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史洪静 陈媛媛 吕筠 孙点剑一 满塞丽麦 王晓娜 李立明 王波 余灿清

史洪静, 陈媛媛, 吕筠, 孙点剑一, 满塞丽麦, 王晓娜, 李立明, 王波, 余灿清. 2008―2018年北京城区某体检人群膳食多样化和膳食质量变化趋势[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(3): 316-322. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.03.011
引用本文: 史洪静, 陈媛媛, 吕筠, 孙点剑一, 满塞丽麦, 王晓娜, 李立明, 王波, 余灿清. 2008―2018年北京城区某体检人群膳食多样化和膳食质量变化趋势[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(3): 316-322. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.03.011
SHI Hongjing, CHEN Yuanyuan, LYU Jun, SUN Dianjianyi, MAN Sailimai, WANG Xiaona, LI Liming, WANG Bo, YU Canqing. Trend analysis on dietary diversity and quality among urban residents with health examination in Beijing from 2008 to 2018[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(3): 316-322. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.03.011
Citation: SHI Hongjing, CHEN Yuanyuan, LYU Jun, SUN Dianjianyi, MAN Sailimai, WANG Xiaona, LI Liming, WANG Bo, YU Canqing. Trend analysis on dietary diversity and quality among urban residents with health examination in Beijing from 2008 to 2018[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(3): 316-322. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.03.011


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.03.011

国家自然科学基金 81973125

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国家自然科学基金 82192904

国家自然科学基金 82192900




  • 中图分类号: R151.4

Trend analysis on dietary diversity and quality among urban residents with health examination in Beijing from 2008 to 2018


National Natural Science Foundation of China 81973125

National Natural Science Foundation of China 82192901

National Natural Science Foundation of China 82192904

National Natural Science Foundation of China 82192900

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解2008―2018年北京城区某体检人群膳食多样化及膳食质量变化趋势。  方法  选择2008―2018年在北京某体检中心完成体检问卷的北京城区居民为研究对象,利用半定量食物频率问卷计算主要食物组每日摄入量,根据2010年全国人口普查数据中北京市≥20岁城市居民性别和年龄构成对膳食多样化评分-9分类(diet diversity score-9 classification,DDS9)和中国膳食平衡指数(Chinese diet balance index,DBI_16)的得分和指标百分率标准化,采用Meta回归分析探究变化趋势。  结果  共纳入224 178人次,标准化后DDS9得分11年间增加0.2分,达标率从5.1%增至7.4%(P < 0.001)。2008―2018年北京城区居民DBI_16总分呈上升趋势(β=0.16, P < 0.001),对应达标率从4.9%降至3.8%,其中正端分中高度摄入过量率从43.7%增至54.3%(β=1.07, P < 0.001),负端分适宜率从79.3%增至83.1%(β=0.35, P < 0.001),膳食质量距的各百分率无长期变化趋势(P>0.05)。  结论  2008―2018年北京市城区居民膳食摄入不足的问题有所改善,膳食摄入过量的问题逐年加重,膳食多样化状况不佳。应采取干预措施指导居民理解膳食多样化、促进居民膳食均衡、提高膳食质量。
  • 图  1  2008―2018年北京城区居民DDS9和DBI_16标化百分率变化趋势


    Figure  1.  Trends in the standardized percentages of DDS9 and DBI_16 of Beijing urban residents from 2008 to 2018

    DDS9:diet diversity score-9 classification; DBI_16:Chinese diet balance index; HBS: high bound score; LBS: low bound score; DQD: diet quality distance.

    表  1  研究对象的一般特征

    Table  1.   Characteristics of the study population

    Numberof people
    性别 Gender 年龄组/岁 Age group/years 本科及以上教育
    Bachelor degree or above
    Annual income ≥150 000 yuan


    20~<40岁years 40~<60岁years 60~<100岁years
    2008 15 647 56.9 43.1 52.7 41.4 5.9 69.9 21.6
    2009 16 666 54.9 45.1 51.2 43.1 5.7 71.2 23.5
    2010 17 488 56.0 44.0 49.2 44.1 6.7 71.5 26.7
    2011 19 670 54.7 45.3 47.8 46.0 6.2 72.6 29.4
    2012 24 820 53.6 46.4 44.0 49.6 6.4 71.0 26.3
    2013 27 643 53.2 46.8 45.4 47.5 7.1 72.4 25.9
    2014 23 634 53.9 46.1 49.9 42.1 8.0 76.4 28.3
    2015 22 011 52.6 47.4 51.9 40.4 7.6 75.4 28.6
    2016 17 875 51.0 49.0 43.1 47.9 9.0 75.3 34.9
    2017 17 764 51.5 48.5 42.8 48.5 8.7 76.5 38.7
    2018 20 960 51.2 48.8 42.4 49.2 8.4 77.6 37.9
    合计Total 224 178 53.5 46.5 47.1 45.6 7.3 73.7 29.2
    Note: ① Proportion/%.
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    表  2  2008―2018年北京城区居民DDS9和DBI_16得分变化趋势

    Table  2.   Trends in DDS9 and DBI_16 scores of Beijing urban residents from 2008 to 2018

    DDS9 谷类
    Vegetable and fruit
    Dairy and beans
    Animal food
    Empty energy food
    Diet variety
    Total points
    2008 4.3(1.3) 9.2(4.0) -1.1(1.7) -5.2(2.1) 1.6(3.7) 0.8(1.3) -2.1(1.1) 3.3(7.3) 12.6(4.8) 9.4(4.3) 22.0(5.4)
    2009 4.2(1.3) 9.3(4.0) -1.0(1.6) -5.2(2.1) 1.8(3.6) 0.8(1.3) -2.1(1.1) 3.6(7.2) 12.8(4.7) 9.2(4.1) 22.1(5.1)
    2010 4.3(1.3) 9.4(3.9) -1.1(1.6) -5.2(2.0) 1.9(3.6) 0.8(1.3) -2.1(1.1) 3.7(7.0) 13.0(4.7) 9.3(4.1) 22.3(5.2)
    2011 4.3(1.3) 9.6(3.8) -1.1(1.6) -5.2(2.0) 2.1(3.7) 0.8(1.3) -2.0(1.1) 4.1(7.1) 13.3(4.7) 9.2(4.1) 22.5(5.1)
    2012 4.3(1.3) 9.6(3.8) -1.1(1.7) -5.3(2.1) 2.2(3.7) 0.8(1.3) -2.1(1.1) 4.1(7.1) 13.4(4.6) 9.3(4.1) 22.7(5.2)
    2013 4.3(1.3) 9.5(3.9) -1.1(1.7) -5.3(2.1) 2.1(3.6) 0.8(1.3) -2.1(1.1) 4.0(7.1) 13.3(4.6) 9.3(4.1) 22.6(5.1)
    2014 4.3(1.3) 9.6(3.8) -1.0(1.6) -5.3(2.1) 2.2(3.6) 0.8(1.3) -2.1(1.1) 4.3(7.0) 13.4(4.6) 9.1(4.1) 22.6(5.1)
    2015 4.4(1.3) 9.6(3.8) -0.9(1.6) -5.3(2.1) 2.4(3.6) 0.8(1.2) -2.0(1.1) 4.4(7.0) 13.5(4.6) 9.1(4.1) 22.6(5.1)
    2016 4.4(1.3) 9.6(3.9) -0.9(1.6) -5.3(2.1) 2.7(3.6) 0.8(1.2) -2.0(1.1) 4.8(7.1) 13.7(4.7) 8.9(4.0) 22.5(5.1)
    2017 4.5(1.3) 9.5(3.9) -0.9(1.6) -5.3(2.1) 2.9(3.6) 0.8(1.2) -1.9(1.1) 5.1(7.1) 13.9(4.7) 8.7(4.0) 22.6(5.2)
    2018 4.4(1.4) 9.3(4.2) -1.0(1.6) -5.3(2.2) 3.0(3.5) 0.8(1.2) -1.9(1.1) 4.8(7.3) 13.7(4.8) 8.9(4.1) 22.6(5.2)
    β值value 0.02 0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.13 0 0.02 0.16 0.11 -0.06 0.05
    P值value < 0.001 0.328 0.002 0.057 < 0.001 0.050 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.002
    Note:DDS9,diet diversity score-9 classification;DBI_16,Chinese diet balance index;HBS,high bound score;LBS,low bound score;DQD,diet quality distance.
    ① Standard deviation (averge).
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    表  3  2008―2018年北京城区居民亚组人群DBI_16标准化中位百分率及变化趋势

    Table  3.   The standardized median percentages and trends of DBI_16 among subgroups from 2008 to 2018

    DBI_16指标DBI_16 index 男性 Men 女性 Women
    20~<40岁years 40~<60岁years 60~<100岁years 20~<40岁years 40~<60岁years 60~<100岁years
    正端分High bound score
      适宜率Qualified rate 8.9(-0.26) 4.3(-0.33) 4.3(-0.16) 13.6(-0.25) 8.1(-0.13) 5.1(-0.07)
      低度摄入过量率Low surplus of food intake rate 41.2(-0.70) 38.1(-0.58) 39.3(-1.28) 41.5(-0.78) 45.1(-1.00) 44.4(-1.67)
      中高度摄入过量率Moderate or severe surplus of food intake rate 50.0(0.98) 56.7(0.93) 54.3(1.50) 46.7(1.03) 46.9(1.09) 50.6(1.64)
    负端分Low bound score
      适宜率Qualified rate 80.4(0.92) 81.9(0.28) 85.9(0.47) 79.1(-0.05) 81.8(0.10) 84.4(0.42)
      低度摄入不足率Low deficiency of food intake rate 19.2(-0.91) 17.9(-0.27) 13.8(-0.46) 20.3(0.08) 17.9(-0.07) 14.8(-0.38)
      中高度摄入不足率Moderate or severe deficiency of food intake rate 0.3(-0.03) 0.3(-0.02) 0.1(0.01) 0.5(-0.03) 0.4(-0.02) 0.1(-0.04)
    膳食质量距Dietary quality distance
      适宜率Qualified rate 8.3(0.15) 4.5(-0.20) 6.0(-0.29) 10.7(-0.14) 6.6(-0.17) 5.3(-0.09)
      低度摄入失衡率Low imbalance of food intake rate 79.4(-0.01) 80.4(0.16) 83.2(0.23) 81.5(-0.03) 85.1(-0.03) 86.9(-0.11)
      中高度摄入失衡率Moderate or severe imbalance of food intake rate 11.2(-0.13) 14.6(0.07) 9.5(0.10) 8.2(0.20) 8.2(0.19) 7.1(0.20)
    ①以中位百分率[年均变化率(β值)]表示;② P < 0.05。
    Note:DBI_16,Chinese diet balance index.
    ①Median percentage [annual rate of change (β value)];② P<0.05.
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