The association between sleep duration, eating habits and obesity of school-aged children
目的 探讨6~14岁学龄儿童睡眠时长、饮食习惯与肥胖的关联。 方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,以广东省茂名市10所中小学在校学生为研究对象,通过问卷调查收集人口学、儿童夜间和日间睡眠时长、饮食习惯、父母身高、体重等信息,通过体格测量获得儿童的身高和体重值。 结果 共获得有效问卷5 179份,儿童肥胖检出率为14.02%,男生肥胖率高于女生,差异有统计学意义。5 179名儿童中,高达40.72%的儿童夜间睡眠不足,且低年龄段(6~11岁)睡眠不足比例高于高年龄段(12~14岁),女生睡眠不足比例高于男生,差异均有统计学意义。儿童夜间睡眠时长与肥胖高危饮食评分之间呈负相关(r=-0.112, P < 0.001)。在调整其他变量的作用后,多因素分析显示充足的夜间睡眠时间、平均每餐用餐时间>10 min可降低男童肥胖的风险,但在女童中这种关联无统计学意义。 结论 儿童睡眠时长和饮食习惯为肥胖的独立影响因素,儿童肥胖的干预应保证足够的睡眠时长和培养健康的饮食习惯。 Abstract:Objective This study aims to explore associations between sleep duration, eating habits and childhood obesity among children aged 6-14 years. Methods We used multi-stage stratified cluster sampling to selected 10 primary and secondary schools in Maoming City, Guangdong Province to collect information of children's demography, sleep duration, eating habits, height and weight via self-reported questionnaire and anthropometric measurement. Results The obesity prevalence among 5 179 children was 14.02%. The prevalence of boys was significantly higher than that of girls. 40.75% of children were lack of sufficient nighttime sleep duration. Compared with children aged above 12 years, children aged 6-11 years had higher rate of insufficient sleep time. There was a negative correlation between children's nighttime sleep duration and high-risk diet scores (r=-0.112, P < 0.001). The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that sufficient night sleep duration and longer eating duration can reduce the risk of obesity in male students, yet this association was not significant in female students. Conclusions Sleep duration and eating habits are independent factors related with children's obesity. Interventions in childhood obesity should recommend adequate sleep duration and healthy eating habits. -
Key words:
- Children /
- Sleep duration /
- Eating habits /
- Obesity
表 1 6~14岁儿童夜间睡眠不足发生率[n(%)]
Table 1. Proportion of insufficient duration of nighttime sleep among children aged 6-14 years [n(%)]
年龄(岁) 男 女 合计 P值 人数 睡眠不足 人数 睡眠不足 人数 睡眠不足 6~<12 2 085 890(42.67) 1 609 711(44.21) 3 694 1 601(43.35) 0.384 12~14 814 258(31.69) 671 260(38.75) 1 485 508(34.20) 0.002 合计 2 899 1 138(39.25) 2 280 971(42.59) 5 179 2 109(40.72) 0.021 χ2值 29.56 5.73 36.59 P值 < 0.001 0.033 < 0.001 表 2 夜间睡眠、日间睡眠与儿童肥胖的Logistic回归分析模型分析
Table 2. Logistic regression analysis model analysis of association between nighttime sleep, daytime sleep and childhood obesity
变量 男 女 合计 β OR(95% CI)值 β OR(95% CI)值 β OR(95% CI)值 夜间睡眠 不足 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 基本满足 -0.18 0.83(0.65~1.07) -0.38 0.68(0.50~0.92)a -0.25 0.78(0.64~0.94)a 充足 -0.69 0.58(0.38~0.88)a -0.04 0.96(0.60~1.54) -0.33 0.72(0.53~0.99)a 日间睡眠(min) ≤30 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 >30 -0.17 0.84(0.50~1.50) 0.36 1.43(0.95~2.14) 0.28 1.33(1.04~1.70)a 注:调整性别、年龄、运动时间、屏幕时间、家庭收入、父母BMI;a p < 0.05。 表 3 儿童饮食习惯与肥胖的Logistic回归分析模型分析
Table 3. Logistic regression analysis model analysis of association between eating habits and childhood obesity
变量 男 女 合计 β OR(95% CI)值 β OR(95% CI)值 β OR(95% CI)值 用餐时长(min) < 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 10~20 -0.82 0.44(0.33~0.59)a -0.03 0.97(0.61~1.55) -0.56 0.57(0.44~0.72)a >20 -1.77 0.17(0.11~0.28)a -0.59 0.55(0.31~0.97)b -1.31 0.27(0.19~0.38)a 高危饮食评分 -0.03 0.97(0.81~1.16) -0.08 0.92(0.74~1.15) 0.01 1.01(0.89~1.13) 睡前进食习惯 无 1.00 1.00 1.00 牛奶 0.10 1.11(0.26~1.46) 0.40 1.49(1.06~2.10)b 0.17 1.19(0.99~1.43) 零食 0.11 1.12(0.85~1.48) 0.22 1.25(0.89~1.77) 0.16 1.18(0.97~1.43) 主食 0.14 1.15(0.88~1.50) 0.21 1.23(0.89~1.72) 0.14 1.15(0.95~1.38) 注:调整性别、年龄、运动时间、屏幕时间、家庭收入、父母BMI;a p < 0.01;b p < 0.05。 表 4 睡眠、饮食习惯与儿童肥胖的多元Logistic回归分析模型分析
Table 4. Logistic regression analysis model analysis of association between sleep duration, eating habits and childhood obesity
变量 男 女 合计 β OR(95% CI)值 β OR(95% CI)值 β OR(95% CI)值 夜间睡眠 不足 1.00 1.00 1.00 基本满足 -0.25 0.78(0.58~1.06) -0.34 0.71(0.50~1.01) -0.26 0.77(0.61~0.96)a 充足 -0.58 0.56(0.34~0.92)a -0.12 0.89(0.50~1.56) -0.38 0.68(0.47~1.00) 日间睡眠(min) ≤30 1.00 1.00 1.00 >30 0.16 1.17(0.81~1.70) 0.35 1.42(0.90~2.23) 0.25 1.29(0.97~1.17) 用餐时长(min) < 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 10~20 -0.71 0.49(0.33~0.70)b 0.16 1.18(0.68~2.08) -0.43 0.65(0.48~0.88)b >20 -1.77 0.17(0.09~0.30)b -0.31 0.73(0.37~1.44) -1.20 0.30(0.20~0.46)b 高危饮食评分 0.01 1.01(0.80~1.27) -0.01 0.99(0.75~1.29) -0.01 0.99(0.83~1.18) 睡前进食习惯 无 1.00 1.00 1.00 牛奶 0.03 1.03(0.74~1.43) 0.34 1.41(0.94~2.12) 0.16 1.18(0.91~1.52) 零食 -0.05 0.95(0.71~1.43) -0.03 0.97(0.65~1.43) -0.03 0.97(0.75~1.26) 主食 0.08 1.09(0.78~1.52) 0.37 1.45(0.97~2.18) 0.17 1.19(0.92~1.53) 父亲BMI(kg/m2) < 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 ≥24 0.75 2.13(1.60~2.85)b 0.47 1.61(1.1~2.2)b 0.63 1.89(1.52~2.34)b 母亲BMI(kg/m2) < 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 ≥24 0.87 2.40(1.75~3.29)b 0.68 1.97(1.38~2.81)b 0.79 2.21(1.75~2.79)b 注:调整性别、年龄、运动时间、屏幕时间、家庭收入、父母BMI;ap < 0.05;b p < 0.01。 -
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