Trends in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the ≥65 years elderly from 2020 to 2022 in Qixia District of Nanjing
目的 了解南京市栖霞区≥65岁老年人代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome, MS)患病率的变化趋势及其相关影响因素,为采取针对性的干预措施提供参考依据。 方法 采用分层随机抽样,选择2020―2022年在南京市栖霞区参与体检的≥65岁人群为研究对象,分析其MS患病率变化趋势及相关影响因素。 结果 2020―2022年南京市栖霞区≥65岁人群的MS总患病率分别为36.72%、35.17%、33.80%,标化患病率分别为36.60%、35.11%、33.67%,呈下降趋势(趋势χ2 =41.021, P < 0.001);城乡分层后,城市≥65岁人群MS患病率呈下降趋势(趋势χ2 =95.499, P < 0.001);农村≥65岁人群MS患病率呈上升趋势(趋势χ2 =16.237, P < 0.001)。 结论 南京市栖霞区≥65岁人群MS总患病率2020―2022年虽然呈下降趋势,但依然较高,尤其是农村地区MS患病率呈上升趋势,农村地区女性MS患病率增幅快,应重点关注。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the trend of metabolic syndrome (MS) prevalence and related factors in elderly people aged ≥65 in Qixia District of Nanjing, and provide reference for targeted intervention measures. Methods Employing a method which the sampling technique was stratified and randomized, A stratified random sampling method was adopted. Elderly individuals aged ≥65 in the Qixia District of Nanjing who underwent health check-ups between 2020 and 2022 were selected as subjects. The trend in the prevalence of MS and the associated factors were analyzed. Results The overall prevalence rates of MS among the elderly in Qixia District of Nanjing were as follows: 36.72% in 2020, 35.17% in 2021, and 33.80% in 2022. The standardized prevalence rates were 36.60%, 35.11%, 33.67%, respectively. These rates indicated a decreasing trend (trend χ2 =41.021, P < 0.001). When the data which was stratified by urban-rural differences, the prevalence of MS among urban elderly displayed a downward trend (trend χ2 =95.499, P < 0.001). The prevalence of MS among rural elderly displayed an upward trend (trend χ2 =16.237, P < 0.001). Conclusions Although the overall prevalence of MS in the elderly in Qixia District of Nanjing decreases from 2020 to 2022, it is still high. Especially in rural areas, the prevalence of MS shows an upward trend, particularly among rural females who urgent need for intervention. -
Key words:
- Metabolic syndrome /
- Elderly /
- Prevalence rate /
- Trends
图 1 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年不同特征≥65岁老年人MS患病率变化趋势
MS:代谢综合征; A中P值表示城乡患病率比较;C中a、b、c表示不同年份各年龄组MS患病率差异,P < 0.05。
Figure 1. Trends in the prevalence of MS among the elderly ≥65 years from 2020 to 2022 in Qixia District of Nanjing
MS: metabolic syndrome; In the figure A P value represents the comparison of urban and rural prevalence rates; In the figure C, a, b, and c indicate the difference of MS prevalence in different age groups in different years, P < 0.05.
表 1 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人群基本特征
Table 1. Characteristics of the elderly ≥65 years and above in Qixia District of Nanjing from2020 to 2022
特征Characteristic 2020年year ①(n=15 045) 2021年year ①(n=19 638) 2022年year ①(n=28 712) 合计 ① Total ①(n=63 395) χ2值value P值value 居住地Residence 4.600 0.100 城市Urban 10 685(71.02) 13 778(70.16) 20 120(70.08) 44 583(70.33) 4.600 0.100 农村Rural 4 360(28.98) 5 860(29.84) 8 592(29.92) 18 812(29.67) 性别Gender 0.873 0.646 男性Male 7 060(46.93) 9 312(47.42) 13 520(47.09) 29 892(47.15) 女性Female 7 980(53.04) 10 326(52.58) 15 192(52.91) 33 503(52.85) 年龄组/岁Age group /years 164.000 ② < 0.001 65~ < 70 6 163(40.96) 8 195(41.73) 10 908(37.99) 25 266(39.85) 70~ < 75 4 604(30.60) 5 800(29.53) 8 269(28.80) 18 673(29.46) 75~ < 80 2 462(16.36) 3 235(16.47) 4 786(16.67) 10 483(16.54) ≥80 1 816(12.07) 2 408(12.26) 4 749(16.54) 8 973(14.15) 锻炼情况Exercise 842.936 < 0.001 是Yes 4 163(27.67) 7 857(40.01) 11 842(41.24) 23 862(37.64) 否No 10 882(72.33) 11 781(59.99) 16 870(35.94) 39 533(62.36) 膳食习惯Dietary habit 36.929 < 0.001 平衡Balanced 13 744(91.35) 18 093(92.13) 26 688(92.95) 58 525(92.32) 不平衡No balanced 1 301(8.65) 1 545(7.87) 2 024(7.05) 4 870(7.68) 吸烟Smoking states 32.521 < 0.001 是Yes 2 315(15.39) 3 113(15.84) 3 899(13.58) 9 324(14.71) 否No 12 370(84.61) 16 528(84.16) 18 206(86.42) 54 071(85.29) 饮酒Alcohol 64.640 < 0.001 是Yes 2 013(13.38) 2 579(13.13) 3 199(11.14) 7 791(12.29) 否No 13 032(86.62) 17 059(86.87) 25 513(88.86) 55 604(87.71) 注:①以人数(占比%)表示;②采用秩和检验。
Note: ① Number of people(proportion%);② Rank-sum test.表 2 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年不同特征≥65岁老年人MS患病率
Table 2. The prevalence of MS in different characteristics of the elderly ≥65 years in Qixia District of Nanjing from 2020 to 2022
变量Variable 2020年year ① 2021年year ① 2022年year ① 趋势χ2值Trend χ2 value P值value 总患病率Total prevalence rate 5 525(36.72) 6 907(35.17) 9 704(33.80) 37.986 < 0.001 标化患病率Standardized prevalence rate 5 506(36.60) 6 895(35.11) 9 667(33.67) 41.021 < 0.001 性别Gender 男性Male 2 420(34.28) 3 220(34.58) 4 400(32.54) 12.207 0.002 女性Female 3 105(38.91) 3 687(35.71) 5 304(34.91) 36.826 < 0.001 居住地Residence 城市Urban 4 179(39.11) 5 010(36.36) 6 759(33.59) 95.499 < 0.001 农村Rural 1 346(30.87) 1 897(32.37) 2 945(34.28) 16.237 < 0.001 城市Urban 男性Male 1 823(37.27) 2 424(37.30) 3 198(33.78) 18.141 < 0.001 女性Female 2 356(40.66) 2 586(35.53) 3 561(33.43) 99.769 < 0.001 农村Rural 男性Male 597(27.52) 796(28.30) 1 202(29.66) 3.525 0.172 女性Female 749(34.19) 1 101(36.13) 1 743(38.39) 11.965 0.003 年龄组/岁Age group /years 65~ < 70 2 096(34.01) 2 672(32.61) 3 423(31.38) 12.613 0.002 70~ < 75 1 778(38.62) 2 150(37.07) 2 940(35.55) 12.243 0.002 75~ < 80 1 011(41.06) 1 264(39.07) 1 833(38.30) 5.241 0.073 ≥80 640(35.24) 821(34.09) 1 508(31.75) 8.726 0.013 锻炼情况Exercise situation 是Yes 1 297(31.16) 2 474(31.49) 3 641(30.75) 0.587 0.444 否No 4 228(38.85) 4 433(37.63) 6 063(35.94) 24.894 < 0.001 膳食习惯Dietary habit 平衡Balanced 5 034(36.63) 6 322(34.94) 8 962(33.58) 37.589 < 0.001 不平衡No balanced 491(37.74) 585(37.86) 742(36.67) 0.474 0.491 吸烟Smoking states 是Yes 785(33.91) 1 148(36.91) 1 498(38.42) 12.246 < 0.001 否No 4 740(37.23) 5 759(34.84) 8 206(33.07) 64.649 < 0.001 饮酒Alcohol 是Yes 775(38.52) 984(38.15) 1 240(38.76) 0.060 0.806 否No 4 750(36.45) 5 923(34.72) 8 464(33.18) 41.916 < 0.001 注:MS, 代谢综合征; 标化率采用第七次人口普查年龄构成计算。
Note: MS, metabolic syndrome; The standardized rate was calculated using the age composition of the Seventh National Population Census.
①Number of people(proportion%).表 3 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人MS各组分患病率
Table 3. The prevalence rate of MS components in different characteristics of the elderly ≥65 years in Qixia District of Nanjing from 2020 to 2022
MS各组分MS component 2020年year 2021年year 2022年year P值value③ 城市
Total血压升高Hypertensive 79.82 85.32 81.42 82.60 ① 84.98 83.31 ① 80.53 ② 80.05 ② 80.38 ② < 0.001 中心性肥胖Central obesity 50.00 40.85 47.34 46.21 ② 47.26 ① 46.89 43.51 ② 48.50 ① 44.64 ② < 0.001 血糖升高Hyperglycemia 44.94 33.10 41.24 44.57 35.19 ① 42.03 40.84 ② 38.90 ① 40.26 ② < 0.001 高TG High TG 33.06 26.77 31.23 28.83 ② 23.72 ② 27.20 ② 28.68 28.79 ① 28.82 ① < 0.001 低HDL-C Low HDL-C 11.17 12.73 11.62 10.22 ② 10.82 ② 10.40 ② 10.63 10.50 10.59 < 0.001 注:MS,代谢综合征; TG, 三酰甘油; HDL-C, 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇。
①患病率与前1年相比上升,P < 0.05; ②患病率与前1年相比下降,P < 0.05;③为2020―2022年总患病率变化趋势χ2检验。
Note: MS, metabolic syndrome; TG, triglyceride; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
① The prevalence rate higher than that of the previous year, P < 0.05; ② The prevalence rate lower than that of the previous year, P < 0.05; ③ The P value is a Chi-square test of the trend of total prevalence from 2020 to 2022.表 4 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人MS组分异常数量分布
Table 4. Abnormal quantity distribution of MS components in the elderly ≥65 years in Qixia District of Nanjing from 2020 to 2022
The number of abnormal components of MS2020年year 2021年year 2022年year 趋势χ2值Trend χ2 value P值value 5 2.10 2.11 1.97 1.116 0.291 4 10.63 9.74 9.56 11.543 < 0.001 3 23.99 23.33 22.28 17.681 < 0.001 2 32.66 32.49 31.71 4.778 0.029 1 24.11 25.39 26.38 26.953 < 0.001 0 6.51 6.95 8.11 44.342 < 0.001 注:MS,代谢综合征。
Note: MS, metabolic syndrome. -
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