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林皇涛 李粤鑫 朱睿 温明月 朱泉熔 贾金忠

林皇涛, 李粤鑫, 朱睿, 温明月, 朱泉熔, 贾金忠. 公共卫生科技政策热点挖掘及基金项目研究前沿主题识别分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(7): 844-855. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.016
引用本文: 林皇涛, 李粤鑫, 朱睿, 温明月, 朱泉熔, 贾金忠. 公共卫生科技政策热点挖掘及基金项目研究前沿主题识别分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(7): 844-855. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.016
LIN Huangtao, LI Yuexin, ZHU Rui, WEN Mingyue, ZHU Quanrong, JIA Jinzhong. Hotspot mining of public health science and technology policies and identification and analysis of frontier themes in fund projects[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(7): 844-855. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.016
Citation: LIN Huangtao, LI Yuexin, ZHU Rui, WEN Mingyue, ZHU Quanrong, JIA Jinzhong. Hotspot mining of public health science and technology policies and identification and analysis of frontier themes in fund projects[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(7): 844-855. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.016


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.07.016

国家自然科学基金 81872646

国家自然科学基金 81811540034

国家自然科学基金 81573173

江苏省卫生健康委科研项目 ZD2021024

江苏省医学重点学科 ZDXK202249


    贾金忠, E-mail: jiajinzhongpku@126.com

  • 中图分类号: R-01;R-05;G353

Hotspot mining of public health science and technology policies and identification and analysis of frontier themes in fund projects


National Natural Science Foundation of China 81872646

National Natural Science Foundation of China 81811540034

National Natural Science Foundation of China 81573173

Scientific Research Project of Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission ZD2021024

Key Medical Sciences of Jiangsu Province ZDXK202249

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  从政策和基金项目视角对公共卫生科学研究领域的政策热点和项目研究前沿主题进行探索挖掘,了解基金项目主题在不同政策导向下的分布情况,梳理公共卫生的重点研究领域,为相关管理决策部门提供实证依据和科学参考。  方法  利用BTM(biterm topic modeling)主题模型,同时结合主题强度、主题新颖度等指标对1990—2019年公共卫生领域的科技政策及国家自然科学基金项目文本数据进行主题分析和文本挖掘。  结果  共挖掘到8个公共卫生领域的政策主题,其中较受关注的政策主题包括“环境因素与公共健康安全保障”和“基层卫生服务”。共识别到26个公共卫生基金项目的研究主题,其中包括6个热点前沿主题,主题强度最高的为“慢性非传染性疾病(简称慢性病)基因易感性”。各公共卫生科技政策主题中均有基金项目研究主题分布,除“人体健康与疾病的生物学基础”政策主题之外,其他政策主题均有基金项目热点前沿主题分布。“基层卫生服务”政策主题包含相关研究方向的基金项目数量相对较少。  结论  公共卫生政策科技主题的目标导向在基金项目中均有体现,其关键在于需求牵引和突破瓶颈,凝练的科学问题来源于社会需求。从基金项目管理视角出发,要坚持公共卫生科技政策目标导向和科学自由探索两条腿走路,强化学科系统部署,增强原始创新能力,服务于国家需求。
  • 图  1  BTM模型的概率图


    Figure  1.  Probability diagram of biterm topic modeling model

    L: corpus; |B|: all word pairs in the corpus; b= (bi, bj): one of the word pairs; (bi, bj): respectively represent the words in the word pair; Z: the topic selected from the topic multinomial distribution q; K: the number of topics, Z[1, K]; θ: the Dirichlet distribution of the subject; φ: the Dirichlet distribution of words under different themes; α and β: the prior parameters of the two.

    图  2  基金项目研究前沿战略坐标图

    Figure  2.  Strategic coordinate diagram of research frontier of fund projects

    图  3  政策主题聚类结果

    Figure  3.  Clustering results of policy topics

    图  4  1990—2019年公共卫生热点政策主题文本数量

    Figure  4.  Number of public health hotspot, 1990-2019

    表  1  1990—2019年相关政策文件

    Table  1.   Relevant policy documents, 1990-2019

    Serial number
    Policy documents
    1 《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展十年规划和第八个五年计划纲要》
    "Ten-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People′s Republic of China and Outline of the Eighth Five-Year Plan"
    2 《中华人民共和国科学技术发展十年规划和“八五”计划纲要》
    "The Ten-Year Plan for the Development of Science and Technology of the People′s Republic of China and the Outline of the Eighth Five-Year Plan"
    3 《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要》
    "The Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People′s Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2010"
    4 《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划科技教育发展专项规划》
    "Special Plan for the Development of Science, Technology and Education in the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development"
    5 《中国卫生科技发展第十个五年计划及2010年远景规划纲要》
    "China′s Tenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Health Science and Technology and the Outline of the 2010 Vision Plan"
    6 《国家“十一五”科学技术发展规划》
    "National "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" for Science and Technology Development"
    7 《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)》
    "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan Outline (2006-2020)"
    8 《卫生科技“十一五”发展规划》
    "Health Science and Technology "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" Development Plan"
    9 《国家“十二五”科技发展规划》
    "National "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for Science and Technology Development"
    10 《医学科技发展“十二五”规划》
    "Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Medical Science and Technology"
    11 《“十三五”国家科技创新发展规划》
    "The 13th Five-Year Plan for National Science and Technology Innovation Development"
    12 《“十三五”卫生与健康科技创新专项规划》
    "The 13th Five-Year Plan for Health and Health Science and Technology Innovation Special Plan"
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    表  2  公共卫生政策主题-词汇概率分布表/重点词汇

    Table  2.   Public health policy topic-word probability distribution table

    Serial number
    P1-1 P1-2 P1-3 P1-4
    1 社区Community(0.124) 营养Nutrition(0.203) 评价Rating(0.076) 职业病
    Occupational diseases(0.235)
    2 服务Service(0.108) 运动Movement(0.072) 环境Environment(0.071) 防治Prevention(0.176)
    3 预防Prevention(0.102) 精准Accurate(0.070) 安全Safe (0.069) 职业Occupation(0.111)
    4 模式Mode(0.078) 智能Intelligence(0.050) 污染Pollution(0.058) 中毒Poisoned(0.080)
    5 干预Intervention(0.055) 个性化Personalization (0.045) 防治Prevention(0.056) 评价Rating(0.058)
    6 治疗Treatment(0.054) 监测Monitor(0.043) 监测Monitor(0.051) 地方病
    Endemic diseases (0.048)
    7 防治Prevention(0.053) 康复Recovery(0.037) 检测Detection(0.051) 临床Clinical(0.039)
    8 保健Health care(0.040) 儿童Children(0.034) 预警Early warning(0.041) 暴露Exposure(0.037)
    9 多发病Frequent disease (0.036) 人体Human body(0.033) 生物Biology(0.038) 预防Prevention(0.029)
    10 儿童Children(0.031) 调控Regulation(0.032) 危险因素Risk factors (0.036) 肿瘤Tumor(0.028)
    主题强度Topic strength 0.131 0.093 0.197 0.120
    主题新颖度Topic novelty 2 004.294 2 018 2 010.885 2 014
    主题名称Topic name 基层卫生服务
    Primary health services
    Lifestyle health promotion
    Environmental factors and public health and safety
    Prevention and treatment of occupational diseases and endemic diseases
    Serial number
    P1-5 P1-6 P1-7 P1-8
    1 传染病Infectious diseases(0.176) 治疗Treatment(0.190) 恶性肿瘤Malignant tumors (0.095) 基因Gene(0.094)
    2 艾滋病AIDS(0.076) 诊断Diagnosis(0.158) 慢性非传染性疾病
    Chronic disease(0.075)
    3 预警Early warning(0.073) 干预Intervention(0.111) 慢性Chronic (0.072) 调控Regulation(0.073)
    4 诊断Diagnosis(0.068) 临床Clinical(0.079) 精神Spirit(0.062) 药物Drugs(0.057)
    5 治疗Treatment(0.053) 恶性肿瘤Malignant tumors (0.050) 神经Neural(0.053) 分子Numerator(0.057)
    6 监测Monitor(0.053) 防治Prevention(0.049) 心脑血管Cardiovascular (0.051) 筛查Screening(0.051)
    7 防治Prevention(0.051) 肿瘤Tumor(0.046) 预防Prevention(0.046) 模式Mode(0.046)
    8 肝炎Hepatitis(0.045) 儿童Children(0.031) 糖尿病Diabetes(0.037) 发育Development(0.046)
    9 病毒性Virality (0.044) 预防Prevention(0.030) 预警Early warning(0.034) 高效Efficient(0.042)
    10 疫苗Vaccine(0.044) 筛查Screening(0.028) 传染性Infectiousness(0.032) 治疗Treatment(0.038)
    主题强度Topic strength 0.089 0.106 0.115 0.05
    主题新颖度Topic novelty 2 013.923 2 008.625 2 009.882 2012
    主题名称Topic name 传染病防治与智能化监测预警体系
    Infectious disease prevention and intelligent monitoring and early warning system
    Mechanism of chronic disease Research
    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of major chronic diseases
    人体健康与疾病的生物学基础Biological basis of human health and disease
    Note:P1-1 to P1-8 represent eight policy themes.
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    表  3  公共卫生政策主题-词汇概率分布表/重点词汇

    Table  3.   Public health policy topic-word probability distribution table

    Serial number
    T1-1 T1-2 T1-3 T1-4 T1-5
    1 数据Data(0.050) 诱导Induction (0.043) 儿童Children(0.085) 基因Gene(0.047) 胰岛素Insulin(0.036)
    2 预测Prediction(0.038) 细胞Cells(0.031) 神经Neural(0.035) 风险Risk(0.037) 抵抗Resistance(0.034)
    3 贝叶斯Bayesian(0.026) 分子Numerator(0.028) 队列研究Cohort study(0.035) 糖尿病Diabetes(0.034) 肥胖Obesity(0.026)
    4 风险Risk(0.023) 小分子核糖核酸miRNA(0.023) 青少年Teenagers(0.029) 代谢Metabolism(0.032) 膳食Meal(0.025)
    5 临床Clinical(0.019) 转化Conversion(0.016) 肥胖Obesity(0.026) 人群Crowd(0.032) 糖尿病Diabetes(0.025)
    6 人群Crowd(0.015) 砷Arsenic(0.014) 心理Psychology(0.022) 遗传Genetics(0.024) 诱导Induction (0.024)
    7 监测Monitor(0.014) 干细胞Stem cells(0.013) 交互作用Interaction (0.018) 预测Prediction(0.021) 酒精性Alcoholic (0.023)
    8 时空Spacetime(0.012) 肺纤维化Pulmonary fibrosis (0.012) 基因Gene(0.017) 交互作用Interaction (0.020) 代谢Metabolism(0.021)
    9 控制Control(0.012) 细胞凋亡Apoptosis (0.012) 遗传Genetics(0.015) 前瞻性Foresight (0.019) 脂肪Fat(0.018)
    10 队列Queue(0.011) 胃癌Gastric cancer (0.012) 孤独症Autism(0.014) 维生素Vitamins(0.018) 分子Numerator(0.016)
    Serial number
    T1-6 T2-1 T2-2 T2-3 T2-4
    1 暴露Exposure(0.075) 代谢Metabolism(0.034) 标志物Marker(0.034) 基因Gene(0.077) 血管Blood vessels(0.062)
    2 子代Offspring(0.031) 肠道Intestine(0.031) 风险Risk(0.033) 易感性Susceptibility(0.056) 炎症Inflammation(0.031)
    3 孕期Pregnancy (0.028) 基因Gene(0.031) 人群Crowd(0.031) 遗传变异Genetic variation (0.056) 内皮Endothelial(0.029)
    4 表观Appearance(0.024) 肠道菌群Intestinal flora (0.023) 预测Prediction(0.029) 遗传Genetics(0.031) 细胞Cells(0.027)
    5 神经Neural(0.024) 胆固醇Cholesterol(0.023) 肝癌Liver cancer (0.025) 直肠癌Rectal cancer (0.030) 暴露Exposure(0.023)
    6 基因Gene(0.023) 蛋白Protein(0.022) 预后Prognosis(0.023) 多态性Polymorphism (0.027) 慢性Chronic (0.023)
    7 遗传Genetics(0.020) 膳食Meal(0.019) 生物标志物
    Biomarkers (0.020)
    肺癌Lung cancer (0.025) 小分子核糖核酸
    8 双酚Bisphenol(0.017) 抗性Resistance(0.016) 核糖核酸RNA(0.018) 分子流行病学
    Molecular epidemiology (0.024)
    9 肥胖Obesity(0.015) 巨噬细胞Macrophages (0.016) 血浆Plasma(0.017) 区域Area(0.024) 自噬Autophagy(0.022)
    10 甲基化Methylation(0.014) 转运Transshipment(0.015) 暴露Exposure(0.016) 核糖核酸RNA(0.020) 内皮细胞
    Endothelial cells (0.020)
    Serial number
    T2-5 T2-6 T2-7 T2-8 T3-1
    1 患者Patients(0.043) 诱导Induction (0.054) 细胞Cells(0.038) 暴露Exposure(0.043) 基因Gene(0.099)
    2 治疗Treatment(0.034) 线粒体Mitochondria(0.035) 纤维化Fibrosis(0.030) 孕期Pregnancy (0.041) 脱氧核糖核酸DNA(0.036)
    3 农村Rural (0.031) 蛋白Protein(0.029) 肝Liver(0.028) 婴儿Baby(0.040) 环境Environment(0.035)
    4 地区Region(0.028) 分子Numerator(0.027) 诱导Induction(0.027) 队列研究Cohort study(0.035) 多态性Polymorphism (0.034)
    5 视网膜Retina(0.024) 肝Liver(0.027) 炎症Inflammation(0.026) 妊娠Pregnancy(0.022) 遗传Genetics(0.029)
    6 社区Community(0.021) 核因子E2相关因子2 Nrf2(0.021) 矽肺Silicosis(0.025) 儿童Children(0.021) 交互作用Interaction (0.028)
    7 结核病Tuberculosis(0.021) 毒性Toxicity(0.019) 免疫Immunity(0.025) 风险Risk(0.020) 人群Crowd(0.023)
    8 艾滋病AIDS(0.018) 自噬Autophagy(0.017) 三氯乙烯Trichlorethylene (0.024) 队列Queue(0.020) 易感性Susceptibility(0.021)
    9 糖尿病Diabetes(0.018) 藻毒素Cycotoxin(0.016) 活化Activation(0.024) 孕妇Pregnant women (0.019) 甲基化Methylation(0.020)
    10 人群Crowd(0.017) 微囊Microcapsules(0.016) 小胶质细胞Microglia (0.018) 胎盘Placenta(0.018) 肺癌Lung cancer (0.019)
    Serial number
    T3-2 T3-3 T3-4
    1 神经Neural(0.038) 感染Infection(0.053) 传播Spread(0.038)
    2 暴露Exposure(0.037) 人群Crowd(0.039) 流行病学Epidemiology(0.032)
    3 海马体Hippocampus(0.028) 人类免疫缺陷病毒HIV(0.038) 遗传Genetics(0.022)
    4 蛋白Protein(0.023) 基因Gene(0.030) 病毒Viruses(0.022)
    5 铅Lead(0.022) 传播Spread(0.027) 宿主Host(0.021)
    6 锰Manganese(0.022) 病毒Viruses(0.026) 基因Gene(0.019)
    7 神经毒性Neurotoxicity (0.021) 分子Numerator(0.023) 时空Space and time(0.019)
    8 突触Synapse(0.020) 免疫Immunity(0.018) 出血热Hemorrhagic fever (0.017)
    9 神经元Neuron(0.020) 艾滋病AIDS(0.015) 地区Region(0.016)
    10 诱导Induction (0.020) 耐药性Resistance(0.014) 多样性Diversity(0.015)
    Serial number
    T3-5 T3-6 T3-7
    1 基因Gene(0.082) 暴露Exposure(0.092) 碘Iodine(0.039)
    2 多态性Polymorphism (0.045) 遗传Genetics(0.032) 基因Gene(0.035)
    3 分子流行病学Molecular epidemiology(0.038) 颗粒物Particulate matter (0.031) 膳食Meal(0.029)
    4 感染Infection(0.032) 大气Atmosphere(0.028) 分子Numerator(0.024)
    5 易感性Susceptibility(0.026) 甲基化Methylation(0.025) 代谢Metabolism(0.020)
    6 遗传Genetics(0.025) 表观Appearance(0.021) 甲状腺Thyroid (0.020)
    7 病毒Virus(0.019) 环境Environment(0.020) 雌激素Estrogen(0.019)
    8 预后Prognosis(0.016) 生殖Reproduction(0.019) 氟Fluorine(0.018)
    9 甲基化Methylation(0.016) 儿童Children(0.019) 铁Iron(0.015)
    10 遗传变异Genetic variation (0.015) 毒性Toxicity(0.019) 过量Excess (0.015)
    Note: T1-1-T1-6 are the hot research frontier topics of fund projects; T2-1-T2-8 are the emerging research frontier topics of fund projects; T3-1-T3-7 are the potential research frontier topics of fund projects.
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    表  4  公共卫生基金项目研究主题

    Table  4.   Research topics of public health fund projects

    Topic number
    主题名称Topic name 主题强度
    Topic strength
    Theme novelty
    T1-1 统计学应用分析与评价Statistics application analysis and evaluation 5 201.00 2 012.23
    T1-2 职业因素与伤害Occupational factors and injuries 5 201.00 2 012.23
    T1-3 特殊人群健康问题Special population health issues 5 476.00 2 011.49
    T1-4 慢性非传染性疾病基因易感性Chronic disease genetic susceptibility 5 476.00 2 011.49
    T1-5 膳食营养素与有机化合物调节作用Modulating effects of dietary nutrients and organic compounds 4 327.00 2 012.09
    T1-6 环境污染与子代健康Environmental pollution and the health of future generations 4 327.00 2 012.09
    T2-1 肠道菌群与膳食影响人体健康的作用机制The mechanism by which intestinal flora and diet affect human health 8 012.00 2 012.14
    T2-2 生物标志物作用及其机制研究Research on the effects and mechanisms of biomarkers 8 012.00 2 012.14
    T2-3 流行病遗传易感性研究Epidemic genetic susceptibility research 5 437.00 2 012.81
    T2-4 有害暴露对血管内皮的急性影响与作用机制Acute effects and mechanisms of harmful exposure on vascular endothelium 5 437.00 2 012.81
    T2-5 农村及社区人群流行病防治策略与措施研究Research on epidemic prevention strategies and measures in rural and community populations 5 397.00 2 012.66
    T2-6 有害物质诱导病变过程中的调控机制研究
    Research on the regulatory mechanism in the process of pathological changes induced by harmful substances
    5 397.00 2 012.66
    T2-7 机体重要脏器损伤及纤维化防治研究Research on the prevention and treatment of damage to important organs of the body and fibrosis 2 295.00 2 012.89
    T2-8 有害暴露物对子代发育及表观遗传学影响Effects of harmful exposures on offspring development and epigenetics 2 295.00 2 012.89
    T3-1 人群基因多态性研究Research on population genetic polymorphisms 3 377.00 2 012.96
    T3-2 环境污染物对人体健康效应的影响研究Research on the impact of environmental pollutants on human health 3 377.00 2 012.96
    T3-3 传染病病原体感染与免疫应答机制研究Research on the mechanisms of infection and immune response by infectious pathogens 3 053.00 2 012.68
    T3-4 传染病时空分布研究Research on spatiotemporal distribution of infectious diseases 3 053.00 2 012.68
    T3-5 病毒感染分子流行病学研究Molecular epidemiological study of viral infection 2 498.00 2 012.28
    T3-6 环境暴露对人体健康影响机制研究Research on the impact mechanism of environmental exposure on human health 2 498.00 2 012.28
    T3-7 微量元素影响人体健康的作用机制研究Research on the mechanism of action of trace elements on human health 2 651.00 2 011.97
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    表  5  不同政策导向下公共卫生基金项目研究主题分布

    Table  5.   Research theme distribution of public health fund projects under different policy orientations

    Policy guidance
    Fund project theme
    Average cumulative number of items/items
    Average cumulative funding/10 000yuan
    P1-1:基层卫生服务Primary health services T1-3、T2-5 156 7 478
    P1-2:生活方式因素的健康促进作用Health-promoting effects of lifestyle factors T1-5、T2-1 206 8 218
    P1-3:环境因素与公共健康安全保障Environmental factors and public health and safety T1-6、T2-8、T3-2、T3-6、T4-1、T4-3、T4-5 193 7 743
    P1-4:职业病与地方病防治Prevention and control of occupational and endemic diseases T1-2、T2-7、T3-7、T4-4 239 8 255
    Construction of infectious disease prevention and intelligent monitoring and early warning system
    T1-5、T1-6 255 10 586
    Research on the mechanisms of chronic diseases and comprehensive prevention and treatment of major chronic diseases
    T1-1、T1-4 272 10 992
    P1-8:人体健康与疾病的生物学基础Biological basis of human health and disease T2-2、T2-3、T2-4、T2-6、T3-1、T3-5、T4-2 217 8 188
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    表  6  基金项目热点研究前沿主题-主题词-词频情况

    Table  6.   Frontier topics-subject words-word frequency of hot research of fund projects

    Serial number
    T1-1 T1-2 T1-3 T1-4 T1-5 T1-6
    1 数据Data(58) 诱导Induction(69) 儿童Children(67) 基因Gene(103) 胰岛素Insulin (55) 暴露Exposed (16)
    2 预测Prediction(29) 分子Molecules (48) 青少年Teen(28) 糖尿病Diabetes(76) 抵抗Resistance(51) 表观Appearance(11)
    3 贝叶斯Bayesian(27) 细胞Cells (45) 神经Nerve(25) 风险Risk(67) 肥胖Obesity (45) 分子Molecule (10)
    4 风险Risk(20) 小分子核糖核酸
    心理Psychology (22) 代谢Metabolism (64) 糖尿病Diabetes (39) 毒性Toxicity (10)
    5 临床Clinical(16) 肺纤维化
    Pulmonary fibrosis (25)
    肥胖Obesity(18) 人群Crowd(59) 酒精性Alcoholic (34) 神经Nerve(10)
    6 时空Space and time (15) 转化Transformation (25) 队列研究
    Cohort studies (17)
    遗传Genetics (47) 膳食Meals(32) 遗传Genetics (10)
    7 监测Monitoring(13) 细胞凋亡Apoptosis (24) 遗传Genetics (16) 预测Prediction(41) 诱导Induction (31) 胚胎Embryo(8)
    8 人群Crowd (13) 砷Arsenic (23) 交互作用Interaction(14) 维生素Vitamins(39) 代谢Metabolism (27) 酯Esters (8)
    9 分析方法
    Analytical methods (12)
    胃癌Gastric cancer (21) 基因Gene(13) 交互作用Interaction (38) 脂肪Fat(24) 生殖Reproduction (7)
    10 高维High dimension(12) 纤维化Fibrosis (21) 孤独症Autism(13) 队列研究
    Cohort studies (33)
    分子Molecules (24) 基因Gene(6)
    注: miRNA,小分子核糖核酸。
    Note: miRNA, micro ribonucleic acids.
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