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刘小畅 程桂荣 李春利 曾燕

刘小畅, 程桂荣, 李春利, 曾燕. 后疫情时代居民焦虑、抑郁和失眠现状及疫情相关影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 709-714. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.014
引用本文: 刘小畅, 程桂荣, 李春利, 曾燕. 后疫情时代居民焦虑、抑郁和失眠现状及疫情相关影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 709-714. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.014
LIU Xiaochang, CHENG Guirong, LI Chunli, ZENG Yan. The current status and epidemic-related influencing factors of the symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia among residents in mainland China in the post-epidemic era[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 709-714. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.014
Citation: LIU Xiaochang, CHENG Guirong, LI Chunli, ZENG Yan. The current status and epidemic-related influencing factors of the symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia among residents in mainland China in the post-epidemic era[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 709-714. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.014


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.014

国家重点研发计划子课题 2020YFC2006000


    曾燕,E-mail: zengyan68@wust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R395.6

The current status and epidemic-related influencing factors of the symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia among residents in mainland China in the post-epidemic era


National Key Research and Development Program 2020YFC2006000

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探究后疫情时代居民焦虑、抑郁和失眠等心理问题的现状及疫情相关因素对心理问题的影响。  方法  于2023年1―4月,通过在线横断面调查,对焦虑、抑郁和失眠进行标准化测量以及与不良心理健康结果相关的风险因素进行调查; 心理评估量表通过采用t检验、方差分析和χ2检验的方法比较各组焦虑、抑郁和失眠的差异,Pearson相关分析用于探究后疫情时代相关因素与焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量评分的相关性,线性回归模型确定后疫情时代相关因素与焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量的定量关系。  结果  研究共纳入35 213名≥16岁的居民,患焦虑症共8 464人(24.0%),广泛性焦虑障碍(generalized anxiety disorder-7, GAD-7)评分为(6.30±5.06)分,患抑郁症共12 216人(34.7%),抑郁症筛查量表(patient health questionnaire-9, PHQ-9)评分为(7.98±6.12)分,患失眠症共12 416人(35.3%),匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh sleep quality index, PSQI)评分为(8.75±3.94)分。焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量得分均与疫情感染指数(infection index, INI)呈负相关(β=-0.083, -0.042, -0.069, 均P<0.001),焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量得分均与疫情影响指数(impact index, IMI)和疫情忧虑指数(concern index, COI)呈正相关(β=0.401, 0.365, 0.207, 均P<0.001)。  结论  后疫情时代,居民焦虑、抑郁及失眠症状检出率较高,从改善疫情导致的生活、社交不便和担忧出发,帮助人们以良好的心理健康水平应对新型冠状病毒感染(corona virus disease 2019, COVID-19)的长期影响。
  • 表  1  居民人口学特征及不同特征人群焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量的差异

    Table  1.   Demographic characteristics of mainland residents and differences in anxiety, depression and sleep quality among groups of different characteristics

    特征Characteristics 参与者
    焦虑Anxiety 抑郁Depression 睡眠质量Sleep quality
    x±s t/F
    x±s t/F
    x±s t/F
    总体Total 35 213(100.0) 6.30±5.06 7.98±6.12 8.75±3.94
    性别Gender -0.122 0.903 0.445 0.656 0.427 0.670
      女性Female 19 274(54.7) 6.30±5.02 7.99±6.07 8.76±3.97
      男性Male 15 939(45.3) 6.30±5.12 7.96±6.19 8.74±3.91
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 111.076 <0.001 47.990 <0.001 294.842 <0.001
      16~<26 12 883(36.6) 5.74±4.81 7.57±5.75 7.95±3.91
      26~<41 17 705(50.3) 6.47±5.16 8.09±6.33 9.16±3.89
      41~<51 3 168(9.0) 6.92±5.06 8.40±6.09 9.28±3.72
      ≥51 1 457(4.1) 7.72±5.53 9.30±6.56 9.70±4.20
    婚姻状况Marital status 871.021 <0.001 741.816 <0.001 798.503 <0.001
      已婚Married 16 643(47.3) 5.88±4.94 7.32±6.05 8.83±3.86
      未婚Unmarried 15 362(43.6) 6.02±4.92 7.87±5.90 8.20±3.96
      离异/丧偶Divorced/widowed 3 208(9.1) 9.82±5.03 11.87±6.16 10.96±3.46
    受教育程度Education attainment 182.633 <0.001 177.163 <0.001 122.180 <0.001
      高中及以下High school and below 6 330(18.0) 5.89±5.07 7.40±6.26 8.96±3.81
      大学本科Bachelor′s degree 24 289(69.0) 6.14±4.93 7.82±5.95 8.55±3.95
      硕士及以上Master′s degree or above 4 594(13.0) 7.70±5.50 9.61±6.56 9.51±4.00
    China′s four major economic regions
    51.509 <0.001 35.553 <0.001 190.450 <0.001
      东部East 13 518(38.4) 6.55±5.12 8.27±6.28 9.14±3.85
      中部Midland 14 227(40.4) 5.92±4.87 7.62±5.80 8.14±3.97
      西部West 4 875(13.8) 6.74±5.18 8.37±6.30 9.22±3.83
      东北Northeast 2 593(7.4) 6.21±5.42 7.71±6.54 9.18±4.04
    感染COVID-19 Infected COVID-19 8.136 <0.001 4.119 <0.001 2.187 0.029
      否No 6 963(19.8) 6.77±5.55 8.27±6.66 8.85±4.19
      是Yes 28 250(80.2) 6.18±4.93 7.91±5.98 8.73±3.88
    Types of infection symptoms SARS-CoV-2
    100.404 <0.001 95.698 <0.001 65.244 <0.001
      0 9 960(28.3) 7.02±5.51 8.62±6.70 9.17±4.07
      1 7 110(20.2) 5.91±5.00 7.31±6.09 8.79±3.81
      2 12 436(35.3) 5.88±4.69 7.56±5.71 8.51±3.84
      3 4 515(12.8) 6.08±4.73 8.16±5.54 8.25±3.97
      4 1 192(3.4) 7.77±5.49 10.22±6.52 9.44±4.17
    Worried about infection or reinfection
    -45.348 <0.001 -43.806 <0.001 -10.233 <0.001
      基本不担心No 23 520(66.8) 5.43±4.72 6.97±5.79 8.60±3.84
      担心Yes 11 693(33.2) 8.05±5.28 10.00±6.27 9.06±4.13
    Worried about sequelae of COVID-19
    -64.910 <0.001 -60.225 <0.001 -33.315 <0.001
      基本不担心No 23 395(66.4) 5.08±4.57 6.61±5.61 8.26±3.89
      担心Yes 11 818(33.6) 8.71±5.13 10.69±6.19 9.72±3.87
    疫情对生活的影响The impact on life -64.224 <0.001 -59.391 <0.001 -27.236 <0.001
      基本无影响No 22 934(65.1) 5.05±4.50 6.58±5.59 8.33±3.86
      有影响Yes 12 279(34.9) 8.63±5.23 10.58±6.24 9.53±3.98
    疫情对社交的影响The impact on social interaction -72.293 <0.001 -65.232 <0.001 -33.460 <0.001
      基本无影响No 23 101(65.6) 4.92±4.43 6.47±5.52 8.25±3.88
      有影响Yes 12 112(34.3) 8.92±5.17 10.85±6.20 9.71±3.88
    注:SARS-CoV-2, 严重急性呼吸道综合征冠状病毒2型; COVID-19, 新型冠状病毒感染。
    Note:SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; COVID-19, corona virus disease 2019.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%).
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    表  2  疫情相关因素与焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量的相关性分析

    Table  2.   Pearson correlation analysis of epidemic related factors and anxiety, depression and sleep quality

    特征Characteristics 焦虑Anxiety 抑郁Depression 睡眠质量Sleep quality
    r值value P值value r值value P值value r值value P值value
    感染指数Infection index -0.050 <0.001 -0.013 0.014 -0.052 <0.001
    影响指数Impact index 0.485 <0.001 0.455 <0.001 0.300 <0.001
    忧虑指数Concern index 0.547 <0.001 0.508 <0.001 0.305 <0.001
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    表  3  疫情相关因素与焦虑、抑郁和睡眠的线性回归分析

    Table  3.   Pearson correlation analysis of epidemic related factors and anxiety, depression and sleep quality

    特征Characteristics 焦虑Anxiety 抑郁Depression 睡眠质量Sleep quality
    β值value (95% CI) P值value β值value (95% CI) P值value β值value (95% CI) P值value
    感染指数Infection index -0.083(-0.091~-0.074) <0.001 -0.042(-0.050~-0.033) <0.001 -0.069(-0.078~-0.059) <0.001
    影响指数Impact index 0.401(0.391~0.411) <0.001 0.365(0.355~0.375) <0.001 0.207(0.196~0.219) <0.001
    忧虑指数Concern index 0.264(0.254~0.274) <0.001 0.252(0.242~0.262) <0.001 0.182(0.171~0.194) <0.001
    Note:Models were adjusted for age, marital status, education level and geographic area.
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