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蒋子昀 张阳阳 杨会林 周建国 李迅

蒋子昀, 张阳阳, 杨会林, 周建国, 李迅. 胸腺肽类药物辅助治疗重症肺炎有效性和安全性的系统综述与用药合理性讨论[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(5): 596-606. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.017
引用本文: 蒋子昀, 张阳阳, 杨会林, 周建国, 李迅. 胸腺肽类药物辅助治疗重症肺炎有效性和安全性的系统综述与用药合理性讨论[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(5): 596-606. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.017
JIANG Ziyun, ZHANG Yangyang, YANG Huilin, ZHOU Jianguo, LI Xun. A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of the immunomodulator thymic polypeptides as adjuvant treatment for severe pneumonia[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(5): 596-606. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.017
Citation: JIANG Ziyun, ZHANG Yangyang, YANG Huilin, ZHOU Jianguo, LI Xun. A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of the immunomodulator thymic polypeptides as adjuvant treatment for severe pneumonia[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(5): 596-606. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.017


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.017

国家重点研发计划“中医药现代化”重点专项 2022YFC3501400

北京中医药大学基本科研业务费项目 2022-JYB-JBRW-013

北京中医药大学校级教育课题 XJY22020



  • 中图分类号: R563.1

A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of the immunomodulator thymic polypeptides as adjuvant treatment for severe pneumonia


Major Program "Modernization of traditional Chinese Medicine" of The National Major Research and Development Plan of China 2022YFC3501400

Fundamental Research Funds for Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 2022-JYB-JBRW-013

Education Research Program of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine XJY22020

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  评价胸腺肽类药物辅助治疗重症肺炎的有效性和安全性并探讨应用的合理性。  方法  检索中国知网、万方数据、维普、Sinomed、Pubmed、Embase、Cochrane Library数据库自建库至2023年12月发表的胸腺肽类药物辅助治疗重症肺炎的随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT),经过严格的筛选后,使用Cochrane偏倚风险评估工具评估文献质量,使用Revman 5.4软件进行统计分析。  结果  纳入28项RCT(2 228例患者)。结果显示胸腺肽组死亡率(RR=0.51, 95% CI: 0.32~0.83, P=0.006)、有效率(RR=1.24, 95% CI: 1.19~1.30, P < 0.001)、重症监护室(intensive care unit, ICU)住院天数(MD=-3.03, 95% CI: -3.79~-2.26, P < 0.001)、机械通气时间(MD=-61.34,95% CI: -65.55~-57.12, P < 0.001)、血气分析指标、炎性指标均略优于对照组,在不良事件发生率方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。亚组分析显示≥60岁的人群ICU住院天数缩短更多。证据质量普遍较低,部分指标存在较高异质性。  结论  基于现有证据,胸腺肽类药物辅助治疗重症肺炎有一定优势,但当前的证据存在局限性,不足以支持其在国内广泛应用的合理性,未来需要开展更多高质量的RCT,并且对药物的安全性和经济学效益进行深入研究。
  • 图  1  文献筛选流程图

    Figure  1.  Flow diagram of articles included

    图  2  偏倚风险图

    Figure  2.  Risk of bias

    图  3  胸腺肽+常规治疗vs常规治疗有效率的森林图

    Figure  3.  Forest plot of the effectiveness of thymic peptides+conventional treatment versus conventional treatment

    图  4  胸腺肽+常规治疗vs常规治疗有效率的漏斗图

    Figure  4.  Funnel plot of the effectiveness of thymic peptides+ conventional treatment versus conventional treatment

    表  1  纳入研究基本特征

    Table  1.   The characteristics of the studies included

    研究ID Study ID 疾病种类Disease category 样本量Sample size 年龄/岁Age/years
    T C T C
    杨崇艳[13]2019 Yang CY[13] SCAP 44 44 50.97±10.51 50.46±10.74
    卢经伟等[14]2014 Lu JW, et al[14] SCAP 40 38 67.50±6.20 68.20±5.50
    朱倩[15]2020 Zhu Q[15] SP 48 47 68.50±4.45 69.00±4.61
    李瑞书[16]2017 Li RS[16] SP 50 50 55.34±5.52 56.39±5.48
    胡男彬[17]2016 Hu NB[17] SP 20 20 67.53±4.32 69.33±4.14
    李莉等[18]2020 Li L, et al[18] SCAP 59 59 60.63±6.57 61.24±7.13
    季明霞等[19]2015 Ji MX, et al[19] SP 28 28 42.15±11.72 45.03±15.91
    古柠华[20]2020 Gu NH[20] SP 30 30 66.27±5.14 66.35±5.28
    何新华等[21]2009 He XH, et al[21] SCAP 17 18 62.00±6.00 64.00±8.00
    郭镕杰等[22]2021 Guo RJ, et al[22] SP 42 42 63.48±2.34 63.46±2.31
    肖辉[23]2018 Xiao H[23] T2DM+SP 39 39 68.20±3.40 67.60±4.10
    刘传文等[24]2019 Liu CW, et al[24] SP 46 46 72.69±7.78 73.34±7.21
    石小软[25]2018 Shi XR[25] SCAP 55 55 62.30±11.70 65.10±12.10
    于磊等[26]2023 Yu L, et al[26] SP 40 40 62.58±1.31 62.35±1.24
    岳红云等[27]2023 Yue HY, et al[27] SP+呼吸衰竭respiratory failure 48 48 62.58±1.31 62.35±1.24
    张辉等[28]2019 Zhang H, et al[28] SP 43 43 58.88±9.87 59.91±10.02
    刘辉等[29]2021 Liu H, et al[29] SP 55 55 67.96±4.34 67.32±4.85
    朱海亮[30]2020 Zhu HL[30] SCAP 30 30 68.40±9.60 69.30±9.62
    郑细优等[31]2016 Zheng XY, et al[31] SP+脓毒症sepsis 35 35 60.46±8.57 61.08±8.79
    熊锋等[32]2015 Xiong F, et al[32] SP+脓毒症sepsis 34 34 64.80±12.00 66.20±13.00
    申强[33]2015 Shen Q[33] SP+脓毒症sepsis 38 38 65.80±5.40 66.20±7.40
    谢敏崇等[34]2019 Xie MC, et al[34] SP+脓毒症sepsis 45 45 38.13±2.02 38.24±2.01
    林攻平[35]2018 Lin GP[35] SP+脓毒症sepsis 36 36 51.20± 5.10 50.10±4.90
    王娜2014[36] Wang N[36] SVAP 26 26 71.70±11.90 72.50±12.30
    孙睿甜[37]2021 Sun RT[37] SP+脓毒症sepsis 35 35 51.03±10.72 51.28±10.63
    王薇等[38]2020 Wang W, et al[38] SP 60 60 68.73±2.45 67.93±2.32
    陈珊珊等[39]2019 Chen SS, et al[38] 胃癌Gastric cancer +SP 32 32 69.10±4.30 68.00±4.60
    吴薇[40]2022 Wu W[40] SP+脓毒症sepsis 40 40 55.02±4.21 54.25±4.12
    研究ID Study ID 试验组干预措施 Intervention of the trial group 疗程/d Treatment duration/d 结局指标Outcomes
    种类Category 使用方法Usage
    杨崇艳[13]2019 Yang CY[13] Tα1 1.6 mg qd 7 BI
    卢经伟等[14]2014 Lu JW, et al[14] Tα1 1.6 mg qd 7 B
    朱倩[15]2020 Zhu Q[15] Tα1 1.6 mg des 7 B
    李瑞书[16]2017 Li RS[16] Tα1 1.6 mg des 7 AB
    胡男彬[17]2016 Hu NB[17] Tα1 1.6 mg bid 7 B
    李莉等[18]2020 Li L, et al[18] Tα1 1.6 mg bid NR BEHIJ
    季明霞等[19]2015 Ji MX, et al[19] Tα1 1.6 mg qd 7 CDI
    古柠华[20]2020 Gu NH[20] Tα1 1.6 mg qd 10 CD
    何新华等[21]2009 He XH, et al[21] Tα1 1.6 mg bid 7 ABCD
    郭镕杰等[22]2021 Guo RJ, et al[22] Tα1 1.6 mg bid 14 B
    肖辉[23]2018 Xiao H[23] Tα1 1.6 mg qd~bid 10 B
    刘传文等[24]2019 Liu CW, et al[24] Tα1 1.6 mg des 7 C
    石小软[25]2018 Shi XR[25] Tα1 1.6 mg des 7 AB
    于磊等[26]2023 Yu L, et al[26] Tα1 20~80 mg qd 7 BCDI
    岳红云等[27]2023 Yue HY, et al[27] Tα1 1.6 mg 2次/周2 times/week 7 BEFH
    张辉等[28]2019 Zhang H, et al[28] Tm 1.6 mg qd 14 B
    刘辉等[29]2021 Liu H, et al[29] Tm 20 mg qd 14 B
    朱海亮[30]2020 Zhu HL[30] Tm 40 mg qd 7 BI
    郑细优等[31]2016 Zheng XY, et al[31] Tm 20 mg qd 5 BDIJ
    熊锋等[32]2015 Xiong F, et al[32] Tm 1.6 mg bid 5 BDIJ
    申强[33]2015 Shen Q[33] Tm 1.5 mg bid 5 BIJ
    谢敏崇等[34]2019 Xie MC, et al[34] Tm 1.6 mg bid 5 CDJ
    林攻平[35]2018 Lin GP[35] Tm 10~20 mg qd NR DIJ
    王娜2014[36] Wang N[36] TP-5 1 mg qd 14 ACD
    孙睿甜[37]2021 Sun RT[37] TP-5 10 mg qd 7 BCDEFI
    王薇等[38]2020 Wang W, et al[38] TP-5 10 mg 14 BI
    陈珊珊等[39]2019 Chen SS, et al[38] TP-5 10 mg qd 21 I
    吴薇[40]2022 Wu W[40] TP-5 20 mg qd 5 BCDEFGI
    ①对照措施均为重症肺炎的常规治疗,包括抗感染、抗休克、气道护理、氧疗以及原发症的对症治疗;②降级治疗指前三天每天服药两次,后4 d每天服药一次;③该研究未报告每天的服药次数;④结局指标对应:A-死亡率;B-有效率;C-ICU住院天数;D-机械通气时间;E-动脉血氧分压;F-动脉血二氧化碳分压;G-血氧饱和度;H-氧合指数;I-降钙素原;J-白细胞计数。
    Note: T, trial group; C, control group; SP, severe pneumonia; SCAP, severe community-acquired pneumonia; SVAP, severe ventilator-associated pneumonia; T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus; Tα1, thymosin α1; Tm, thymosin; TP-5, thymopentin; qd, once a day; bid, twice a day; des, de-escalation of treatment; NR, not reported.
    ①Control measures were all routine treatments for severe pneumonia, including anti-infection, anti-shock, airway care, oxygen therapy, and symptomatic treatment of primary conditions; ②De-escalation of treatment was defined as taking the drug twice a day for the first three days and once a day for the last four days; ③The study did not report the number of medications taken per day; ④The outcome indicators corresponded to: A-mortality; B-efficiency; C-number of days of ICU stay; D-mechanical ventilation time; E-PaO2; F-PaCO2; G-SaO2; H- PaO2/FiO2; I-PCT; J-WBC.
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    表  2  其他指标效应值

    Table  2.   The effect size of other indicators

    结局指标Outcomes indicator 研究数量Number of studies 样本量Sample size 异质性检验Heterogeneity (I2/%,P值value) 统计方法Statistical method RR/MD值value (95% CI) P值value
    死亡率Mortality rate 4 297 0,0.990 FEM 0.51 (0.32~0.83) 0.006
      亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age≥60 2 145 61,0.110 0.51 (0.26~1.00) 0.050
        TP-5且≥60岁TP-5 and age≥60 1 52 0.57 (0.29~1.13) 0.110
        Tα1且 < 60岁Tα1 and age < 60 1 100 0.20 (0.01~4.06) 0.290
    ICU住院天数ICU stay 9 615 96, <0.001 FEM -3.03 (-3.79~-2.26) < 0.001
      亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age≥60 4 267 52,0.100 -3.90 (-4.24~-3.56) 0.100
        TP-5且≥60岁TP-5 and age≥60 1 52 -3.60 (-7.90~0.70) 0.100
        Tα1且 < 60岁Tα1 and age < 60 1 56 -1.62 (-3.21~-0.03) 0.050
        Tm且 < 60岁Tm and age < 60 1 90 -2.12 (-2.49~-1.75) < 0.001
        TP-5且 < 60岁TP-5 and age < 60 2 150 0,0.630 -1.87 (-2.22~1.51) < 0.001
    机械通气时间Mechanical ventilation time 11 733 57,0.009 REM -61.34 (-65.55~-57.12) < 0.001
      亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age>60 3 175 71,0.030 -59.83 (-67.07~-52.59) < 0.001
        Tm且≥60岁Tm and age≥60 2 138 0,0.970 -57.68 (-66.49~-48.87) < 0.001
        TP-5且≥60岁TP-5 and age≥60 1 52 -91.20 (-160.05~-22.35) 0.009
        Tα1且 < 60岁Tα1 and age < 60 1 56 -38.64 (-63.30~-13.98) 0.002
        Tm且 < 60岁Tm and age < 60 2 162 34,0.220 -67.91 (-78.74~-57.07) < 0.001
        TP-5且 < 60岁TP-5 and age < 60 2 150 68,0.070 -60.36 (-75.69~-45.03) < 0.001
    PaO2 4 364 95, < 0.001 REM 10.37 (6.15~14.58) < 0.001
      亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age≥60 2 214 0,0.530 7.37 (6.44~8.30) < 0.001
        TP-5且 < 60岁TP-5 and age < 60 2 150 95, < 0.001 13.69 (3.40~23.98) 0.009
    PaCO2 3 246 98, < 0.001 REM -5.59 (-13.12~1.94) 0.150
        亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age≥60 1 96 -0.15 (-1.19~0.89) 0.780
        TP-5且 < 60岁TP-5 and age < 60 2 150 94, < 0.001 -8.40 (-14.37~-2.44) 0.006
    SaO2 2 176 91, < 0.001 REM 3.37 (0.77~5.97) 0.010
        亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age≥60 1 96 2.13 (1.57~2.69)
        TP-5且 < 60岁TP-5 and age < 60 1 80 4.79 (3.30~6.28)
    PaO2/FiO2 1 118 33.08 (27.69~38.47) < 0.001
    PCT 12 902 99, < 0.001 REM -1.30 (-1.62~-0.97) < 0.001
      亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tα1且≥60岁Tα1 and age≥60 1 118 92, < 0.001 -2.89 (-3.80~-1.97) < 0.001
        Tm且≥60岁Tm and age≥60 3 204 30,0.240 -0.29 (-0.38~-0.20) < 0.001
        TP-5且≥60岁TP-5 and age≥60 2 134 99, < 0.001 -1.71 (-4.51~1.08) 0.230
        Tα1且 < 60岁Tα1 and age < 60 2 144 99, < 0.001 -1.37 (-3.04~0.31) 0.110
        Tm且 < 60岁Tm and age < 60 1 72 -0.79 (-0.87~-0.71) < 0.001
        TP-5且 < 60岁TP-5 and age < 60 2 150 90,0.002 -1.93 (-3.00~-0.86) < 0.001
    WBC 6 522 69,0.004 REM -2.86 (-2.93~-2.79) < 0.001
        亚组分析Subgroup analysis
        Tm且≥60岁Tm and age≥60 3 214 0,1.000 -2.29 (-2.63~-1.96) < 0.001
        Tm且 < 60岁Tm and age < 60 2 162 28,0.240 -2.89 (-2.96~-2.82) < 0.001
        Tα且 < 60岁Tα and age < 60 1 56 -2.40 (-3.86~-0.94) 0.001
    Note: PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; SaO2, blood oxygen saturation; PaO2/FiO2, oxygenation index; PCT, procalcitonin; WBC, white blood cell count; RE, random effect models;FE, fixed effect models; MD, mean diffenrence.
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