738
    体育部门干预Sports sector based intervention 运动小组/俱乐部活动Sports club programs 0.902
    建立健全健身组织Establishing fitness organizations 0.886
    举办全民健身赛事National fitness events 0.886
    提高设施/场所可及性Improve access to facilities/spaces 体育设施免费或低收费开放Free or low charged facilities 0.892
    建设全民健身场地设施Build fitness spaces/facilities 0.866
    Prioritised improvement grade
    改善环境Improve the environments 综合性城市设计和土地使用Comprehensive urban design and land use 0.929
    改进步行和骑行网络Improve walking and cycling network 0.908
    安排和整合设施Co-locate and integrate facilities 0.877
    整合城市和交通规划政策Integrate urban and transport planning policies 0.860
    改善安全Improve safety 0.848
    The least prioritized improvement grade
    Intervention in other settings and people
    幼儿家庭干预Family based intervention for young children 0.877
    老年人干预Intervention for the elderly 0.873
    最不活跃人群干预Intervention for the least active people 0.863
    宗教场所干预Faith based intervention 0.764
    领导力和合作伙伴关系Leadership and partnership 发展合作伙伴关系Develop partnerships 0.888
    政策框架、领导和管理体系Policy frameworks, leadership and governance systems 0.881
    医疗保健机构干预Healthcare based intervention 制定国家标准化方案Develop national standardized protocols 0.919
    提供评估、咨询、转诊等服务Assessment, brief advice and referral 0.866
    加强建筑设计Strengthen building design 教育和儿童保育场所For education and childcare facilities 0.947
    休闲和运动场所For recreational and sports facilities 0.932
    公共建筑For public buildings 0.900
    筹资与财政支持Financing and fiscal support 财政手段Fiscal instruments 0.922
    筹资机制Financing mechanism 0.911
    监测与评估Monitoring and evaluation 研究和评估Research and evaluation 0.954
    信息系统和监测Information systems and monitoring 0.923
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