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刘源 彭莉红 殷黎 胡李平 金东辉

刘源, 彭莉红, 殷黎, 胡李平, 金东辉. 湖南省2018年4个县区≥40岁人群骨质疏松症流行病学与影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 20-25. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.004
引用本文: 刘源, 彭莉红, 殷黎, 胡李平, 金东辉. 湖南省2018年4个县区≥40岁人群骨质疏松症流行病学与影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 20-25. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.004
LIU Yuan, PENG Lihong, YIN Li, HU Liping, JIN Donghui. An epidemiological features and risk factors study of osteoporosis among residents aged 40 and over in four counties of Hunan, 2018[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 20-25. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.004
Citation: LIU Yuan, PENG Lihong, YIN Li, HU Liping, JIN Donghui. An epidemiological features and risk factors study of osteoporosis among residents aged 40 and over in four counties of Hunan, 2018[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 20-25. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.004


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.004


  • 中图分类号: R580

An epidemiological features and risk factors study of osteoporosis among residents aged 40 and over in four counties of Hunan, 2018

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解湖南省2018年4个县区≥40岁人群中骨质疏松症及骨量低下的检出率与分布特征及骨质疏松症患病危险因素,为防控以及相应卫生资源配置提供数据支持。  方法  采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法进行抽样,对研究对象进行问卷调查并对骨密度、身高、体重和腰围进行测量。采用率、构成比、均数等指标进行统计描述,率的比较采用Rao-Scott χ2检验。采用SAS 9.4软件的多因素Survey logistic回归分析模型进行危险因素分析。  结果  共调查≥40岁人群1 597人,其中男性704人(44.08%),女性893人(55.92%)。骨质疏松症患病率为15.37%(95% CI:12.08~18.65),女性(26.95%)高于男性(4.55%)(Rao-Scott χ2 =54.34,P < 0.001)。患病率随年龄增长而增加(Rao-Scott χ2 =131.00,P < 0.001)。骨量低下检出率为53.33%(95% CI:49.61~57.04, P < 0.001),男、女性骨量低下检出率分别为54.28%和52.01%,性别差异无统计学意义(Rao-Scott χ2 =0.63,P=0.420)。多因素Survey logistic回归分析模型分析提示,与男性患骨质疏松相关的因素有BMI < 18.5 kg/m2(OR=6.52,95% CI:1.51~28.12, P=0.010),与女性患骨质疏松相关的因素有在45岁前停经(OR=2.47,95% CI:1.53~3.90, P < 0.001)、骨折病史(OR=2.76,95% CI:1.62~4.65,P < 0.001)、BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 (OR=17.67,95% CI:2.54~122.87,P=0.004)、≥60岁(OR=11.35,95% CI:3.62~35.56,P < 0.001)。  结论  湖南省≥40岁人群中骨质疏松症患病水平较高,女性患病风险高于男性。潜在发病的骨量低下人群较大,男女性并重。
  • 表  1  Survey logistic回归分析变量赋值

    Table  1.   Definition of study factors in Survey logistic analysis

    变量Variable 赋值Assignment
    OP患病情况Diagnosed with OP or not 0=否,1=是0=No,1=Yes
    有骨折史Had history of bone fracture 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    40岁后身高降低≥3 cm Height loss ≥3 cm after 40 years old 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    过去1年补充钙剂Had calcium supplement or not during the past year 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    过去1年饮用咖啡Drank coffee or not during the past year 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    现在或曾经有吸烟史Smoke now or used to smoke 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    每天户外暴露时长>45 min Had outdoor activity>45 min per day 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    每周至少1次进行中高强度体育锻炼活动≥10 min Had ≥10 minutes of mid-high intensity of physical exercise at least once a week 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    男性:有过阳痿或者缺乏性欲情况Males: Diagnosed with erectile dysfunction or lack of libido 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    女性:在45岁前停经Females: Had menopause before 45 years old 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    患有慢性病等变量Diagnosed with non-communicable diseases or not 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    BMI < 18.5 /(kg·m-2) 1=否,2=是1=No,2=Yes
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 1=40~ < 50,2=50~ < 60,3=≥60
    注:OP, 骨质疏松症;高等强度活动指活动要求付出的体力很大或者能够引起呼吸或心率显著增加的活动;中等强度活动指活动要求付出的体力中等或者引起呼吸或心率轻度增加的活动; 慢性病指的非传染性的慢性疾病,如高血压、糖尿病等。
    Note: OP, osteoporosis; High-intensity activity is refers activity requires a lot of physical effort or can cause a significant increase in breathing or heart rate; Moderate-intensity activity refers to an activity that requires moderate physical strength or causes a slight increase in breathing or heart rate; Chronic diseases refers to non-communicable chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, etc.
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    表  2  湖南省2018年4个县区不同特征的≥40岁人群OP患病比较

    Table  2.   Comparisons among OP in population ≥40 with different features in four counties, Hunan, 2018

    特征Feature 调查人数Number of subjects 患病人数Number of patients 患病率-加权后/% Weighted prevalence/% Rao-Scott χ2值value P值value
    性别Gender 54.34 < 0.001
      男Male 704 20 4.55
      女Female 893 200 26.95
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 131.00 < 0.001
      40~<50 521 13 3.93
      50~<60 490 49 11.53
      ≥60 584 158 33.36
    地区Region 2.18 0.130
      城区Urban 800 109 12.83
      农村Rural 797 111 17.20
    骨折史Had history of bone fracture 26.45 < 0.001
      是Yes 229 52 29.03
      否No 1 360 166 13.01
    过去1年补充钙剂Got calcium supplement or not during the past year 6.40 0.010
      是Yes 418 70 4.83
      否No 1 177 150 10.64
    患慢性病Diagnosed with non-communicable diseases or not 16.85 < 0.001
      是Yes 553 102 7.42
      否No 1 015 114 7.94
    40岁后身高降低≥3 cm Height loss ≥3 cm after 40 years old 4.80 0.030
      是Yes 348 72 4.25
      否No 1247 148 11.12
    过去1年饮用咖啡Drank coffee or not during the past year 10.70 0.001
      是Yes 160 15 11.73
      否No 1 434 205 14.83
    吸烟史Smoke now or used to smoke 22.82 < 0.001
      是Yes 569 26 2.54
      否No 1 026 194 12.83
    每天户外暴露时间≥45 min Had outdoor activity ≥45 min per day 0.08 0.770
      是Yes 1 054 208 14.65
      否No 91 12 0.72
    每周至少进行1次中高强度体育锻炼活动≥10 min Had ≥10 min of mid-high intensity of physical exercise at least once a week 1.48 0.220
      是Yes 384 45 4.73
      否No 1 211 175 10.64
    男性:有过阳痿或者缺乏性欲情况Male: diagnosed with erectile dysfunction or lack of libido 5.35 0.020
      是Yes 140 7 2.59
      否No 562 13 1.96
    女性:在45岁前停经Female: had menopause before 45 years old 8.45 0.003
      是Yes 129 60 16.03
      否No 439 117 24.58
    BMI < 18.5 /(kg·m-2) 14.81 < 0.001
      是Yes 1 557 206 13.84
      否No 38 14 1.52
    注:OP, 骨质疏松症。
    各分组合计数如低于调查总数1 597(男性低于704,女性低于893),则有缺失情况。
    Note: OP, osteoporosis.
    There were some missing values when the total numbers were < 1 597(males < 704, females < 893) in different groups.
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    表  3  湖南省2018年4个县区不同特征的≥40岁人群OP患病比较

    Table  3.   Comparisons among OP in population ≥40 with different features in four counties, Hunan, 2018

    变量及分组Variables and group 年龄组/岁Age group/years [%, (95% CI)] 合计Total [%, (95% CI)] Rao-Scott χ2值value P值value
    40~<50 50~<60 ≥60
    OP患病率Prevalence rate of OP
        男Male 1.92(0.00~4.24) 3.13(0.46~5.80) 9.01(0.00~19.10) 4.55(0.97~8.13) 8.65 0.010
        女Female 6.02(0.67~11.39) 20.45(14.04~26.87) 60.42(51.39~69.43) 26.95(21.78~32.11) 1 514.29 < 0.001
        Rao-Scott χ2值value 5.29 95.31 56.51 54.34
        P值value 0.020 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
        城市Urban 2.45(0.00~5.23) 11.25(6.07~16.44) 29.69(18.73~40.59) 12.82(8.62~17.03) 41.88 < 0.001
        农村Rural 5.12(0.39~9.85) 11.72(6.78~16.68) 35.66(24.47~46.85) 17.20(12.44~21.96) 89.23 < 0.001
        Rao-Scott χ2值value 2.06 0.01 0.80 2.19
        P值value 0.150 0.970 0.370 0.140
        合计Total 3.93(1.02~6.84) 11.53(7.93~15.12) 33.36(25.35~41.37) 15.37(12.08~18.65) 131.00 < 0.001
    骨量低下检出率Prevalence rate of low bone mess
        男Male 45.76(37.50~54.01) 49.55(41.02~58.08) 69.94(61.84~78.04) 54.28(48.96~59.60) 21.29 < 0.001
        女Female 31.24(24.49~38.00) 68.65(61.53~75.77) 88.64(82.74~94.53) 52.00(47.14~56.87) 445.53 < 0.001
        Rao-Scott χ2值value 13.91 22.1 43.35 0.63
        P值value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.420
    骨量低下检出率Prevalence rate of low bone mess
      城乡Urban rural
        城市Urban 37.35(30.11~44.61) 51.65(42.22~61.08) 66.97(58.86~75.05) 48.29(43.23~53.25) 18.45 < 0.001
        农村Rural 40.02(32.10~47.94) 62.37(55.17~69.57) 80.86(73.89~87.85) 57.16(51.95~62.37) 445.53 < 0.001
        Rao-Scott χ2值value 0.27 2.90 8.50 8.19
        P值value 0.600 0.090 0.010 0.004
        合计Total 38.81(33.39~44.24) 57.88(52.03~63.71) 75.20(69.54~80.86) 53.33(49.61~57.04) 80.15 < 0.001
    注:OP, 骨质疏松症。
    Note: OP, osteoporosis.
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    表  4  不同性别的多因素与骨质疏松症的Survey logistic回归分析

    Table  4.   Survey logistic analysis of multiple factors and osteoporosis in different genders

    因素Factors β值value sx Wald χ2值value OR值value (95% CI) P值value
      BMI < 18.5 /(kg·m-2) 1.87 0.75 6.33 6.52(1.51~28.12) 0.010
      在45岁前停经Had menopause before 45 years old 0.90 0.25 13.62 2.47(1.53~3.90) < 0.001
      骨折病史History of bone fracture 1.02 0.27 14.65 2.76(1.62~4.65) < 0.001
      BMI < 18.5 /(kg·m-2) 3.02 1.00 8.42 17.67(2.54~122.87) 0.004
      ≥60岁∶40~<60岁≥60 years old∶40~<60 years old 2.42 0.58 17.40 11.35(3.62~35.56) < 0.001
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