Investigation of cognition and prevention and control behavior of COVID-19 among undergraduates in Anhui Province
目的 分析安徽省大学生对于新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)的认知和防控行为, 为在校大学生开展健康教育提供科学依据。 方法 自行设计匿名问卷, 利用问卷星, 以微信、QQ等转发给特定人或分享至朋友圈的形式开展此次调查。选取安徽省大学生为调查对象, 进行现况调查研究, 共调查对象3 037名。 结果 大学生获取疫情信息途径方面, 网络社交工具如微信、QQ占98.5%, 至少三种途径占65.7%, 除报纸、杂志和网络社交工具外, 同一疫情传播途径在城市和农村群体间差异均有统计学意义(均有P < 0.05); COVID-19相关知识知晓情况方面, 8题全部回答正确占14.7%, 女生的知晓率高于男生(χ2=37.384, P < 0.001);就诊意向方面, 选择到定点医院占63.3%, 利用网络发热筛查门诊占25%;防控措施方面, 前三依次为不聚会少出门(97.6%)、出门佩戴口罩(92.8%)、不去人多且封闭的场所(90.8%), 男女对于部分防控措施选择存在差异(均有P < 0.05);行为改变意愿方面, 女生部分措施的选择率高于男生(均有P < 0.05), 不同认知情况与采取的防控措施(r s=0.146, P < 0.05)、行为改变意愿数量(r s=0.138, P < 0.05)之间存在正相关。 结论 大学生对于COVID-19认知情况掌握不够全面, 应采取多种途径加强宣传力度。根据性别特点, 开展有针对性的健康教育, 提高大学生群体的认知水平, 有助于选择适当的防控措施。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the current situation of knowledge and practice of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) among undergraduates in Anhui Province, so as to provide scientific basis for health education strategies for university students. Methods The questionnaire was designed by questionnaire star, and was adopted to conduct anonymous survey on network platforms such as WeChat, QQ, etc. SPSS 18.0 software was used to collect and analyze the data. Results According to the survey, the students obtained the epidemic information mainly through online social tools such as WeChat and QQ(98.5%), and 65.7% of students obtained information in three or more ways. Except for newspapers, magazines and online social tools, there were significant differences in the same route of transmission among urban and rural groups(all P < 0.05). In terms of the knowledge about COVID-19, 14.7% of the students answered all the 8 questions correctly, and the awareness rate of the female students was higher than the males(χ2=37.384, P < 0.001). In terms of treatment intention, 63.3% of the students chose designated hospitals, and 25% chose online fever screening. In terms of COVID-19 prevention and control, the top three measures were: "no gathering and less going out"(97.6%), "wear masks when going out"(92.8%) and "do not go to crowded and closed places"(90.8%), and statistical differences were observed in the choice of prevention and control measures by gender(allP < 0.05). Additionally, females had a higher selection rate than males in the willingness to change behavior(allP < 0.05). The knowledge was positively correlated with number of protective measures(rs =0.146, P < 0.05)and number of willingness to change behavior(rs =0.138, P < 0.05). Conclusions The undergraduates do not have a comprehensive knowledge of COVID-19, and varieties of methods are suggested to strengthen publicity and education. According to gender characteristics, targeted health education should be carried out, which is more conducive to improving the cognitive level of undergraduates groups and selecting appropriate prevention and control measures. -
Key words:
- University students /
- Coronavirus disease 2019 /
- Knowledge /
- Prevention /
- Practice
表 1 大学生获取疫情信息途径的比较
Table 1. Main channels for university students to obtain epidemic information
信息来源 总人群 性别 城乡 人数(n) 百分比(%) 男(%) 女(%) χ2值 P值 城市(%) 农村(%) χ2值 P值 网络社交工具(微信、QQ等) 2 990 98.5 98.7 98.3 0.415 0.519 98.6 98.4 0.252 0.616 电视 1 676 55.2 54.8 55.4 0.114 0.736 59.0 52.5 12.620 < 0.001 广播 778 25.6 25.4 25.7 0.036 0.850 19.7 29.9 39.777 < 0.001 社区宣传材料 712 23.4 24.2 23.1 0.448 0.503 21.5 24.9 4.790 0.029 报纸、杂志 379 12.5 13.4 12.0 1.168 0.280 14.1 11.3 5.085 0.240 搜索引擎(百度、Google等) 1 489 49.0 50.4 48.3 1.247 0.264 51.3 47.4 4.352 0.037 政府机构或专业机构(官网、官方APP等) 1 671 55.0 51.4 56.9 8.390 0.004 57.4 53.3 4.961 0.026 其他 558 18.4 19.1 18.0 0.492 0.483 16.0 20.1 7.961 0.005 获得途径种类数 10.433 0.005 0.041 0.980 单一途径获取 461 15.2 18.1 13.7 15.3 15.1 两种途径获取 581 19.1 18.6 19.4 19.3 19.0 三种及以上多途径获取 1 995 65.7 63.3 66.9 65.5 65.8 表 2 调查对象对COVID-19相关知识认知程度的正确率分布情况[n(%)]
Table 2. The distribution of correct rate of knowledge cognition about COVID-19[n(%)]
题目 正确率 男 女 χ2值 P值 新型冠状病毒可能的传播途径[多选题] 2 306(75.9) 763(73.4) 1 543(77.2) 5.376 0.020 密切接触病毒感染者后需医学观察多少天[单选题] 2 715(89.4) 905(87.1) 1 810(90.6) 8.772 0.003 无症状的病毒感染者是否具有传染性[单选题] 2 905(95.7) 991(95.4) 1 914(95.8) 0.284 0.594 新型冠状病毒的易感人群[多选题] 934(30.8) 247(23.8) 687(34.4) 36.143 < 0.001 下列哪种口罩可以起到预防病毒感染的作用[多选题] 2 618(86.2) 838(80.7) 1 780(89.1) 40.889 < 0.001 一次性口罩的使用时限是[单选题] 2 442(80.4) 764(73.5) 1 678(84.0) 47.399 < 0.001 使用过的口罩应如何处理[单选题] 2 443(80.4) 810(78.0) 1 633(81.7) 6.182 0.013 下列哪些场景需要洗手[多选题] 2 694(88.7) 865(83.3) 1 829(91.5) 46.871 < 0.001 以上8题都正确 446(14.7) 96(9.2) 350(17.5) 37.384 < 0.001 表 3 不同性别采取防控措施的比较
Table 3. Comparison of prevention and control measures taken by different genders
调查项目 男 女 χ2值 P值 例数(n) 选择率(%) 例数(n) 选择率(%) 不聚会, 少出门 1 004 96.6 1 960 98.1 6.268 0.012 拒绝外人来访, 哪怕是亲朋好友 675 65.0 1 334 66.8 0.990 0.320 出门佩戴口罩 948 91.2 1 781 93.6 5.919 0.015 咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸张、手帕遮挡 756 72.8 1 438 72.0 0.213 0.645 不去人多且封闭的场所 920 88.5 1 838 92.0 9.726 0.002 清淡饮食、荤素搭配 650 62.6 1 274 63.8 0.427 0.514 合理作息、不熬夜、不过劳 693 66.7 1 224 61.3 8.628 0.003 在家多通风, 保持室内空气新鲜 818 78.7 1 678 94.0 12.890 < 0.001 坚持锻炼身体、增强体质 625 60.2 998 49.9 28.604 < 0.001 经常洗手, 保持卫生 807 77.7 1 675 83.8 17.384 < 0.001 用消毒液经常擦拭地面或台面进行消毒 506 48.7 907 45.4 3.002 0.083 在家熏醋 79 7.6 109 5.5 5.431 0.020 其他 123 11.8 207 10.4 1.542 0.214 表 4 不同性别行为改变意愿的比较
Table 4. Comparison of behavioral change intention by different genders
调查项目 男 女 χ2值 P值 例数(n) 选择率(%) 例数(n) 选择率(%) 比以前更注重室内卫生 764 73.5 1 479 74.0 0.086 0.770 加强体育锻炼, 提高自身免疫力 883 85.0 1 647 82.4 3.204 0.073 健康合理饮食 825 79.4 1 602 80.2 0.257 0.612 增加医药卫生知识的学习 808 77.8 1 621 81.1 4.831 0.028 注意保护公共环境卫生 759 73.1 1 548 77.5 7.335 0.007 杜绝或阻止食用野生动物的行为发生 803 77.3 1 744 87.3 50.531 < 0.001 更好地配合所有社区卫生服务相关的工作 705 67.9 1 512 75.7 21.218 < 0.001 其他 175 16.8 376 18.8 1.797 0.180 -
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