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武丽 罗云燕 黎文鸿 洪汝丹 艾志琼 尹家祥

武丽, 罗云燕, 黎文鸿, 洪汝丹, 艾志琼, 尹家祥. 云南剑川鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度和丰富度影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 75-82. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.012
引用本文: 武丽, 罗云燕, 黎文鸿, 洪汝丹, 艾志琼, 尹家祥. 云南剑川鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度和丰富度影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 75-82. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.012
WU Li, LUO Yunyan, LI Wenhong, HONG Rudan, AI Zhiqiong, YIN Jiaxiang. Factors for the abundance and richness of parasitic fleas of wild small mammals in Jianchuan plague foci of Yunnan Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 75-82. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.012
Citation: WU Li, LUO Yunyan, LI Wenhong, HONG Rudan, AI Zhiqiong, YIN Jiaxiang. Factors for the abundance and richness of parasitic fleas of wild small mammals in Jianchuan plague foci of Yunnan Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 75-82. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.012


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.012

国家自然科学基金 81860565

云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”项目 YNWR-MY-2019-008

云南省高校自然疫源性疾病流行病学科技创新团队 Yunnan Provincial Department of Education issued [2020] No.102



  • 中图分类号: R181.3

Factors for the abundance and richness of parasitic fleas of wild small mammals in Jianchuan plague foci of Yunnan Province

WU Li and LUO Yunyan contributed equally to this article

National Natural Science Foundation of China 81860565

the Project of "Talent Support Program in Yunnan" YNWR-MY-2019-008

The Science and Technology Innovation Team of Natural Focal Diseases Epidemiology in University of Yunnan Province Yunnan Provincial Department of Education issued [2020] No.102

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  分析鼠形动物特征和环境因子与鼠形动物寄生蚤的关系,明确影响云南剑川鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度和丰富度的因素。  方法  选取剑川县作为采样点,分别在4个季节不同海拔梯度进行鼠形动物、寄生蚤、环境因子取样。使用跨栏模型分析环境因子(季节、生境、海拔)和鼠形动物特征指标(种类、性别、年龄、体长、体重等)与鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度和丰富度的关系。  结果  寄生蚤丰盛度跨栏负二项回归模型多因素分析结果显示:相比于春季,夏季、秋季、冬季的染蚤率分别降低了68%、78%、45%。与耕地相比,林地中野外鼠形动物染蚤数量减少了35%。与齐氏姬鼠相比,大绒鼠的染蚤率增加了0.41倍,中华姬鼠的染蚤率降低54%,其他种类的鼠形动物染蚤率降低了39%;中华姬鼠的染蚤数量降低60%。雌性鼠形动物染蚤率降低了25%。成年的鼠形动物染蚤数量降低了44%。体长>100 mm、耳高>13 mm的鼠形动物染蚤率分别增加了0.48、0.53倍。尾长>13 mm的鼠形动物的染蚤数量降低了49%。寄生蚤丰富度跨栏Poisson回归模型多因素分析结果显示:相比于春季,夏季、秋季、冬季的染蚤率显著降低,分别降低了68%、78%、45%。林地比耕地染蚤种类降低了47%。与齐氏姬鼠相比,大绒鼠染蚤率增加了0.41倍,中华姬鼠的染蚤率降低54%,其他鼠形动物种类染蚤率减低了39%。雌性鼠形动物染蚤率降低了25%。体长>100 mm、耳高>13 mm的鼠形动物染蚤率分别增加了0.48、0.53倍。  结论  影响寄生蚤丰盛度的因素包括季节、生境,以及鼠形动物种类、性别、年龄、体长、尾长、耳高。影响寄生蚤丰富度的因素包括季节、生境,以及鼠形动物种类、性别、体长、耳高。
  • 表  1  鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度单因素跨栏负二项回归分析结果

    Table  1.   Univariate hurdle negative binomial model on the abundance of parasitic fleas on small mammals

    变量Variable 寄生蚤数
    Number of parasitic
    fleas (proportion/%)
    Logistic regression
    Negative binomial regression
    (LR test)
    0 1~27 OR值value
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    季节Season <0.001
      春季Spring 141(18.29) 116(39.32) 1.00 1.00
      夏季Summer 192(24.90) 56(18.98) 0.35(0.24~0.52) <0.001 0.76(0.44~1.32) 0.328
      秋季Autumn 243(31.52) 40(13.56) 0.20(0.13~0.30) <0.001 0.56(0.29~1.06) 0.077
      冬季Winter 195(25.29) 83(28.14) 0.52(0.36~0.74) <0.001 0.93(0.57~1.50) 0.752
    生境Habitat <0.001
      耕地Cultivated field 285(36.96) 146(49.49) 1.00 1.00
      灌丛Bushwood 162(21.01) 64(21.69) 0.77(0.54~1.10) 0.147 0.94(0.57~1.56) 0.827
      林地Woodland 324(42.02) 85(28.81) 0.51(0.38~0.70) <0.001 0.62(0.39~1.00) 0.051
    海拔/m Elevation/m 0.360
      2 300~<2 500 230(29.83) 91(30.85) 1.00 1.00
      2 500~<2 700 441(57.20) 153(51.86) 0.87(0.65~1.19) 0.398 0.93(0.59~1.47) 0.755
      ≥2 700 100(12.97) 51(17.29) 1.29(0.85~1.95) 0.231 1.13(0.62~2.04) 0.697
    鼠形动物种类Small mammals′species <0.001
      齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri 368(47.73) 123(41.69) 1.00 1.00
      大绒鼠Eothenomys mileyus 221(28.66) 132(44.75) 1.79(1.33~2.40) <0.001 2.37(1.59~3.52) <0.001
      中华姬鼠Apodemus draco 104(13.49) 20(6.78) 0.58(0.34~0.97) 0.037 0.42(0.15~1.14) 0.089
      其他鼠种Other species of small mammals 78(10.12) 20(6.78) 0.77(0.45~1.31) 0.329 1.53(0.72~3.24) 0.267
    性别Gender 0.007
      雄性Male 394(51.10) 176(59.66) 1.00 1.00
      雌性Female 377(48.90) 119(40.34) 0.71(0.54~0.93) 0.124 0.67(0.45~1.00) 0.053
    成年Adult 0.007
      否No 74(9.60) 17(5.76) 1.00 1.00
      是Yes 697(90.40) 278(94.24) 1.74(1.01~2.99) 0.047 0.41(0.19~0.90) 0.027
    体重/g Weight/g 0.002
      ≤30 419(54.35) 126(42.71) 1.00 1.00
      >30 352(45.65) 169(57.29) 1.60(1.22~2.09) 0.001 1.17(0.78~1.75) 0.455
    体长/mm Body length/mm 0.002
      ≤100 421(54.60) 125(42.37) 1.00 1.00
      >100 350(45.40) 170(57.63) 1.64(1.25~2.15) <0.001 1.07(0.71~1.61) 0.741
    尾长/mm Tail length/mm <0.001
      ≤72 394(51.10) 175(59.32) 1.00 1.00
      >72 377(48.90) 120(40.68) 0.72(0.55~0.94) 0.016 0.36(0.24~0.54) 0.210
    后足长/mm Hind foot length/mm 0.115
      ≤20 403(52.27) 142(48.14) 1.00 1.00
      >20 368(47.73) 153(51.86) 1.18(0.90~1.54) 0.236 0.71(0.48~1.05) 0.087
    耳高/mm Ear height/mm 0.002
      ≤13 462(59.92) 155(52.54) 1.00 1.00
      >13 309(40.08) 140(47.46) 1.36(1.04~1.78) 0.027 0.58(0.39~0.86) 0.006
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    表  2  鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度多因素跨栏负二项回归分析结果

    Table  2.   Multivariate hurdle negative binomial model on the abundance of parasitic fleas on small mammals

    变量Variable Logistic回归
    Logistic regression
    (LR test)
    Negative binomial regression
    (LR test)
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    季节Season <0.001
      春季Spring 1.00
      夏季Summer 0.32(0.21~0.48) <0.001
      秋季Autumn 0.22(0.14~0.34) <0.001
      冬季Winter 0.55(0.38~0.79) 0.001
    生境Habitat 0.096
      耕地Cultivated field 1.00
      灌丛Bushwood 1.02(0.70~1.57) 0.932
      林地Woodland 0.65(0.42~0.98) 0.041
    鼠形动物种类Small mammals′species <0.001 0.055
      齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri 1.00 1.00
      大绒鼠Eothenomys mileyus 1.41(0.99~2.00) 0.055 1.38(0.82~2.32) 0.232
      中华姬鼠Apodemus draco 0.46(0.27~0.80) 0.005 0.40(0.15~1.07) 0.067
      其他鼠种Other species of small mammals 0.61(0.34~1.08) 0.087 1.61(0.79~3.28) 0.192
    性别Gender 0.050
      雄性Male 1.00
      雌性Female 0.75(0.56~1.00) 0.051
    成年Adult 0.070
      否No 1.00
      是Yes 0.56(0.29~1.06) 0.074
    体长/mm Body length/mm 0.022
      ≤100 1.00
      >100 1.48(1.06~2.07) 0.023
    尾长/mm Tail length/mm 0.014
      ≤72 1.00
      >72 0.51(0.29~0.87) 0.014
    耳高/mm Ear height/mm 0.009
      ≤13 1.00
      >13 1.53(1.11~2.10) 0.009
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    表  3  鼠形动物寄生蚤丰富度单因素跨栏Poisson回归分析结果

    Table  3.   Univariate hurdle Poisson model on the richness of parasitic fleas on small mammals

    变量Variable 寄生蚤数(占比/%)
    Number of parasitic fleas (proportion/%)
    Logistic regression
    Poisson regression
    (LR test)
    0 1~3 OR值value
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    季节Season <0.001
      春季Spring 141(18.29) 116(39.32) 1.00 1.00
      夏季Summer 192(24.90) 56(18.98) 0.35(0.24~0.52) <0.001 1.18(0.64~2.18) 0.595
      秋季Autumn 243(31.52) 40(13.56) 0.20(0.13~0.30) <0.001 1.10(0.55~2.24) 0.776
      冬季Winter 195(25.29) 83(28.14) 0.52(0.36~0.74) <0.001 1.17(0.68~2.02) 0.576
    生境Habitat <0.001
      耕地Cultivated field 285(36.96) 146(49.49) 1.00 1.00
      灌丛Bushwood 162(21.01) 64(21.69) 0.77(0.54~1.10) 0.147 1.18(0.71~1.96) 0.520
      林地Woodland 324(42.02) 85(28.81) 0.51(0.38~0.70) <0.001 0.53(0.28~1.00) 0.051
    海拔/m Elevation/m 0.063
      2 300~<2 500 230(29.83) 91(30.85) 1.00 1.00
      2 500~<2 700 441(57.20) 153(51.86) 0.88(0.65~1.19) 0.398 0.79(0.47~1.33) 0.374
      >2 700 100(12.97) 51(17.29) 1.29(0.85~1.95) 0.231 1.49(0.84~2.66) 0.168
    鼠形动物种类Small mammals′species <0.001
      齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri 368(47.73) 123(41.69) 1.00 1.00
      大绒鼠Eothenomys mileyus 221(28.66) 132(44.75) 1.79(1.33~2.40) <0.001 0.84(0.54~1.37) 0.527
      中华姬鼠Apodemus draco 104(13.49) 20(6.78) 0.58(0.34~0.97) 0.037 0.55(0.17~1.73) 0.304
      其他鼠种Other species of small mammals 78(10.12) 20(6.78) 0.77(0.45~1.31) 0.329 0.55(0.17~1.73) 0.304
    性别Gender 0.025
      雄性Male 394(51.10) 176(59.66) 1.00 1.00
      雌性Female 377(48.90) 119(40.34) 0.71(0.54~0.93) 0.012 0.78(0.49~1.25) 0.307
    成年Adult 0.115
      否No 74(9.60) 17(5.76) 1.00 1.00
      是Yes 697(90.40) 278(94.24) 1.74(1.01~2.99) 0.047 1.05(0.40~2.79) 0.920
    体重/g Weight/g 0.002
      ≤30 419(54.35) 126(42.71) 1.00 1.00
      >30 352(45.65) 169(57.29) 1.60(1.22~2.09) 0.001 0.86(0.55~1.35) 0.519
    体长/mm Body length/mm 0.002
      ≤100 421(54.60) 125(42.37) 1.00 1.00
      >100 350(45.40) 170(57.63) 1.64(1.25~2.15) <0.001 1.00(0.64~1.56) 0.988
    尾长/mm Tail length/mm 0.047
      ≤72 394(51.10) 175(59.32) 1.00 1.00
      >72 377(48.90) 120(40.68) 0.72(0.55~0.94) 0.016 1.13(0.72~1.76) 0.596
    后足长/mm Hind foot length/mm 0.428
      ≤20 403(52.27) 142(48.14) 1.00 1.00
      >20 368(47.73) 153(51.86) 1.18(0.90~1.54) 0.236 1.13(0.72~1.77) 0.589
    耳高/mm Ear height/mm 0.074
      ≤13 462(59.92) 155(52.54) 1.00 1.00
      >13 309(40.08) 140(47.46) 1.35(1.04~1.78) 0.027 1.13(0.72~1.76) 0.594
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    表  4  鼠形动物寄生蚤丰富度多因素跨栏Poisson回归分析结果

    Table  4.   Multivariate hurdle Poisson model on the richness of parasitic fleas on small mammals

    变量Variable Logistic回归
    Logistic regression
    (LR test)
    Poisson regression
    (LR test)
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    季节Season <0.001
      春季Spring 1.00
      夏季Summer 0.32(0.21~0.48) <0.001
      秋季Autumn 0.22(0.14~0.34) <0.001
      冬季Winter 0.55(0.38~0.79) 0.001
    生境Habitat 0.047
      耕地Cultivated field 1.00
      灌丛Bushwood 1.18(0.71~1.96) 0.520
      林地Woodland 0.53(0.28~1.00) 0.051
    鼠形动物种类Small mammals′species <0.001
      齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri 1.00
      大绒鼠Eothenomys mileyus 1.41(0.99~2.00) 0.053
      中华姬鼠Apodemus draco 0.46(0.27~0.80) 0.005
      其他鼠种Other species of small mammals 0.61(0.34~1.07) 0.096
    性别Gender 0.050
      雄性Male 1.00
      雌性Female 0.75(0.56~1.00) 0.051
    体长/mm Body length/mm 0.022
      ≤100 1.00
      >100 1.48(1.06~2.07) 0.018
    耳高/mm Ear height/mm 0.009
      ≤13 1.00
      >13 1.53(1.11~2.10) 0.009
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-10-26
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