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朱玲 曾金彩 王莹 杜志成 张王剑 郝元涛 袁柱培 顾菁

朱玲, 曾金彩, 王莹, 杜志成, 张王剑, 郝元涛, 袁柱培, 顾菁. 锻炼频率对老年人生活自理能力维持的影响——一项基于社区队列的研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(7): 753-758. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.002
引用本文: 朱玲, 曾金彩, 王莹, 杜志成, 张王剑, 郝元涛, 袁柱培, 顾菁. 锻炼频率对老年人生活自理能力维持的影响——一项基于社区队列的研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(7): 753-758. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.002
ZHU Ling, ZENG Jincai, WANG Ying, DU Zhicheng, ZHANG Wangjian, HAO Yuantao, YUAN Zhupei, GU Jing. Impact of exercise frequency on self-care ability maintaining in older adults: a community-based cohort study[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(7): 753-758. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.002
Citation: ZHU Ling, ZENG Jincai, WANG Ying, DU Zhicheng, ZHANG Wangjian, HAO Yuantao, YUAN Zhupei, GU Jing. Impact of exercise frequency on self-care ability maintaining in older adults: a community-based cohort study[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(7): 753-758. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.002


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.002

国家科技重大专项 2018ZX10715004




  • 中图分类号: R181.1

Impact of exercise frequency on self-care ability maintaining in older adults: a community-based cohort study


National Science and Technology Major Project of China 2018ZX10715004

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探讨锻炼频率对老年人生活自理能力维持的影响。  方法  基于2012-2020年广州市荔湾区南源社区队列的研究,对基线纳入的6 905名老年人进行随访,对其生活自理能力进行评分。对纳入分析的5 154人采用边际结构时依Cox比例风险回归模型,衡量老年人日常锻炼频率与维持生活自理能力之间的关系。  结果  过去1年中,有48.58%的研究对象每天锻炼。最后1次随访中,生活不能完全自理的老年人占4.2%,随访中位时间为3.63年。经校正混杂因素,与不锻炼相比,偶尔锻炼和每天锻炼不能维持生活自理能力的风险分别降低了44.9%(HR=0.551, 95% CI: 0.432~0.701)和39.9%(HR=0.601, 95% CI: 0.460~0.784)。分层分析发现,无论是偶尔锻炼还是每天锻炼,对于吸烟者而言,都不能有效降低他们无法维持生活自理能力的风险。从不吸烟者偶尔锻炼或每天锻炼能降低不能维持生活自理能力的风险,分别降低了45.8%(HR=0.542, 95% CI: 0.419~0.702)和39.7%(HR=0.603, 95% CI: 0.453~0.804)。对于饮酒者而言,无论是偶尔锻炼还是坚持每天锻炼,都不能有效降低他们无法维持生活自理能力的风险。从不饮酒者偶尔锻炼或每天锻炼能降低不能维持生活自理能力的风险,分别降低了45.1%(HR=0.549, 95% CI: 0.429~0.704)和39.4%(HR=0.606, 95% CI: 0.459~0.800)。  结论  老年人可以通过锻炼维持生活自理能力,但饮酒会减弱锻炼维持生活自理能力的效果,建议减少饮酒量或戒酒,并采取科学锻炼方式。
  • 表  1  广州市荔湾区南源社区2012-2021年≥65岁老年人的基线特征

    Table  1.   Baseline characteristics of the elderly aged ≥65 years from 2012 to 2021 in Nanyuan Community, Liwan District, Guangzhou

    全部All 最后1次随访能完全自理
    The last follow-up showed complete self-care ability
    The last follow-up showed partial inability for self-care
    研究参与数量Participants 5 154 4 940 214
    随访中位时间/年The median follow-up time /year 3.30 3.29 3.63
      锻炼频率Exercise frequency 6.19 0.045
        不锻炼Never exercise 2 016(39.12) 1 915(38.76) 101(47.20)
        偶尔锻炼Occasionally exercise 634(12.30) 610(12.35) 24(11.21)
        每天锻炼Every day exercise 2 504(48.58) 2 415(48.89) 89(41.59)
      年龄/岁Age /years 70.86(6.23) 70.72(5.95) 70.96(6.42) -0.94 0.173
      性别 Gender 3.28 0.070
        男性Male 2 175(42.20) 2 098(42.47) 77(35.98)
        女性Female 2 979(57.80) 2 842(57.53) 137(64.02)
      BMI/(kg·m-2) 0.03 0.870
        <24 2 744(53.24) 2 828(57.25) 116(54.21)
        ≥24 2 410(46.76) 2 312(42.75) 98(45.79)
      吸烟 Smoking 5.57 0.018
        从不吸烟Never smoke 4 255(82.56) 4 065(82.29) 190(88.79)
        吸烟 Smoking 899(17.44) 875(17.71) 24(11.21)
      饮酒 Drinking 1.80 0.179
        从不饮酒Never drinke 4 725(91.68) 4 523(91.56) 202(94.39)
        饮酒 Drinking 429(8.32) 417(8.44) 12(5.61)
    Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%);②Smoking include both current smokers and those who have quit smoking; ③ Drinking include both current drinkers and those who have quit drinking.
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    表  2  锻炼频率对生活自理能力的影响

    Table  2.   The effect of exercise frequency on self-care abilities

    锻炼频率Exercise frequency HR值value(95% CI)
    模型1 Model 1 模型2 Model 2 模型3 Model 3
    不锻炼Never exercise 1.00 1.00 1.00
    偶尔锻炼Occasionally exercise 0.46(0.36~0.57) 0.54(0.43~0.69) 0.55(0.43~0.70)
    每天锻炼Every day exercise 0.54(0.41~0.70) 0.60(0.45~0.79) 0.60(0.46~0.79)
    Note: Model 1, no adjustment factors; Model 2, adjusted for age, gender, BMI, smoking, and drinking; Model 3, based on the same covariates as Model 2, a marginal structural Cox proportional hazards regression model was fitted to Model 2.
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    表  3  锻炼频率对自理能力影响的分层分析与交互作用

    Table  3.   Stratified analysis and interaction effect of exercise frequency on the impact of self-care abilities

    特征Characteristic HR值value(95% CI) P交互值value
    不锻炼Never exercise 偶尔锻炼Occasionally exercise 每天锻炼Every day exercise
    分层分析Stratified analysis
      性别Gender 0.367
        男性Male 1.00 0.605 (0.406~0.901) 0.597 (0.393~0.908)
        女性Female 1.00 0.514 (0.378~0.699) 0.599 (0.423~0.847)
      BMI/(kg·m-2) 0.204
        <24 1.00 0.578 (0.412~0.811) 0.715 (0.491~1.043)
        ≥24 1.00 0.528 (0.373~0.747) 0.503 (0.347~0.728)
      吸烟Smoking 0.504
        从不吸烟Never smoke 1.00 0.542 (0.419~0.702) 0.603 (0.453~0.804)
        吸烟Smoking 1.00 0.643 (0.331~1.248) 0.639 (0.294~1.387)
      饮酒Drinking 0.002
        从不饮酒Never drinke 1.00 0.549 (0.429~0.704) 0.606 (0.459~0.800)
        饮酒Drinking 1.00 0.493 (0.164~1.488) 0.488 (0.175~1.355)
    Note: The results are estimated under the marginal structural Cox proportional hazards regression model based on adjustment factors including gender, age, BMI, smoking, and drinking. All stratified analyses were adjusted for the remaining covariates.
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