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徐洪吕 苏莹珍 陶剑 郭纪昌 陶芳标

徐洪吕, 苏莹珍, 陶剑, 郭纪昌, 陶芳标. 潜变量、显变量和贝叶斯中介效应模型比较[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(8): 946-954. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.08.013
引用本文: 徐洪吕, 苏莹珍, 陶剑, 郭纪昌, 陶芳标. 潜变量、显变量和贝叶斯中介效应模型比较[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(8): 946-954. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.08.013
XU Honglyu, SU Yingzhen, TAO Jian, GUO Jichang, TAO Fangbiao. A comparative analysis of comparison of latent variables, manifest variables and Bayesian mediation effect models[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(8): 946-954. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.08.013
Citation: XU Honglyu, SU Yingzhen, TAO Jian, GUO Jichang, TAO Fangbiao. A comparative analysis of comparison of latent variables, manifest variables and Bayesian mediation effect models[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(8): 946-954. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.08.013


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.08.013

国家自然科学基金 82160622

云南省地方本科高校基础研究联合专项资金项目 202101BA070001-117

昆明学院引进人才项目 YJL2103


    陶芳标,E-mail: fbtao@ahmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R563.1; R181

A comparative analysis of comparison of latent variables, manifest variables and Bayesian mediation effect models


National Natural Science Foundation of China 82160622

The Special Basic Cooperative Research Programs of Yunnan Provincial Undergraduate Universities Association 202101BA070001-117

Introduced Talents Scientific Research Project of Kunming University YJL2103

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  比较潜变量、显变量和贝叶斯中介效应模型的中介效应及模型拟合优劣。  方法  数据来源于一项关于大学生行为与健康的专项调查。6种饮料消费评分为自变量,匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表 7个维度评分为中介变量,9项患者健康问卷评估抑郁症状评分为因变量。分别使用潜变量、显变量和贝叶斯中介效应模型分析睡眠质量在饮料消费与抑郁症状关联中的中介效应。  结果  3种模型的中介效应值分别为0.12、0.06和0.06,中介效应分别占总效应的71%、43%和43%,中介效应与直接效应之比分别为2.49、0.76和0.76。显变量中介效应模型和贝叶斯中介效应模型的中介效应几乎一致,而潜变量中介效应模型的中介效应估计值、中介效应与总效应之比和中介效应与直接效应之比分别是前2种模型的2.00倍、1.65倍和3.27倍。  结论  3种模型均显示存在中介效应,潜变量中介效应模型估计的中介效应值更高,贝叶斯中介效应模型拟合评价指标更丰富。
  • 图  1  中介效应模型收敛检验

    1. A: 后验参数分布图;2. B: 踪迹图;3. C: 自相关图。

    Figure  1.  Convergence test of the mediation effect model

    1. A: posterior parameter distribution chart; 2. B: trace map; 3. C: autocorrelation diagram.

    图  2  贝叶斯中介效应模型拟合评价

    1. A: 后验预测检验散点图;2. B: 后验检验直方图。

    Figure  2.  Evaluation of the fit of the Bayesian mediation effect model

    1. A: posterior predictive test scatterplot; 2. B: post-test histogram.

    图  3  三种中介效应模型中介效应分析

    1. A: 潜变量中介效应模型; 2. B: 显变量中介效应模型; 3. C: 贝叶斯中介效应模型; 4. a: 总效应; 5. b: 中介效应与总效应之比; 6. c: 中介效应与直接效应之比。

    Figure  3.  Analysis of the mediation effect of three mediation effect models

    1. A: latent variable mediation effect model; 2. B: manifest variable mediation effect model; 3. C: Bayesian mediation effect model; 4. a: total effect; 5. b: the ratio of the mediating effect to the total effect; 6. c: the ratio of mediating effects to direct effects.

    图  4  贝叶斯中介效应模型拟合评价

    1. A: 潜变量中介效应模型; 2. B: 显变量中介效应模型; 3. C: 贝叶斯中介效应模型; 4. x: 饮料消费; 5. m: 睡眠质量; 6. y: 抑郁症状。

    Figure  4.  Evaluation of the fit of the Bayesian mediation effect model

    1. A: latent variable mediation effect model; 2. B: manifest variable mediation effect model; 3. C: Bayesian mediation effect model; 4. x: beverage consumption; 5. m: sleep quality; 6. y: depressive symptoms.

    表  1  变量赋值及基本情况

    Table  1.   Variable assignment and basic information

    模型Model AIC BIC 样本量调整BIC
    Sample-size adjusted BIC
    Chi-Square test of model fit Chi-Square value
    Chi-Square test of model fit P value
    Latent variable mediating effect model
    223 988.90 224 458.95 224 226.98 3 829.27 0.00 0.06
    Manifest variable mediating effect model
    49 402.42 49 447.49 49 425.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Bayesian mediating effect model
    49 447.50
    模型Model CFI TLI SRMR 贝叶斯后验预测检验χ2
    Bayesian posterior predictive phecking using Chi-Square
    DIC 估计参数数量(pD)
    Estimated Number of Parameters (pD)
    Latent variable mediating effect model
    0.92 0.90 0.05
    Manifest variable mediating effect model
    1.00 1.00 0.00
    Bayesian mediating effect model
    0.51 49 402.58 7.08
    注:1. “―”表示模型未提供数据。
    2. AIC, 赤池信息准则; BIC, 贝叶斯信息准则; RMSEA, 近似误差均方根; CFI, 比较拟合指数; TLI, Tucker-Lewis指数; SRMR, 标准化残差均方和平方根; DIC, 偏差信息准则。
    Note: 1. "―" indicates that the model did not provide data.
    2. AIC, Akaike information criterion; BIC, Bayesian information criterion; RMSEA, root-mean-square error of approximation; CFI, comparative fit index; TLI, Tucker-Lewis index; SRMR, standardized root mean square residual; DIC, deviance information criterion.
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    表  2  3种模型中介效应估计值

    Table  2.   Estimates of the mediation effect of the three models

    模型Model 效应
    路径Path 95% CI 效应值
    Effect value
    SE/SD t
    Latent variable mediating effect model
    Direct effect
    Beverage consumption→Depressive symptoms
    0.02~0.08 0.05 0.02 2.88 0.004
    Sleep quality→Depressive symptoms
    0.73~0.78 0.76 0.02 50.30 < 0.001
    Beverage consumption→Sleep quality
    0.11~0.21 0.16 0.03 6.01 < 0.001
    Mediating effect
    Beverage consumption→Sleep quality→Depressive symptoms
    0.08~0.16 0.12 0.02 5.91 < 0.001
    Manifest variable mediating effect model
    Direct effect
    Beverage consumption→Depressive symptoms
    0.05~0.11 0.08 0.02 5.32 < 0.001
    Sleep quality→Depressive symptoms
    0.54~0.59 0.56 0.01 44.46 < 0.001
    Beverage consumption→Sleep quality
    0.08~0.15 0.11 0.02 6.27 < 0.001
    Mediating effect
    Beverage consumption→Sleep quality→Depressive symptoms
    0.04~0.08 0.06 0.01 6.24 < 0.001
    Bayesian mediating effect model
    Direct effect
    Beverage consumption→Depressive symptoms
    0.06~0.11 0.01 0.08 < 0.001
    Sleep quality→Depressive symptoms
    0.54~0.58 0.56 0.01 < 0.001
    Beverage consumption→Sleep quality
    0.08~0.14 0.11 0.01 < 0.001
    Mediating effect
    Beverage consumption→Sleep quality→Depressive symptoms
    0.05~0.08 0.06 0.01 < 0.001
    Note: "—"indicates that the model did not provide data.
    ① The latent variable mediation effect model and the manifest variable mediation effect model provide SE, and the Bayesian mediation effect model provides SD.
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