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黄婷 刘晋成 李会琳 吴怡雯 郁尔 季锴 唐少文 赵杨 戴俊程 易洪刚

黄婷, 刘晋成, 李会琳, 吴怡雯, 郁尔, 季锴, 唐少文, 赵杨, 戴俊程, 易洪刚. 单效应汇总回归模型在多组学数据共定位分析中的应用[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 117-121. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.019
引用本文: 黄婷, 刘晋成, 李会琳, 吴怡雯, 郁尔, 季锴, 唐少文, 赵杨, 戴俊程, 易洪刚. 单效应汇总回归模型在多组学数据共定位分析中的应用[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(1): 117-121. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.019
HUANG Ting, LIU Jincheng, LI Huilin, WU Yiwen, YU Er, JI Kai, TANG Shaowen, ZHAO Yang, DAI Juncheng, YI Honggang. The application of the sum of single effects regression model for colocalization analysis in multi-omics data[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 117-121. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.019
Citation: HUANG Ting, LIU Jincheng, LI Huilin, WU Yiwen, YU Er, JI Kai, TANG Shaowen, ZHAO Yang, DAI Juncheng, YI Honggang. The application of the sum of single effects regression model for colocalization analysis in multi-omics data[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(1): 117-121. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.019


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.01.019

国家自然科学基金 81941020

大学生创新创业训练计划项目 202210312151


    易洪刚,E-mail: honggangyi@njmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R181.3

The application of the sum of single effects regression model for colocalization analysis in multi-omics data


National Natural Science Foundation of China 81941020

College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program 202210312151

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探讨单效应汇总(sum of single effects, SuSiE)回归模型在多组学数据共定位分析中的应用。  方法  以多组学模拟数据为例,介绍单效应汇总回归模型的基本原理和R软件分析。  结果  SuSiE回归模型通过利用单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNPs)位点之间因连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium,LD)产生的相关性,允许在有多个因果变异的情况下,正确识别两个组学数据与表型相关的共定位点。  结论  相对于传统方法,SuSiE回归模型拓展了单一因果变异假设这一适用条件,且计算效率较高,从而有助于利用多组学数据检测多个潜在与疾病相关联位点。
  • 图  1  共定位分析后验概率及检验假设示意图


    Figure  1.  The schematic diagram of the posteriori probabilities of colocalization analyse and the five hypotheses

    A is a triplet plot, where the blue area corresponds to a high probability of colocalization (PP4 > 50%), the orange area corresponds to a high probability of the two phenotypes having different causal variations (PP3 > 50%), and the gray area corresponds to a probability of failing to determine or rejecting colocalization. B, C, D and E are H0-H4 respectively.

    图  2  SuSiE共定位分析方法基本思想示意图

    Figure  2.  The schematic diagram of the principle of SuSiE colocalization analysis

    图  3  数据处理和SuSiE共定位分析示意图

    Figure  3.  The schematic diagram of the data processing and SuSiE colocalization analysis

    图  4  SuSiE共定位分析先验概率p12敏感性分析结果

    左侧是基因组和转录组的局部曼哈顿图。右侧为不同p12值时H0~H4假设的先验概率和后验概率,绿色框表示PP4 > 0.9,虚线表示当前的p12值,该值位于绿色框内,表明p12设为当前值时PP4 > 0.9的结论稳定。

    Figure  4.  The sensitivity analysis result of the prior probability p12 for SuSiE colocalization analysis

    On the left is a local Manhattan map of the genome and transcriptome. The right side is the prior probability and posterior probability of H0-H4 hypothesis with different p12 values, and the green box represents PP4 > 0.9, the dotted line indicates the current p12 value. The value is in the green box, indicating that when the p12 is set to the current value PP4 > The conclusion of 0.9 is stable.

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  • 收稿日期:  2022-12-15
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