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郭丽娟 汪元元 孙桂菊

郭丽娟, 汪元元, 孙桂菊. 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人代谢综合征患病率变化趋势[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 40-45. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.007
引用本文: 郭丽娟, 汪元元, 孙桂菊. 南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人代谢综合征患病率变化趋势[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 40-45. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.007
GUO Lijuan, WANG Yuanyuan, SUN Guiju. Trends in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the ≥65 years elderly from 2020 to 2022 in Qixia District of Nanjing[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 40-45. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.007
Citation: GUO Lijuan, WANG Yuanyuan, SUN Guiju. Trends in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the ≥65 years elderly from 2020 to 2022 in Qixia District of Nanjing[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 40-45. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.007


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.007

国家基本公共卫生服务项目 2017YFC0907002


    孙桂菊,E-mail: gjsun@seu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R589

Trends in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the ≥65 years elderly from 2020 to 2022 in Qixia District of Nanjing


National Basic Public Health Service Project 2017YFC0907002

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解南京市栖霞区≥65岁老年人代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome, MS)患病率的变化趋势及其相关影响因素,为采取针对性的干预措施提供参考依据。  方法  采用分层随机抽样,选择2020―2022年在南京市栖霞区参与体检的≥65岁人群为研究对象,分析其MS患病率变化趋势及相关影响因素。  结果  2020―2022年南京市栖霞区≥65岁人群的MS总患病率分别为36.72%、35.17%、33.80%,标化患病率分别为36.60%、35.11%、33.67%,呈下降趋势(趋势χ2 =41.021, P < 0.001);城乡分层后,城市≥65岁人群MS患病率呈下降趋势(趋势χ2 =95.499, P < 0.001);农村≥65岁人群MS患病率呈上升趋势(趋势χ2 =16.237, P < 0.001)。  结论  南京市栖霞区≥65岁人群MS总患病率2020―2022年虽然呈下降趋势,但依然较高,尤其是农村地区MS患病率呈上升趋势,农村地区女性MS患病率增幅快,应重点关注。
  • 图  1  南京市栖霞区2020―2022年不同特征≥65岁老年人MS患病率变化趋势

    MS:代谢综合征; A中P值表示城乡患病率比较;C中a、b、c表示不同年份各年龄组MS患病率差异,P < 0.05。

    Figure  1.  Trends in the prevalence of MS among the elderly ≥65 years from 2020 to 2022 in Qixia District of Nanjing

    MS: metabolic syndrome; In the figure A P value represents the comparison of urban and rural prevalence rates; In the figure C, a, b, and c indicate the difference of MS prevalence in different age groups in different years, P < 0.05.

    表  1  南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人群基本特征

    Table  1.   Characteristics of the elderly ≥65 years and above in Qixia District of Nanjing from2020 to 2022

    特征Characteristic 2020年year (n=15 045) 2021年year (n=19 638) 2022年year (n=28 712) 合计 Total (n=63 395) χ2值value P值value
    居住地Residence 4.600 0.100
      城市Urban 10 685(71.02) 13 778(70.16) 20 120(70.08) 44 583(70.33) 4.600 0.100
      农村Rural 4 360(28.98) 5 860(29.84) 8 592(29.92) 18 812(29.67)
    性别Gender 0.873 0.646
      男性Male 7 060(46.93) 9 312(47.42) 13 520(47.09) 29 892(47.15)
      女性Female 7 980(53.04) 10 326(52.58) 15 192(52.91) 33 503(52.85)
    年龄组/岁Age group /years 164.000 < 0.001
      65~ < 70 6 163(40.96) 8 195(41.73) 10 908(37.99) 25 266(39.85)
      70~ < 75 4 604(30.60) 5 800(29.53) 8 269(28.80) 18 673(29.46)
      75~ < 80 2 462(16.36) 3 235(16.47) 4 786(16.67) 10 483(16.54)
      ≥80 1 816(12.07) 2 408(12.26) 4 749(16.54) 8 973(14.15)
    锻炼情况Exercise 842.936 < 0.001
      是Yes 4 163(27.67) 7 857(40.01) 11 842(41.24) 23 862(37.64)
      否No 10 882(72.33) 11 781(59.99) 16 870(35.94) 39 533(62.36)
    膳食习惯Dietary habit 36.929 < 0.001
      平衡Balanced 13 744(91.35) 18 093(92.13) 26 688(92.95) 58 525(92.32)
      不平衡No balanced 1 301(8.65) 1 545(7.87) 2 024(7.05) 4 870(7.68)
    吸烟Smoking states 32.521 < 0.001
      是Yes 2 315(15.39) 3 113(15.84) 3 899(13.58) 9 324(14.71)
      否No 12 370(84.61) 16 528(84.16) 18 206(86.42) 54 071(85.29)
    饮酒Alcohol 64.640 < 0.001
      是Yes 2 013(13.38) 2 579(13.13) 3 199(11.14) 7 791(12.29)
      否No 13 032(86.62) 17 059(86.87) 25 513(88.86) 55 604(87.71)
    Note: ① Number of people(proportion%);② Rank-sum test.
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    表  2  南京市栖霞区2020―2022年不同特征≥65岁老年人MS患病率

    Table  2.   The prevalence of MS in different characteristics of the elderly ≥65 years in Qixia District of Nanjing from 2020 to 2022

    变量Variable 2020年year 2021年year 2022年year 趋势χ2值Trend χ2 value P值value
    总患病率Total prevalence rate 5 525(36.72) 6 907(35.17) 9 704(33.80) 37.986 < 0.001
    标化患病率Standardized prevalence rate 5 506(36.60) 6 895(35.11) 9 667(33.67) 41.021 < 0.001
      男性Male 2 420(34.28) 3 220(34.58) 4 400(32.54) 12.207 0.002
      女性Female 3 105(38.91) 3 687(35.71) 5 304(34.91) 36.826 < 0.001
      城市Urban 4 179(39.11) 5 010(36.36) 6 759(33.59) 95.499 < 0.001
      农村Rural 1 346(30.87) 1 897(32.37) 2 945(34.28) 16.237 < 0.001
      男性Male 1 823(37.27) 2 424(37.30) 3 198(33.78) 18.141 < 0.001
      女性Female 2 356(40.66) 2 586(35.53) 3 561(33.43) 99.769 < 0.001
      男性Male 597(27.52) 796(28.30) 1 202(29.66) 3.525 0.172
      女性Female 749(34.19) 1 101(36.13) 1 743(38.39) 11.965 0.003
    年龄组/岁Age group /years
      65~ < 70 2 096(34.01) 2 672(32.61) 3 423(31.38) 12.613 0.002
      70~ < 75 1 778(38.62) 2 150(37.07) 2 940(35.55) 12.243 0.002
      75~ < 80 1 011(41.06) 1 264(39.07) 1 833(38.30) 5.241 0.073
      ≥80 640(35.24) 821(34.09) 1 508(31.75) 8.726 0.013
    锻炼情况Exercise situation
      是Yes 1 297(31.16) 2 474(31.49) 3 641(30.75) 0.587 0.444
      否No 4 228(38.85) 4 433(37.63) 6 063(35.94) 24.894 < 0.001
    膳食习惯Dietary habit
      平衡Balanced 5 034(36.63) 6 322(34.94) 8 962(33.58) 37.589 < 0.001
      不平衡No balanced 491(37.74) 585(37.86) 742(36.67) 0.474 0.491
    吸烟Smoking states
      是Yes 785(33.91) 1 148(36.91) 1 498(38.42) 12.246 < 0.001
      否No 4 740(37.23) 5 759(34.84) 8 206(33.07) 64.649 < 0.001
      是Yes 775(38.52) 984(38.15) 1 240(38.76) 0.060 0.806
      否No 4 750(36.45) 5 923(34.72) 8 464(33.18) 41.916 < 0.001
    注:MS, 代谢综合征; 标化率采用第七次人口普查年龄构成计算。
    Note: MS, metabolic syndrome; The standardized rate was calculated using the age composition of the Seventh National Population Census.
    ①Number of people(proportion%).
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    表  3  南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人MS各组分患病率

    Table  3.   The prevalence rate of MS components in different characteristics of the elderly ≥65 years in Qixia District of Nanjing from 2020 to 2022

    MS各组分MS component 2020年year 2021年year 2022年year P值value
    血压升高Hypertensive 79.82 85.32 81.42 82.60 84.98 83.31 80.53 80.05 80.38 < 0.001
    中心性肥胖Central obesity 50.00 40.85 47.34 46.21 47.26 46.89 43.51 48.50 44.64 < 0.001
    血糖升高Hyperglycemia 44.94 33.10 41.24 44.57 35.19 42.03 40.84 38.90 40.26 < 0.001
    高TG High TG 33.06 26.77 31.23 28.83 23.72 27.20 28.68 28.79 28.82 < 0.001
    低HDL-C Low HDL-C 11.17 12.73 11.62 10.22 10.82 10.40 10.63 10.50 10.59 < 0.001
    注:MS,代谢综合征; TG, 三酰甘油; HDL-C, 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇。
    ①患病率与前1年相比上升,P < 0.05; ②患病率与前1年相比下降,P < 0.05;③为2020―2022年总患病率变化趋势χ2检验。
    Note: MS, metabolic syndrome; TG, triglyceride; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
    ① The prevalence rate higher than that of the previous year, P < 0.05; ② The prevalence rate lower than that of the previous year, P < 0.05; ③ The P value is a Chi-square test of the trend of total prevalence from 2020 to 2022.
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    表  4  南京市栖霞区2020―2022年≥65岁老年人MS组分异常数量分布

    Table  4.   Abnormal quantity distribution of MS components in the elderly ≥65 years in Qixia District of Nanjing from 2020 to 2022

    The number of abnormal components of MS
    2020年year 2021年year 2022年year 趋势χ2值Trend χ2 value P值value
    5 2.10 2.11 1.97 1.116 0.291
    4 10.63 9.74 9.56 11.543 < 0.001
    3 23.99 23.33 22.28 17.681 < 0.001
    2 32.66 32.49 31.71 4.778 0.029
    1 24.11 25.39 26.38 26.953 < 0.001
    0 6.51 6.95 8.11 44.342 < 0.001
    Note: MS, metabolic syndrome.
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