Study on the association of telephone calls from close family and friends with cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults
摘要: 目的 探讨亲友电话沟通与中老年人认知功能的相关性,为防控老年性痴呆提供依据。方法 选“广州生物库队列研究”第三期基线数据中9 434名年龄≥50岁的广州居民,通过标准化问卷收集研究对象简易精神状态检查(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)得分、与亲友电话沟通频率、年龄、文化程度等其他相关变量,采用一般线性模型和非条件逻辑(Logistic)回归模型进行统计分析。轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)判定:MMSE<24分。结果 多因素调整后,亲友电话沟通频率与MMSE得分显著相关且呈剂量-反应关系,随着电话沟通频率的减少,MMSE得分降低,突出表现在郊区中老年人;以电话沟通频率≥1次/周为参比组,<1次/月组和无沟通组患MCI的风险增加,OR分别为1.26(95% CI:1.02~1.55)和1.63(95% CI:1.25~2.11),该两组中居住在郊区中老年人患MCI的OR则分别为1.52(95% CI:1.13~2.03)和2.13(95% CI:1.51~3.01)。结论 亲友电话沟通频率与中老年人认知功能呈正相关,每月<1次电话沟通提示郊区中老人可能患上轻度认知障碍,值得进行增加电话沟通干预以测试增加亲友电话沟通能否有助防控老年性痴呆。Abstract: Objective To examine the association of telephone communication with family and friends with cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults, and to provide evidence for the prevention and control of senile dementia. Methods Based on the baseline data collected in phase 3 of guangzhou biobank cohort study (GBCS), 9 434 Guangzhou residents aged 50 years or older were included. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect information including mini-mental state examination(MMSE) score, telephone communication with family and friends, age, educational level and other relevant information. General Linear Model and non-conditional Logistic regression were used for data analysis. Mild cognitive impairment(MCI) was defined as MMSE less than 24 points.Results After adjustment for the potential factors above, telephone communication with family and friends was significantly associated with MMSE scores in a dose-response pattern, with less frequent telephone calls being associated with lower MMSE score, especially in middle-aged and older people living in the rural area. Compared to those with telephone calls at least once a week, those with telephone calls less than once a month (OR=1.26,95% CI:1.02-1.55) and without telephone calls(OR=1.63,95% CI:1.25-2.11) were associated with a higher risk of MCI, and the results were more significant in those living in the rural area(OR=1.52,95% CI:1.13-2.03 and OR=2.13,95% CI:1.51-3.01, respectively).Conclusions Higher frequency of telephone communication with family and friends was associated with better cognitive function. Telephone communication with family and friends <1 month could be an indicator of mild cognitive disorders in rural middle and older people. Intervention studies on the effects of increasing telephone communication may help to prevent the development of dementia.
Key words:
- Aged /
- Cognitive disorders /
- Epidemiologic methods
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