目的 了解我国老年人慢性病患病率、共病患病及共病组合情况。 方法 采用中国健康与养老追踪调查(china health and retirement longitudinal study,CHARLS)于2015年发布的数据,对选取的11 698个60岁以上老年人样本进行慢性病患病现状、共病患病现状的描述性统计分析。 结果 我国60岁及以上老年人的慢性病患病率为69.13%,其中,患病率排名前三位的依次为关节炎或风湿病(38.50%),高血压(26.42%),胃部或消化道系统疾病(24.53%)。共病患病率为43.65%,共病率排在前三位的顺次为关节炎或风湿病(28.78%)、高血压(21.29%)、胃部或消化系统疾病(20.01%);常见的二元疾病组合为胃部或消化道系统疾病+关节炎或风湿病、高血压+关节炎或风湿病、慢性肺部疾患+关节炎或风湿病等模式;常见的三元疾病组合为高血压+胃部或消化道系统疾病+关节炎或风湿病、胃部或消化道系统疾病+慢性肺部疾患+关节炎或风湿病、高血压+心脏病+关节炎或风湿病等模式。 结论 我国老年人慢性病患病率、共病率较高,慢性病患病、共病患病情况较为严重。卫生行政部门应提高对慢性病共病的管理意识,采取相应措施以提升老年人健康水平。 Abstract:Objective To invistigate the prevalence of chronic diseases, the conditions and patterns of multimorbidity in elderly people of China. Methods A total of 11 698 samples aged over 60 years were selected from 2015 data of china health and retirement longitudinal study(CHARLS) for descriptive statistics analysis of chronic disease and multimorbidity status. Results The prevalence of chronic diseases was 69.13%. Top three diseases of prevalence were arthritis or rheumatism (38.50%), hypertension (26.42%), stomach or Gastrointestinal system diseases (24.53%). The prevalence of multimorbidity was 43.65%, and top three diseases of multimorbidity were arthritis or rheumatism (28.78%), hypertension (21.29%), stomach or digestive system disease (20.01%); Common dual disease combinations were gastric or digestive tract disease+arthritis or rheumatism, hypertension + arthritis or rheumatism, chronic lung disease + arthritis or rheumatism; common three disease combinations were hypertension+stomach or digestive tract disease + arthritis or rheumatism, stomach or digestive system disease + chronic lung disease + arthritis or rheumatism, hypertension+heart disease+joints inflammation or rheumatism. Conclusions The prevalence of chronic diseases and multimorbidity among elderly people are high in China and conditions of chronic diseases and multimorbidity are not optimistic. The health administrative department should raise awareness of management in chronic diseases and multimorbidity, and take actions to improve the health status of the elderly. -
Key words:
- Elderly people /
- Chronic diseases /
- Multimorbidity /
- CHARLS data
表 1 样本基本情况
Table 1. Basic situation of sample
特征 人数 年龄(x±s) 不患慢性病 患一种 患两种及以上 性别 男 5 705 69.97±7.58 1 893 1 485 2 327 女 5 993 70.39±8.19 1 718 1 496 2 779 年龄(岁) 60~ 6 504 64.34±2.79 2 118 1 737 2 649 70~ 3 413 73.87±2.80 893 813 1 707 80~ 1 648 83.78±2.34 561 391 696 ≥90 130 93.02±3.37 38 38 54 表 2 慢性病患病人数统计表
Table 2. The number of chronic disease patients
慢性病种类 患病人数 慢性病种类 患病人数 关节炎或风湿病 4 504 糖尿病或血糖升高 777 高血压 3 091 哮喘 574 胃部或消化道系统疾病 2 870 肝脏疾病 508 心脏病 1 604 中风 339 慢性肺部疾患 1 442 与记忆相关的疾病 255 血脂异常 1 235 情感及精神方面问题 182 肾脏疾病 816 癌症等恶性肿瘤 129 表 3 慢性病患病数量基本情况
Table 3. The number of patients in different disease number
患病数量 人数 患病数量 人数 0 3 611 6 166 1 2 981 7 65 2 2 374 8 25 3 1371 9 8 4 734 10 2 5 361 -
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