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戴振威 杨悦 付佳琪 陈旭 曲翌敏 王宇萍 李福建 韩志立 郭延军 乔友林 苏小游

戴振威, 杨悦, 付佳琪, 陈旭, 曲翌敏, 王宇萍, 李福建, 韩志立, 郭延军, 乔友林, 苏小游. 群医学及全球健康研究进展及启示[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(11): 1336-1341. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.015
引用本文: 戴振威, 杨悦, 付佳琪, 陈旭, 曲翌敏, 王宇萍, 李福建, 韩志立, 郭延军, 乔友林, 苏小游. 群医学及全球健康研究进展及启示[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(11): 1336-1341. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.015
DAI Zhenwei, YANG Yue, FU Jiaqi, CHEN Xu, QU Yimin, WANG Yuping, LI Fujian, HAN Zhili, GUO Yanjun, QIAO Youlin, SU Xiaoyou. Research progress and implications of population medicine and global health[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(11): 1336-1341. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.015
Citation: DAI Zhenwei, YANG Yue, FU Jiaqi, CHEN Xu, QU Yimin, WANG Yuping, LI Fujian, HAN Zhili, GUO Yanjun, QIAO Youlin, SU Xiaoyou. Research progress and implications of population medicine and global health[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(11): 1336-1341. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.015


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.11.015

北京市教育委员会群医学学科建设项目 2021-EFT-Z-009


    郭延军,E-mail: guoyanjun@cfau.edu.cn

    苏小游,E-mail: suxiaoyou@hotmail.com

  • 中图分类号: R105

Research progress and implications of population medicine and global health

DAI Zhenwei and YANG Yue contributed equally to this article

Disciplines Construction Project: Population Medicine 2021-EFT-Z-009

More Information
  • 摘要: 全球健康是致力于改善全人类的健康水平,实现全球人人公平享有健康的一个跨学科、兼具研究和实践的新兴领域,主要为解决全球卫生资源分配不公平的问题,优先关注疾病负担指标。但是,以全球健康政治现实为导向的全球健康方案并不能完全解决包括健康不公平、资源浪费、医防割裂等客观问题,因此可以考虑以医学解决方案为导向的群医学理念来弥补全球健康领域的不足。但是,目前国内尚未形成群医学和全球健康两种理念有机结合的体系,本文对群医学及全球健康的研究进展及在初级卫生保健、慢性病、传染病、精神卫生领域中的应用情况进行了综述,供中国相关领域学者用以参考和借鉴,形成群医学及全球健康交叉领域的研究体系。政府应加大对群医学及全球健康研究的扶持和投入,形成群医学及全球健康研究合作网络,同时加强医学院与政治、外交、社会科学、经济、法律等社会科学院校和机构的交流与合作,从而深化中国群医学及全球健康领域的研究。
  • 表  1  群医学和全球健康在初级卫生保健、慢性病管理、传染病防控、精神卫生领域的理念差异

    Table  1.   Philosophical differences between population medicine and global health in the fields of primary health care, chronic disease management, infectious disease prevention and control, and mental health

    分类Classify 群医学Population medicine 全球健康Global health
    Primary health care
    Focus on cost-effectiveness in disease prevention and treatment
    Focus on inequalities in the health of different populations within and between countries
    Chronic disease management
    Focus on the human health process, emphasizing community-level population lifestyle interventions and mobilization to normalize chronic disease management
    Emphasizing global collaboration, promoting consensus among regions and countries to share experiences and results in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, and forming an inter-country network for the prevention and control of chronic diseases
    Infectious disease prevention and control
    Effective prevention, diagnosis, control, treatment and rehabilitation of infectious diseases
    Emphasizing access to medicines and promoting equitable global access to effective and accessible vaccines, medicines, clinical diagnostics and treatments for traditional and emerging infectious diseases
    Mental health
    Combining multiple disciplines such as neuroscience, genomics, social science, epidemiology, and implementation science to alleviate the mental suffering of patients and populations by preventing, diagnosing, treating, and caring for people with mental disorders
    Prioritizing equity and work to promote and sustain the mental health of individuals and communities globally
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