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胡佳康 戈琼 赖文浩 罗时文 卢曲琴

胡佳康, 戈琼, 赖文浩, 罗时文, 卢曲琴. 中老年人体力活动与血脂异常风险的关系[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(9): 1010-1014. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.004
引用本文: 胡佳康, 戈琼, 赖文浩, 罗时文, 卢曲琴. 中老年人体力活动与血脂异常风险的关系[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(9): 1010-1014. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.004
HU Jiakang, GE Qiong, LAI Wenhao, LUO Shiwen, LU Quqin. Relationship between physical activity and risk of dyslipidemia in middle-aged and elderly population[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(9): 1010-1014. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.004
Citation: HU Jiakang, GE Qiong, LAI Wenhao, LUO Shiwen, LU Quqin. Relationship between physical activity and risk of dyslipidemia in middle-aged and elderly population[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(9): 1010-1014. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.004


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.004

国家自然科学基金地区项目 32260143

江西省重点研发计划 20202BBG72003



  • 中图分类号: R181.3;R589.2

Relationship between physical activity and risk of dyslipidemia in middle-aged and elderly population


Regional Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China 32260143

Key R&D Program of Jiangxi Province 20202BBG72003

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  对2020年中国健康与养老追踪调查(China health and retirement longitudinal study, CHARLS)数据库的数据进行分析,探究中国中老年人群血脂异常现状,揭示体力活动与血脂异常患病风险的关系,为中国中老年人群血脂异常相关政策的制定提供依据。  方法  本研究纳入45~74岁信息完整的研究对象12 132名,按照体力活动进行四分位数分组后,采用logistic回归分析模型分析中老年人体力活动与血脂异常患病风险之间的关系,将患有其他慢性病的研究对象排除后进行敏感性分析。  结果  12 132名研究对象中,血脂异常者1 187人,检出率为9.78%(95% CI: 9.26%~10.31%)。在调整混杂因素后,中老年人高水平体力活动组相较于低水平体力活动组的血脂异常患病风险降低(OR=0.796, 95% CI: 0.668~0.950),敏感性分析结果一致(OR=0.734, 95% CI: 0.571~0.944)。  结论  高水平体力活动可降低中老年人的血脂异常患病风险,提示增强体力活动可作为促进中老年人群心脑血管健康的有利手段。
  • 图  1  研究对象纳入和排除流程图

    Figure  1.  Flowchart for inclusion and exclusion of participants

    表  1  变量定义说明

    Table  1.   The definition of variables

    变量Variable 定义Definition
    体力活动/MET-(min·周-1) Physical activity/MET-(min·week-1) 1=(≤840.00); 2=(>840.00~2 467.50); 3=(>2 467.50~5 617.50); 4=(>5 617.50)
    社会人口学特征变量Sociodemographic characteristic variables
      年龄/岁Age/years 连续型变量Continuous variable
      性别Gender 1=男性Male; 2=女性Female
      婚姻状况Marital status 1=已婚Married; 2=其他(离异、丧偶、未婚) Other(divorced, widowed, unmarried)
      居住地类型Residence category 1=农村Rural; 2=城市Urban
    健康相关行为变量Health-related behavioral variables
      吸烟情况Smoking status 0=不吸烟(含戒烟) Does not smoke(including those who have quit); 1=吸烟Smoke
      饮酒情况Drinking status 0=否No; 1=是Yes
      夜间睡眠时间Nighttime sleep duration/h 1=(≤6); 2=(>6~7); 3=(>7)
    血脂异常患病情况Dyslipidemia prevalence 0=由医生诊断为无血脂异常Diagnosed by a physician as having no dyslipidemia;
    1=由医生诊断为血脂异常Diagnosed by a physician as having dyslipidemia
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    表  2  血脂异常组和无血脂异常组的基本情况

    Table  2.   Basic characteristics of dyslipidemia group and non-dyslipidemia group

    (n=12 132)
    No dyslipidemia
    (n=10 945)
    (n=1 187)
    年龄/岁Age/years 16.935 < 0.001
      45~<60 5 880(48.47) 5 372(91.36) 508(8.64)
      60~74 6 252(51.53) 5 573(89.14) 679(10.86)
    性别Gender 16.179 < 0.001
      男性Male 5 772(47.58) 5 273(91.35) 499(8.65)
      女性Female 6 360(52.42) 5 672(89.18) 688(10.82)
    婚姻状况Marital status 6.923 0.010
      已婚Married 10 821(89.19) 9 789(90.46) 1 032(9.54)
      其他(离异、丧偶、未婚) Other(divorced, widowed, unmarried) 1 311(10.81) 1 156(88.18) 155(11.82)
    居住地类型Residence 11.613 0.001
      农村Rural 8 120(66.93) 7 378(90.86) 742(9.14)
      城市Urban 4 012(33.07) 3 567(88.91) 445(11.09)
    吸烟情况Smoking status 27.866 < 0.001
      不吸烟(含戒烟) Does not smoke(including those who have quit) 8 821(72.71) 7 881(89.34) 940(10.66)
      吸烟Smoke 3 311(27.29) 3 064(92.54) 247(7.46)
    饮酒情况Drinking status 7.575 0.006
      否No 7 515(61.94) 6 736(89.63) 779(10.37)
      是Yes 4 617(38.06) 4 209(91.16) 408(8.84)
    夜间睡眠时间Nighttime sleep duration/h 34.370 < 0.001
      ≤6 7 069(58.27) 6 285(88.91) 784(11.09)
      >6~7 2 220(18.30) 2 030(91.44) 190(8.56)
      >7 2 843(23.43) 2 630(92.51) 213(7.49)
    体力活动/MET-(min·周-1) Physical activity/MET-(min·week-1) 2 467.50(840.00, 5 617.50) 2 467.50(840.00, 5 625.00) 2 016.00(840.00, 4 917.00) 3.735 < 0.001
    注:①以人数(占比/%)或M(P25, P75)表示。
    Note:① Number of people (proportion/%) or M(P25, P75).
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    表  3  体力活动与血脂异常风险的logistic回归分析

    Table  3.   Logistic regression model results of physical activity and risk of dyslipidemia

    Physical activity/MET-(min·week-1)
    Sample size
    模型1 Model 1 模型2 Model 2 模型3 Model 3
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    Q1(低水平组)(low-level group) 2 518 1.000 1.000 1.000
    Q2(较低水平组)(lower-level group) 2 770 1.034 (0.870~1.231) 0.702 1.012 (0.850~1.206) 0.893 1.005 (0.843~1.197) 0.959
    Q3(较高水平组)(higher-level group) 3 219 0.910 (0.767~1.081) 0.282 0.907 (0.763~1.078) 0.266 0.896 (0.754~1.065) 0.212
    Q4(高水平组)(high-level group) 3 625 0.746 (0.627~0.888) 0.001 0.796 (0.668~0.948) 0.011 0.796 (0.668~0.950) 0.011
    Note:Model 1 unadjusted; Model 2 adjusted for age, gender, marital status and residence category based on model 1; Model 3 adjusted for smoking status, drinking status and nighttime sleep duration based on model 2.
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    表  4  体力活动与血脂异常风险的敏感性分析

    Table  4.   Sensitivity analysis of physical activity and risk of dyslipidemia

    Physical activity/MET-(min·week-1)
    Sample size
    模型1 Model 1 模型2 Model 2 模型3 Model 3
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    Q1(低水平组)(low-level group) 1 777 1.000 1.000 1.000
    Q2(较低水平组)(lower-level group) 1 942 0.953 (0.744~1.220) 0.702 0.917 (0.716~1.177) 0.496 0.907 (0.707~1.163) 0.440
    Q3(较高水平组)(higher-level group) 2 289 0.923 (0.727~1.173) 0.510 0.907 (0.714~1.154) 0.425 0.891 (0.700~1.134) 0.346
    Q4(高水平组)(high-level group) 2 530 0.691 (0.539~0.886) 0.004 0.739 (0.575~0.950) 0.018 0.734 (0.571~0.944) 0.016
    Note: Model 1 unadjusted; Model 2 adjusted for age, gender, marital status and residence category based on model 1; Model 3 adjusted for smoking status, drinking status and nighttime sleep duration based on model 2.
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