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顾淑君 覃玉 俞浩 官昊宇 崔岚 沈冲 陆艳 程亭亭 张宁 周金意 苏健

顾淑君, 覃玉, 俞浩, 官昊宇, 崔岚, 沈冲, 陆艳, 程亭亭, 张宁, 周金意, 苏健. 空腹血糖变异性与2型糖尿病患者脑卒中发病风险的前瞻性队列研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(7): 777-783. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.006
引用本文: 顾淑君, 覃玉, 俞浩, 官昊宇, 崔岚, 沈冲, 陆艳, 程亭亭, 张宁, 周金意, 苏健. 空腹血糖变异性与2型糖尿病患者脑卒中发病风险的前瞻性队列研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(7): 777-783. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.006
GU Shujun, QIN Yu, YU Hao, GUAN Haoyu, CUI Lan, SHEN Chong, LU Yan, CHENG Tingting, ZHANG Ning, ZHOU Jinyi, SU Jian. A prospective cohort study on the long-term fasting plasma glucose variability and risk of stroke among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(7): 777-783. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.006
Citation: GU Shujun, QIN Yu, YU Hao, GUAN Haoyu, CUI Lan, SHEN Chong, LU Yan, CHENG Tingting, ZHANG Ning, ZHOU Jinyi, SU Jian. A prospective cohort study on the long-term fasting plasma glucose variability and risk of stroke among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(7): 777-783. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.006


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.006

江苏省卫健委2020年医学研究项目 M2020085

苏州市姑苏卫生人才项目 GSWS2020107

江苏省领军人才与创新团队项目 K201105

江苏省第五届“333工程”科研项目 BRA2020090

苏州市科技局民生科技-科技示范工程项目 SS202010

常熟市科技计划项目 CS201812


    苏健,E-mail: sujiangx@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R183.3

A prospective cohort study on the long-term fasting plasma glucose variability and risk of stroke among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus


Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission 2020 Medical Research Project Approval M2020085

Gusu Health Talent Training Project of Suzhou GSWS2020107

Jiangsu Province Leading Talents and Innovation Team Program K201105

Jiangsu Provincial Fifth "333 Project" BRA2020090

Suzhou Science and Technology Plan Projects SS202010

Changshu Science and Technology Plan Projects CS201812

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探讨空腹血糖(fasting plasma glucose, FPG)长期变异性与2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)患者脑卒中发病风险的关联。  方法  基于江苏省常熟市社区糖尿病患者队列人群,共6 247人纳入分析。≥3次FPG值计算FPG长期变异性指标,包括FPG标准差(standard deviation, SD)、变异系数(coefficient of variation, CV)、平均真实变异(average real variability, ARV)和独立于均值的变异系数(variability independent of mean, VIM)。利用Cox比例风险回归模型探索FPG长期变异性与T2DM患者脑卒中发病风险的关联,并根据年龄、性别以及糖尿病用药史进行分层分析。  结果  队列人群平均随访7.26年,共观察到脑卒中发病1 080人,发病密度为23.81/1 000人年。以FPG长期变异性指标三分位分组(T1~T3),调整相关因素后,Cox比例风险回归模型分析显示,与T1组相比,FPG-SD、FPG-CV、FPG-ARV和FPG-VIM的T2、T3组发生脑卒中的风险均增加,并呈上升趋势(P趋势 < 0.01)。FPG-SD、FPG-CV、FPG-ARV和FPG-VIM每增加1个SD,脑卒中发生风险均增加,HR值(95% CI)分别为1.09(1.02~1.16)、1.09(1.03~1.16)、1.08(1.02~1.16)和1.10(1.03~1.16);缺血性脑卒中的发病风险均增加,HR值(95% CI)分别为1.11(1.03~1.19),1.11(1.04~1.18),1.08(1.00~1.15),1.04(1.04~1.17);FPG-ARV每增加1个SD,出血性脑卒中的发病风险增加,HR值(95% CI)为1.25(1.03~1.53)。分层分析显示,在年龄≥65岁患者(FPG-CV除外)、女性和单用降糖药的T2DM患者中,FPG-SD、FPG-CV、FPG-ARV和FPG-VIM每增加1个SD,其脑卒中发病风险均增加(均P<0.05)。  结论  FPG长期变异性与T2DM患者脑卒中发病风险呈正相关,应降低FPG长期变异性。
  • 表  1  研究对象按FPG-SD三分位分组的基线特征

    Table  1.   Baseline characteristics of study participants grouped by FPG-SD tertile

    FPG-SD的三分位数FPG-SD tertile $\begin{equation} \chi^2 \end{equation}$/F/H值value P
    (<0.89 mmol/L)
    (0.89~<1.72 mmol/L)
    (≥1.72 mmol/L)
    人数Number of people 6 247 2 082 2 083 2 082
    年龄/岁Age/years 64.51±7.82 65.12±7.98 64.35±7.47 64.07±7.96 19.541 < 0.001
    性别Gender 17.443 < 0.001
      男性Male 2 144(34.56) 658(31.60) 702(33.70) 784(37.50)
      女性Female 4 103(65.68) 1 424(34.71) 1 381(33.66) 1 298(31.63)
    文化程度Education degree 6.040 0.049
      未接受正规教育No formal education 2 353(37.67) 835(40.11) 779(37.40) 739(35.50)
      小学Primary school 2 833(45.35) 892(42.84) 960(46.09) 981(47.12)
      初中Junior high school 821(13.14) 279(13.40) 260(12.48) 282(13.54)
      高中及以上Senior high school and above 240(3.84) 76(3.65) 84(4.03) 80(3.84)
    家庭年收入/万元Annual household income/10 000 yuan 1.134 0.567
      ≤3 1 452(23.24) 482(23.15) 465(22.32) 505(24.26)
      >3~ < 11 3 412(54.62) 1 154(55.43) 1 152(55.31) 1 106(53.12)
      11~ < 16 997(15.96) 314(15.08) 327(15.70) 356(17.10)
      ≥16 386(6.18) 132(6.34) 139(6.67) 115(5.52)
    吸烟Smoking 1 447(23.16) 418(20.08) 467(22.42) 562(26.99) 28.946 < 0.001
    饮酒Alcohol 1 152(18.54) 336(16.22) 389(18.78) 427(20.63) 13.462 0.001
    体力活动水平/(MET-h·day-1) Physical activity level/(MET-h·day-1) 8.00(2.57, 16.00) 8.00(2.73, 16.00) 8.00(2.57, 16.00) 7.33(2.17, 14.57) 1.311 0.519
    糖尿病病程/年Duration of diabetes/years 4.00(2.00, 7.00) 4.00(2.00, 7.00) 5.00(3.00, 9.00) 6.00(4.00, 12.00) 362.172 < 0.001
    基线BMI /(kg·m-2) Baseline BMI /(kg·m-2) 24.72±3.21 24.64±3.21 24.86±3.20 24.67±3.22 6.601 0.037
    基线FPG/(mmol·L-1) Baseline FPG/(mmol·L-1) 8.20(6.95, 9.82) 7.21(6.31, 8.13) 8.33(7.20, 9.44) 9.82(8.13, 12.16) 1 397.020 < 0.001
    FPG-CV /% 0.15(0.09, 0.24) 0.08(0.05, 0.10) 0.15(0.13, 0.18) 0.27(0.23, 0.35) 5 056.838 < 0.001
    FPG-ARV /(mmol·L-1) 3.21(1.57, 5.14) 2.52(0.68, 4.34) 2.48(1.47, 4.50) 4.44(2.87, 6.44) 885.122 < 0.001
    FPG-VIM /% 2.10(1.35, 3.19) 1.16(0.80, 1.54) 2.19(1.70, 2.82) 3.44(2.66, 4.40) 3 622.347 < 0.001
    疾病史Diseases history 21.958 < 0.001
      高血压Hypertension 3 905(65.99) 1 374(65.99) 1 306(62.07) 1 225>(62.51)
      血脂异常Dyslipidemia 700(11.21) 226(10.85) 257(12.34) 217(10.42) 2.111 0.348
      肾病Kidney disease 207(3.31) 79(3.79) 66(3.17) 62(2.98) 4.451 0.108
    糖尿病用药史History of diabetes medication 604.840 < 0.001
      未用药No medication 1 102(17.64) 695(33.38) 274(13.16) 133(6.39)
      单用降糖药Antidiabetic drugs alone 4 197(67.18) 1 220(58.60) 1 535(73.69) 1 442(69.26)
      单用胰岛素Insulin alone 630(10.08) 112(5.38) 184(8.83) 334(16.04)
      联合用药Drug combination 318(5.10) 55(2.64) 90(4.32) 173(8.31)
    ①以人数(占比/%)或x±sM(P25, P75)表示。
    Note: FPG,fasting plasma glucose; SD, standard deviation; MET, metabolic equivalent; CV, coefficient of variation; ARV, variability independent of mean; VIM, average real variability.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%) or x±s or M(P25, P75).
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    表  2  FPG长期变异性指标与T2DM患者脑卒中风险的Cox回归分析

    Table  2.   Cox regression analysis of long-term FPG variability and stroke among patients with T2DM

    Variation index
    Person-years of follow-up
    Number of the infected
    发病密度(/1 000人年)
    Incidence density/1 000 person-years
    HR值value (95% CI)
    Model 1
    Model 2
    Model 3
      T1(< 0.89 mmol/L) 15 358.80 304 19.79 1.00 1.00 1.00
      T2(0.89~ < 1.72 mmol/L) 15 070.42 372 24.68 1.39(1.12~1.52) 1.26(1.08~1.47) 1.24(1.06~1.46)
      T3(≥1.72 mmol/L) 14 949.56 404 27.02 1.46(1.25~1.69) 1.34(1.15~1.56) 1.28(1.07~1.52)
      P趋势Ptrend value < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
      每增加1个SD Each increment of 1 SD 1.14(1.08~1.20) 1.11(1.05~1.17) 1.09(1.02~1.16)
      T1(< 0.11%) 15 302.68 305 19.93 1.00 1.00 1.00
      T2(0.11%~ < 0.20%) 15 154.56 362 23.89 1.24(1.07~1.45) 1.20(1.03~1.40) 1.18(1.01~1.38)
      T3(≥0.20%) 14 921.54 413 27.68 1.45(1.25~1.69) 1.36(1.16~1.58) 1.29(1.09~1.51)
      P趋势Ptrend value < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
      每增加1个SD Each increment of 1 SD 1.15(1.09~1.21) 1.12(1.05~1.18) 1.09(1.03~1.16)
      T1(< 2.12 mmol/L) 15 580.96 289 18.55 1.00 1.00 1.00
      T2(2.12~ < 4.43 mmol/L) 15 081.39 361 23.94 1.17(1.00~1.36) 1.13(0.98~1.32) 1.09(0.93~1.28)
      T3(≥4.43 mmol/L) 14 716.46 430 29.22 1.42(1.22~1.65) 1.33(1.14~1.56) 1.26(1.07~1.48)
      P趋势Ptrend value < 0.01 < 0.01 0.01
      每增加1个SD Each increment of 1 SD 1.14(1.07~1.21) 1.11(1.04~1.18) 1.08(1.02~1.16)
      T1(< 1.59%) 15 296.71 312 20.40 1.00 1.00 1.00
      T2(1.59%~ < 2.76%) 15 243.40 364 23.88 1.19(1.02~1.38) 1.16(1.00~1.35) 1.16(0.99~1.35)
      T3(≥2.76%) 14 838.66 404 27.23 1.35(1.17~1.57) 1.28(1.10~1.49) 1.25(1.07~1.45)
      P趋势Ptrend value < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
      每增加1个SD Each increment of 1 SD 1.14(1.07~1.20) 1.11(1.05~1.18) 1.10(1.03~1.16)
    注:1. FPG,空腹血糖;T2DM,2型糖尿病;CVD,心血管病;SD,标准差;CV,变异系数;ARV,平均真实变异;VIM,独立于均值的变异系数。
    2. T1~T3为以FPG长期变异性指标的三分位数进行分组;模型1调整年龄、性别、文化程度和家庭年收入;模型2在模型1的基础上调整吸烟、饮酒、体力活动水平、BMI和糖尿病病程;模型3在模型2的基础上调整基线FPG(对FPG-VIM变异指标不调整基线FPG)、糖尿病用药史以及高血压、血脂异常和肾病疾病史。
    ① FPG长期变异性指标按照三分位数进行分组,将每组中位数以连续性变量的形式纳入回归模型计算P趋势值。
    Note: 1. FPG, fasting plasma glucose; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; CVD, cardiovascular disease; SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation; ARV, average real variability; VIM, variability independent of mean.
    2. The long-term fasting plasma glucose variability was grouped by tertiles (T1-T3). Model 1 was adjusted for age, gender, education degree and annual household income. Model 2 was adjusted for smoking, alcohol, physical activity level, BMI and duration of diabetes on the basis of model 1; On the basis of model 2, model 3 was adjusted for baseline FPG (without adjusting baseline FPG for FPG-VIM) history of diabetes medication, and history of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and kidney disease.
    ① The long-term fasting plasma glucose variability was grouped by tertiles, and the median of each group was included in the regression model as a continuous variable to calculate the Ptrend value.
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    表  3  FPG长期变异性指标每增加1个SD与T2DM患者脑卒中亚型风险的Cox回归分析

    Table  3.   Cox regression analysis of each 1 SD increase in FPG long-term variability and stroke subtypes among patients with T2DM

    Stroke subtype
    Number of cases
    HR值value (95%CI)
    缺血性脑卒中Ischemic stroke 918 1.11(1.03~1.19) 1.11(1.04~1.18) 1.08(1.00~1.15) 1.10(1.04~1.17)
    出血性脑卒中Hemorrhagic stroke 102 0.85(0.66~1.10) 0.88(0.70~1.10) 1.25(1.03~1.53) 0.96(0.79~1.17)
    注:1. FPG,空腹血糖;T2DM,2型糖尿病;SD,标准差;CV,变异系数;ARV,平均真实变异;VIM,独立于均值的变异系数。
    2.表中HR值(95% CI)采用FPG长期变异性指标每增加1个SD进行计算;模型调整年龄、性别、文化程度和家庭年收入、吸烟、饮酒、体力活动水平、BMI和糖尿病病程、基线FPG(对FPG-VIM变异指标不调整基线FPG)、糖尿病用药史以及高血压、血脂异常和肾病疾病史。
    Notes: 1. FPG, fasting plasma glucose; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation; ARV, average real variability; VIM, variability independent of mean.
    2. TheHR(95%CI)in the table were calculated using an increase of 1 SD in the FPG long-term variability indicator. The model was adjusted for age, gender, education degree and annual household income, smoking, alcohol, physical activity level, BMI, duration of diabetes, baseline FPG (without adjusting baseline FPG for FPG-VIM), history of diabetes medication, hypertension, dyslipidemia and kidney disease.
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    表  4  FPG长期变异性指标每增加1个SD与T2DM患者脑卒中风险的分层分析

    Table  4.   Stratified analysis of each 1 SD increase in FPG long-term variability and stroke among patients with T2DM

    HR值value (95%CI) P值value HR值value (95%CI) P值value HR值value (95%CI) P值value HR值value (95%CI) P值value
      < 65 1.09(0.98~1.20) 0.923 1.10(1.00~1.21) 0.654 1.14(1.04~1.26) 0.061 1.12(1.02~1.22) 0.438
      ≥65 1.09(1.00~1.19) 1.08(0.99~1.17) 1.03(0.99~1.07) 1.08(1.00~1.17)
      男性Male 1.09(0.99~1.20) 0.425 1.09(0.99~1.20) 0.508 1.04(0.94~1.15) 0.763 1.11(1.02~1.22) 0.711
      女性Female 1.09(1.00~1.19) 1.09(1.01~1.18) 1.12(1.03~1.21) 1.09(1.01~1.18)
    糖尿病用药史History of diabetes medication
      未用药No medication 1.21(0.91~1.62) 0.432 1.11(0.88~1.40) 0.692 1.13(0.92~1.39) 0.077 1.09(0.90~1.33) 0.954
      单用降糖药Antidiabetic drugs alone 1.12(1.04~1.22) 1.11(1.03~1.20) 1.13(1.04~1.22) 1.10(1.03~1.19)
      单用胰岛素Insulin alone 0.99(0.86~1.15) 1.02(0.88~1.18) 0.84(0.70~1.00) 1.07(0.93~1.23)
      联合用药Drug combination 1.16(0.92~1.45) 1.18(0.94~1.49) 1.15(0.91~1.46) 1.20(0.96~1.49)
    注:1. FPG,空腹血糖;SD,标准差;T2DM,2型糖尿病;CVD,心血管病;CV,变异系数;ARV,平均真实变异;VIM,独立于均值的变异系数。
    2. 表中HR值(95% CI)采用FPG长期变异性指标每增加1个SD进行计算,模型调整年龄、性别、文化程度、家庭年收入、吸烟、饮酒、体力活动水平、BMI、糖尿病病程、基线FPG(对FPG-VIM变异指标不调整基线FPG)、糖尿病用药史以及高血压、血脂异常、肾病疾病史。
    Note: 1. FPG, fasting plasma glucose; SD, standard deviation; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CV, coefficient of variation; ARV, average real variability; VIM, variability independent of mean.
    2. The HR(95% CI) in the table were calculated using an increase of 1 SD in the FPG long-term variability indicator. The model was adjusted for age, gender, education degree and annual household income, smoking, alcohol, physical activity level, BMI, duration of diabetes, baseline FPG (without adjusting baseline FPG for FPG-VIM), history of diabetes medication, hypertension, dyslipidemia and kidney disease.
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-07-28
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