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何春燕 徐小慧 何纳 丁盈盈

何春燕, 徐小慧, 何纳, 丁盈盈. HIV阳性者高血压发病密度及影响因素的系统综述[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 721-728. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.016
引用本文: 何春燕, 徐小慧, 何纳, 丁盈盈. HIV阳性者高血压发病密度及影响因素的系统综述[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 721-728. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.016
HE Chunyan, XU Xiaohui, HE Na, DING Yingying. Systematic review of the incidence and risk factors of hypertension among HIV-positive individuals[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 721-728. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.016
Citation: HE Chunyan, XU Xiaohui, HE Na, DING Yingying. Systematic review of the incidence and risk factors of hypertension among HIV-positive individuals[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 721-728. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.016


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.016

上海市自然科学基金 21ZR1403800

国家重点研发计划 2022YFC2304901



  • 中图分类号: R512.91

Systematic review of the incidence and risk factors of hypertension among HIV-positive individuals


Shanghai Natural Science Foundation 21ZR1403800

National Key Research and Development Program of China 2022YFC2304901

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  对人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)阳性者高血压的发病密度和影响因素进行系统综述,旨在探索HIV阳性者发生高血压的影响因素及潜在的机制。  方法  通过中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、PubMed、EMbase、Web of Science和Medline数据库系统检索HIV阳性者中高血压发病的相关文献,摘录基本信息、发病密度及影响因素。  结果  最终纳入20篇研究,研究包含北美洲国家5篇,非洲国家5篇,亚洲国家4篇,欧洲国家2篇,多中心研究4篇。HIV阳性者的高血压发病密度为26.0/1 000人年~320.1/1 000人年。HIV阳性者新发高血压的影响因素包括传统因素如年龄、性别、种族、BMI和腹部肥胖、糖尿病、肾病和血脂异常; 特异性的影响因素包括HIV感染时间、抗病毒治疗(antiretroviral therapy, ART)时长和ART药物等。  结论  HIV阳性者的高血压发病密度较高,且地理差异较大。HIV阳性者新发高血压的传统影响因素作用比较确定,需要在HIV阳性者的生活方式中实施初级预防的策略和措施。然而,HIV和ART相关的影响因素对高血压发生的作用尚不清楚,需要进行前瞻性研究来确定HIV特异性因素的影响,以更好地了解HIV阳性者的高血压流行病学。
  • 图  1  文献筛选流程及结果

    Figure  1.  Flow diagram of the literature selection

    表  1  HIV阳性者高血压发病密度及影响因素

    Table  1.   Incidence density and risk factors of hypertension among HIV/AIDS individuals

    Diagnostic criteria
    Follow-up time
    Research site
    North America
    2013[11] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg或有高血压诊断史或诊断史且服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg or a history of hypertension diagnosis or a diagnosis history and taking antihypertensive medication
    2001—2006 美国
    United States
    2013[21] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up receiving any hypertension treatment
    1998—2011 美国
    United States
    2016[13] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up history of hypertension diagnosis
    1996—2013 美国
    United States
    2018[29] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on two occasions or taking antihypertensive medication
    2005—2009 海地
    2022[40] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访3次测量≥140/90 mmHg或有高血压诊断史
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on three occasions or a history of hypertension diagnosis
    2014—2019 美国
    United States
    非洲Africa 2020[10] 前瞻性研究Prospective study 基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg
    1年Year 加纳
    2015[14] 纵向研究Longitudinal study 基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on two occasions or taking antihypertensive medication
    2010—2013 乌干达
    2016[36] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访3次测量≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on three occasions or taking antihypertensive medication
    2005—2015 乌干达
    2017[18] 纵向研究Longitudinal study 基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on two occasions
    2013—2015 撒哈拉
    2018[28] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访3次测量≥140/90 mmHg或一次测量≥180/110 mmHg或ART 3个月后有高血压诊断史或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on three occasions, or a single measurement ≥180/110 mmHg, or a history of hypertension diagnosis after 3 months of antiviral treatment, or taking antihypertensive medication
    2004—2016 南非
    South Africa
    欧洲Europe 2012[23] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on two occasions or taking antihypertensive medication
    2007—2010 挪威
    2017[16] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on two occasions or taking antihypertensive medication
    2010—2017 意大利
    亚洲Asia 2021[37] 前瞻性研究Prospective study 基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥130/80 mmHg
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥130/80 mmHg on two occasions
    2019—2020 埃塞俄比亚
    2020[20] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访≥140/90 mmHg或高血压诊断史
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg or a history of hypertension diagnosis
    2017—2019 中国
    2018[38] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication
    2008—2016 韩国
    2020[39] 纵向研究Longitudinal study 基线血压正常,随访≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure is normal, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication
    2008—2015 中国
    2005[25] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure is normal, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication
    1999—2003 多中心
    2017[9] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    Baseline blood pressure within normal range, with follow-up history of hypertension diagnosis and taking antihypertensive medication
    2000—2013 多中心
    2018[26] 队列研究
    Cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure is normal, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication
    1999—2013 多中心
    2022[41] 回顾性队列
    Retrospective cohort study
    基线血压正常,随访2次测量≥140/90 mmHg或服用降压药
    Baseline blood pressure is normal, with follow-up measurements ≥140/90 mmHg on two occasions or taking antihypertensive medication
    2012—2019 多中心
    Proportion of male/%
    Sample size
    发病密度/1 000人年
    Incidence density/1 000 person-years
    Influenceing factors
    NOS score
    North America
    49.9 384 275 73.0 未治疗/治疗
    Female: 160.0/90.0
    Male: 220.0/170.0
    Female: 140.0 Male: 170.0
    43.0 80.0 2 390 84.0 64.1 年龄增加↑、黑人种族↑、体重升高↑、糖尿病↑
    Age increase↑, Black ethnicity↑, weight gain↑, diabetes↑
    35.0 72.0 3 141 90.0 34.4 年龄增加↑、BMI≥30 kg/m2↑、糖尿病↑、最大肌酐≥1.4 mg/dL↑、可卡因↑、烟草↓、西班牙裔美国人↓
    Age increase↑, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2↑, diabetes↑, maximum creatinine≥ 1.4 mg/dL ↑, cocaine use↑, tobacco use↓, Hispanic Americans↓
    39.0 42.0 816 100.0 34.1 年龄增加↑、BMI高↑、IL-6升高↑
    Age increase↑, high BMI↑, elevated IL-6↑
    47.0 71.5 2 274 63.0 4
    非洲Africa 25.0 443 100.0 320.1 年龄增加↓、病载量对数↑、泰诺福韦↑
    Age decrease↓, logarithm of viral load increase↑, Tenofovir↑
    32.0 33.0 3 389 100.0 111.5 年龄增加↑、男性↑、BMI≥30 kg/m2↑、最小CD4+ T细胞计数<100个/μL↑
    Age increase↑, male↑, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2↑, minimum CD4+ T cell count<100 cells/μL↑
    34.0 30.0 230 100.0 31.7 年龄增加↑、男性↑、BMI≥25 kg/m2↑、最小CD4+ T细胞计数<100个/μL↑、ART后6个月D-二聚体水平↓
    Age increase ↑, male ↑, BMI ≥25 kg/m2↑, minimum CD4 + T cell count<100 cells/μL↑, decreased D-dimer levels after 6 months of ART↓
    38.2 38.4 834 75.5 120.0 年龄增加↑、BMI高↑、eGFR<60 /ml(min·1.73 m2)↑
    Age increase↑, high BMI↑, eGFR<60 /ml(min·1.73 m2)↑
    37.0 60.8 60 570 100.0 54.4 年龄增加↑、男性↑、BMI增加↑、基线正常高值血压↑、CD4+ T细胞计数<50个/μL↑、奈韦拉平↑、齐多夫定↑、司他夫定↑
    Age increase↑, male↑, BMI increase↑, baseline hypertension with high values↑, CD4+ T cell count<50 cells/μL↑, Nelfinavir ↑, Zidovudine↑, Sustiva↑
    欧洲Europe 43.0 72.1 434 75.8 29.8 HIV感染时间↑、ART时长↑、尿白蛋白排泄异常↑
    Increased duration of HIV infection↑, prolonged ART duration↑, increased abnormal urinary albumin excretion↑
    46.4 70.9 961 93.9 50.1 年龄增加↑、BMI增加↑、估算的心血管风险↑、基线血压高↑、HIV临床分期重↑
    Age increase↑, BMI increase↑, elevated estimated cardiovascular risk↑, high baseline blood pressure↑, advanced HIV clinical stage increase↑
    亚洲Asia 35.0 48.7 302 100.0 196.2 男性↑, 年龄增加↑, BMI较高↑, 糖尿病↑, AZT用药史↑
    Increased male gender↑, age increase↑, higher BMI↑, elevated diabetes↑, history of AZT medication use↑
    52.7 76.9 229 90.3 普通型肥胖↑、腹部肥胖↑
    Increased general obesity↑, abdominal obesity↑
    92.7 6 493 100.0 40.0 年龄增加↑、男性↑、ART依从性低↑、预防性抗生素(阿巴卡韦)↑
    Age increase↑, male gender increase↑, low ART adherence↑, increased use of prophylactic antibiotic (Abacavir)↑
    35.2 75.2 984 100.0 76.0 BMI高↑、基线CD4+ T细胞计数高↑、最近病毒载量增加↑; 齐多夫定/泰诺福韦(相比司他夫定)↓, 最近CD4+/CD8+比值↓
    High BMI↑, high baseline CD4+ T cell count↑, recent viral load increase↑; Zidovudine/Tenofovir (compared to Sustiva) decrease↓; recent CD4+/CD8+ ratio decrease↓
    72.6 8 984 72.1 年龄增加↑、男性↑、BMI高↑、基线血压高↑、总胆固醇高↑、临床脂肪代谢障碍↑
    Age increase↑, male↑, high BMI↑, high baseline blood pressure↑, high total cholesterol↑, increased clinical lipid metabolism disorders↑
    68 405 26.0 黑人种族↑ Black ethnicity↑ 5
    38.0 72.2 33 278 68.4 34.2 年龄增加↑、男性↑、黑人种族↑、BMI高↑、糖尿病↑、血脂异常↑、eGFR低↑、CD4+ T细胞计数低↑、奈韦拉平↑
    Indinavir/ritonavir↑ Age increase↑, male↑, Black ethnicity increase↑, high BMI↑, elevated diabetes↑, abnormal blood lipid levels↑, decreased eGFR↑, low CD4+ T cell count↑, increased use of Nelfinavir↑, increased use of Indinavir/Ritonavir↑
    43.0 73.4 4 606 54.0 126.2 基于INSTI/PI的治疗方案↑、基线CD4+ T细胞计数<350个/μL↑、基线未治疗↑、BMI≥30 kg/m2
    Tment regimen based on INSTI/PI↑, baseline CD4+ T cell count<350 cells/μL↑, treatment-naive at baseline↑, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2
    注:1. ↑与新发高血压呈统计学正相关;↓与新发高血压呈统计学负相关。
    2. ART,抗病毒治疗;NOS, 纽卡斯尔—渥太华量表;eGFR,肾小球滤过率估算值;AZT,齐多夫定;Indinavir/Ritonavir,茚地那韦/利托那韦;INSTI/PI, 整合酶链转移抑制剂/蛋白酶抑制剂。
    3. “—”表示未提取到相关数。
    Note: 1. ↑ indicates a positive correlation with incident hypertension; ↓ indicates a negative correlation with incident hypertension.
    2. ART, antiretroviral therapy; NOS, Newcastle-Ottawa scale; eGFR,estimated glomerular filtration rate;AZT, zidovudine; Indinavir/ritonavir, Indinavir/ritonavir; INSTI/PI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor/protease inhibitor.
    3. "—" indicates that no relevant data has been extracted.
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