Study on obsessive-compulsive symptoms and influencing factors in college students with left-behind experience
目的 了解留守经历大学生强迫症状(obsessive-compulsive symptoms,OCS)及相关影响因素。 方法 选取安徽省3所高校的留守经历大学生,使用中文版强迫量表修订版(obsessive-compulsive inventory-revised,OCI-R)、罗森伯格自尊量表(self-esteem scale,SES)、Zung抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale,SDS)以及自编大学生留守经历基本情况问卷进行测试,采用多因素Logistic回归模型分析强迫症状的影响因素。 结果 共调查留守经历大学生2 291名,强迫症状检出率26.5%。留守经历大学生强迫症状在与父母见面频率、看护人教养方式、与看护人之间的矛盾、吸烟和饮酒间的差异均有统计学意义(均有P < 0.05)。通过多因素Logistic回归分析表明:看护人采取严厉型教养方式(OR=1.300,95%CI:1.025~1.649,P=0.030)、放纵型教养方式(OR=1.372,95%CI:1.017~1.852,P=0.038)、吸烟(OR=1.982,95%CI:1.305~3.011,P=0.001)、有抑郁症状(OR=2.423,95%CI:1.954~3.005,P < 0.001)、中自尊(OR=0.604,95%CI:0.481~0.759,P < 0.001)以及高自尊(OR=0.488,95%CI:0.362~0.659,P < 0.001)是留守经历大学生强迫症状的影响因素。 结论 留守经历大学生强迫症状检出率较高,对相关影响因素进行干预可有效降低留守经历大学生强迫症状。 Abstract:Objective To understand the obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and relative influencing factors among college students with left-behind experience. Methods College students with left-behind experience were selected from three universities in Anhui Province. The Chinese Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and self-edited basic situation questionnaires were used to measure the OCS, self-esteem, depression and left-behind experience. Multivariate logistic regressions model was applied to examine the influential factors of OCS. Results A total of 2 291 college students with left-behind experience were investigated. The detection rate for OCS in college students with left-behind experience were 26.5%. Regarding the OCS in college students with left-behind experience, significant differences were found in the following aspects: frequency of meeting with parents, parenting style, conflicts with caregivers, smoking and drinking (all P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that caregiver adopts strict parenting style (OR=1.300, 95%CI: 1.025-1.649, P=0.030), indulgent parenting style (OR=1.372, 95%CI: 1.017-1.852, P=0.038), smoking (OR=1.982, 95%CI: 1.305-3.011, P=0.001), depressive symptoms (OR=2.423, 95%CI: 1.954-3.005, P < 0.001), medium self-esteem (OR=0.604, 95%CI: 0.481-0.759, P < 0.001) and high self-esteem (OR=0.488, 95%CI: 0.362-0.659, P < 0.001) were influencing factors of OCS. Conclusions The prevalence rate of OCS among college students with left-behind experience is high. Some interventions should be taken to reduce the OCS among college students with left-behind experience. -
表 1 留守经历大学生强迫症状影响因素的单因素分析[n(%)]
Table 1. Single factors analysis of influential factors of OCS for college students with left-behind experience [n(%)]
特征 强迫症状(n=606) 非强迫症状(n=1 685) χ2值 P值 性别 1.341 0.247 男 388(27.3) 1 034(72.7) 女 218(25.1) 651(74.9) 是否独生子女 0.047 0.829 是 157(26.8) 429(73.2) 否 449(26.3) 1 256(73.7) 父母外出方式 3.194 0.202 父亲外出 211(25.7) 610(74.3) 母亲外出 43(33.1) 87(66.9) 父母双方外出 352(26.3) 988(73.7) 与父母联系频率 3.306 0.347 每天/次 53(29.4) 127(70.6) 周/次 269(24.8) 817(75.2) 1~4周/次 132(27.3) 351(72.7) ≥1个月/次 152(28.0) 390(72.0) 与父母见面频率(月/次) 6.278 0.043 <6 305(27.3) 812(72.7) 6~ 256(24.6) 786(75.4) >12 45(34.1) 87(65.9) 看护人类型 2.994 0.393 父亲 35(31.8) 75(68.2) 母亲 177(26.0) 503(74.0) 祖父母或外祖父母 316(25.6) 916(74.4) 其他 78(29.0) 191(71.0) 看护人教养方式 20.317 <0.001 民主型 319(23.0) 1 069(77.0) 严厉型 175(31.6) 379(68.4) 放纵型 90(31.8) 193(68.2) 与看护人之间矛盾 14.842 0.001 没有矛盾 209(22.6) 714(77.4) 偶尔矛盾 355(28.3) 899(71.7) 经常矛盾 20(41.7) 28(58.3) 吸烟 24.315 <0.001 是 56(45.5) 67(54.5) 否 550(25.4) 1 618(74.6) 饮酒 4.513 0.034 是 205(29.4) 492(70.6) 否 401(25.2) 1 193(74.8) 自尊 91.482 <0.001 低自尊 310(37.9) 508(62.1) 中自尊 211(22.1) 742(77.9) 高自尊 85(16.3) 435(83.7) 抑郁症状 142.624 <0.001 有 333(41.4) 471(58.6) 无 273(18.4) 1 214(81.6) 注:看护人教养方式以及与看护人之间矛盾有缺失。 表 2 留守经历大学生强迫症状影响因素的Logistic回归分析
Table 2. Logistic regression analysis of influential factors of OCS for college students with left-behind experience
变量 β值 sx Wald值 OR(95%CI)值 P值 看护人教养方式 民主型 1.000 严厉型 0.262 0.121 4.684 1.300(1.025~1.649) 0.030 放纵型 0.317 0.153 4.278 1.372(1.017~1.852) 0.038 吸烟 否 1.000 是 0.684 0.213 10.293 1.982(1.305~3.011) 0.001 自尊 低自尊 1.000 中自尊 -0.504 0.116 18.791 0.604(0.481~0.759) < 0.001 高自尊 -0.717 0.153 21.953 0.488(0.362~0.659) < 0.001 抑郁症状 无 1.000 有 0.885 0.110 64.968 2.423(1.954~3.005) < 0.001 注:看护人教养方式有66人缺失 -
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