目的 探讨睡眠时长与不同缺血性卒中(ischemic stroke,IS)亚型的相关性。 方法 以北京市农村社区居民为研究对象,开展问卷调查、体格检查以及血生化检测。睡眠时长作为分类变量,分为睡眠时长≤ 5 h/d(< 5.5 h/d)、6 h/d(5.5~6.5 h/d)、7 h/d(6.5~7.5 h/d)、8 h/d(7.5~8.5 h/d)、≥ 9 h/d(≥ 8.5 h/d),依据急性卒中Org 10172治疗试验(trial of org 10172 in acute stroke treatment,TOAST)分型对IS进行分型,采用Logistic回归分析模型睡眠时长与不同IS亚型的相关性。 结果 共纳入6 370名研究对象,平均年龄为(58.34±9.37)岁。Logistic回归分析模型显示,在调整年龄、性别、行为生活方式、社会经济状况和健康状态后,与睡眠时长为7 h/d的相比,睡眠时长≤ 5 h/d的患IS、大动脉粥样硬化型卒中,小动脉闭塞型卒中和不明原因型卒中的风险分别是对照组的1.75倍(95%CI:1.42~2.15,P < 0.001)、1.98倍(95%CI:1.46~2.70,P < 0.001)、5.73倍(95%CI:3.34~9.83,P < 0.001)和4.43倍(95%CI:1.86~10.53,P=0.001)。然而,睡眠时长8 h/d和≥ 9 h/d仅在IS和大动脉粥样硬化型卒中中表现出有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 睡眠不足与IS、大动脉粥样硬化型卒中、小动脉闭塞型卒中和不明原因型卒中风险增加有关,而睡眠过长仅与IS和大动脉粥样硬化型卒中风险增加有关。 Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between sleep duration and different ischemic stroke (IS) subtypes. Methods Participants in the study were recruited from rural communities in Beijing. The survey questionnaires, physical examination and biochemical tests were performed. Sleep duration was categorized into 5 groups, namely ≤ 5 hours/day, 6 hours/day (5.5-6.5 h/d), 7 hours/day (6.5-7.5 h/d), 8 hours/day (7.5-8.5 h/d) and ≥ 9 hours/day(≥ 8.5 h/d). Classification of ischemic stroke was based on Trial of org 10172 in acute stroke treatment(TOAST)classification. Logistic models were used to evaluate the associations between sleep duration and different IS subtypes. Results A total of 6 370 participants were recruited. The average age was (58.34±9.37) years old. Logistic regression analysis showed that after adjusting for age, sex, behavioral lifestyle, socioeconomic status and health status, compared to subjects with 7 hours/day, subjects with sleep duration ≤ 5 hours/day was significantly associated with increased risk of IS (OR=1.75, 95% CI: 1.42-2.15, P < 0.001), large-artery atherosclerosis (OR=1.98, 95% CI: 1.46-2.70, P < 0.001), small-artery occlusion lacunar (OR=5.73, 95% CI: 3.34-9.83, P < 0.001) and stroke of undetermined etiology (OR=4.43, 95% CI: 1.86-10.53, P=0.001). Subjects with sleep duration 8 hours/day and ≥ 9 hours/day was only found to be significantly associated with IS and large-artery atherosclerosis (P < 0.05). Conclusions Short sleep duration is associated with increased risk of IS, large-artery atherosclerosis, small-artery occlusion lacunar and stroke of undetermined etiology. But long sleep duration is only associated with increased risk of IS and large-artery atherosclerosis. -
Key words:
- Sleep duration /
- Ischemic stroke /
- Subtype /
- Risk factors
表 1 不同睡眠时长研究对象的基本特征[n(%)]
Table 1. Basic characteristics of study subjects according to different sleep durations [n(%)]
特征 睡眠时长 F/χ2值 P值 ≤5 h/d 6 h/d 7 h/d 8 h/d ≥9 h/d n(%) 940(14.76) 734(11.52) 1 184(18.59) 1 709(26.83) 1 803(28.30) - - 年龄(岁) 57.61±9.71 57.82±9.19 57.44±8.93 58.20±9.17 59.65±0.59 13.70 <0.001 性别 4.20 0.379 男性 443(47.13) 330(44.96) 563(47.55) 835(48.86) 882(48.92) 女性 497(52.87) 404(55.04) 621(52.45) 874(51.14) 921(51.08) 教育程度 41.56 <0.001 小学及以下 420(44.68) 293(39.92) 430(36.32) 662(38.74) 838(46.48) 初中及以上 520(55.32) 441(60.08) 754(63.68) 1047(61.26) 965(53.52) 职业 224.97 <0.001 农民 546(58.09) 304(41.42) 405(34.21) 560(32.77) 567(31.45) 非农民 394(41.91) 430(58.58) 779(65.79) 1 149(67.23) 1236(68.55) 人均月收入(元) 129.74 <0.001 <800 858(91.28) 577(78.61) 881(74.41) 1 259(73.67) 1 351(74.93) ≥800 82(8.72) 157(21.39) 303(25.59) 450(26.33) 452(25.07) 婚姻状况 5.47 0.243 在婚 840(89.36) 650(88.56) 1 055(89.10) 1 535(89.82) 1 577(87.47) 非在婚 100(10.64) 84(11.44) 129(10.90) 174(10.18) 226(12.53) 吸烟 2.77 0.596 吸烟 442(47.02) 329(44.82) 519(43.83) 760(44.47) 825(45.76) 非吸烟 498(52.98) 405(55.18) 665(56.17) 949(55.53) 978(54.24) 表 2 睡眠时长与IS及其亚型的多因素Logistic回归分析
Table 2. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the relationship between sleep duration and IS and its subtypes
睡眠时长 R2 ≤5 h/d 6 h/d 7 h/d 8 h/d ≥9 h/d 缺血性卒中 模型1a 2.19(1.80~2.66) 1.27(1.02~1.58) 1.00 1.27(1.07~1.51) 1.51(1.28~1.80) 0.057 模型2b 1.69(1.38~2.06) 1.20(0.96~1.50) 1.00 1.28(1.07~1.53) 1.53(1.28~1.82) 0.084 模型3c 1.75(1.42~2.15) 1.19(0.95~1.49) 1.00 1.29(1.07~1.54) 1.57(1.31~1.88) 0.118 LAA 模型1a 2.18(1.64~2.90) 1.22(0.87~1.70) 1.00 1.30(1.00~1.70) 1.64(1.27~2.12) 0.057 模型2b 1.81(1.35~2.43) 1.17(0.84~1.64) 1.00 1.32(1.01~1.73) 1.61(1.24~2.09) 0.099 模型3c 1.98(1.46~2.70) 1.20(0.85~1.69) 1.00 1.32(1.00~1.74) 1.71(1.31~2.23) 0.138 SAO 模型1a 11.03(6.64~18.31) 1.74(0.90~3.38) 1.00 1.14(0.62~2.07) 1.13(0.62~2.06) 0.139 模型2b 6.12(3.64~10.28) 1.43(0.73~2.81) 1.00 1.15(0.63~2.10) 1.22(0.66~2.24) 0.217 模型3c 5.73(3.34~9.83) 1.37(0.70~2.72) 1.00 1.12(0.61~2.08) 1.32(0.71~2.44) 0.259 SUE 模型1a 4.10(1.79~9.38) 0.44(0.09~2.09) 1.00 1.46(0.62~3.43) 2.08(0.93~4.69) 0.054 模型2b 4.14(1.77~9.70) 0.45(0.09~2.11) 1.00 1.43(0.61~3.36) 2.02(0.89~4.55) 0.077 模型3c 4.43(1.86~10.53) 0.46(0.10~2.19) 1.00 1.46(0.62~3.45) 2.27(0.99~5.16) 0.117 注:a模型1:调整年龄、性别(男性、女性);b模型2:在模型1的基础上进一步调整教育程度(小学及以下、初中及以上)、职业(农民、非农民)、婚姻状况(在婚、非在婚)、人均月收入(<800元、≥800元)、吸烟(是、否)、饮酒(是、否)、水果摄入(较多、较少)、体力活动情况(规律活动、非规律活动);c模型3:在模型2的基础上进一步调整缺血性卒中家族史(是、否)、BMI、高血压(是、否)、糖尿病(是、否)和TC。 -
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