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卓凌云 曹洪 杜柯楠 张雨 张越 雷立健

卓凌云, 曹洪, 杜柯楠, 张雨, 张越, 雷立健. 2013―2022年自贡市结核病患者就诊延迟情况及影响因素分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(11): 1281-1286. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.007
引用本文: 卓凌云, 曹洪, 杜柯楠, 张雨, 张越, 雷立健. 2013―2022年自贡市结核病患者就诊延迟情况及影响因素分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(11): 1281-1286. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.007
ZHUO Lingyun, CAO Hong, DU Kenan, ZHANG Yu, ZHANG Yue, LEI Lijian. Delay on care-seeking and related influencing factors among tuberculosis patients in Zigong, 2013-2022[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(11): 1281-1286. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.007
Citation: ZHUO Lingyun, CAO Hong, DU Kenan, ZHANG Yu, ZHANG Yue, LEI Lijian. Delay on care-seeking and related influencing factors among tuberculosis patients in Zigong, 2013-2022[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(11): 1281-1286. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.007


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.007

山西省高等教育“百亿工程”科技引导专项 BYBLD002


    雷立健,E-mail: wwdlijian@sxmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R521

Delay on care-seeking and related influencing factors among tuberculosis patients in Zigong, 2013-2022


Shanxi Province Higher Education "Billion Project" Science and Technology Guidance Project BYBLD002

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解自贡市结核病就诊延迟情况,分析其影响因素,为该地区制定相关政策及采取针对性措施提供依据。  方法  通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统中的结核病信息管理系统,收集2013―2022年自贡市14 807例结核病患者的病案信息,拟合Joinpoint回归模型,分析2013―2022年就诊延迟率变化趋势,采用非条件多因素logistic回归分析模型对结核病患者就诊延迟影响因素进行分析。  结果  自贡市结核病患者就诊延迟率总体呈上升趋势,不同性别就诊延迟率变化均呈上升趋势,20~ < 60岁和≥60岁年龄组就诊延迟率变化均呈上升趋势。多因素logistic回归分析模型分析结果显示,2020―2022年,患者来源为追踪、直接就诊、推介、其他来源,以及结核性胸膜炎的结核病患者就诊延迟风险更高(均P < 0.05)。学生、家政及待业、工人及民工、主动发现、病原学结果阴性、富顺县、贡井区的结核病患者就诊延迟风险更低(均P < 0.05)。  结论  2013―2022年自贡市结核病患者就诊延迟率总体呈上升趋势,自贡市结核病患者就诊延迟可能与职业类型、患者来源、诊断分型、病原学结果和年份有关,应针对上述因素实施有效的干预措施。
  • 图  1  2013―2022年自贡市结核病患者就诊延迟率变化趋势

    Figure  1.  Trend of delayed rate of tuberculosis patients in Zigong, 2013-2022

    图  2  2013―2022年自贡市结核病患者各年龄组就诊延迟率变化趋势

    Figure  2.  Trend of medical care-seeking delay in tuberculosis patients in different age groups in Zigong, 2013-2022

    表  1  2013―2022年自贡市结核病就诊延迟率的Joinpoint回归分析

    Table  1.   Joinpoint regression analysis of medical care-seeking delay of tuberculosis patients in Zigong, 2013―2022

    Time period/year
    变化值Change value/%
    (95% CI)
    总体  Total APC/% 2013―2022 4.3(2.1~6.6) 4.534 0.002
    性别  Gender
      男性  Male APC/% 2013―2022 4.5(2.4~6.6) 5.012 0.001
      女性  Female APC/% 2013―2022 3.7(1.1~6.4) 3.287 0.011
    年龄组/岁  Age group/years
       < 20 APC/% 2013―2022 3.4(-0.8~7.8) 1.869 0.098
      20~ < 40 APC/% 2013―2022 4.2(1.3~7.2) 3.310 0.011
      40~ < 60 APC/% 2013―2022 4.9(2.9~7.0) 5.727 < 0.001
      ≥60 APC/% 2013―2022 3.7(1.5~5.9) 3.929 0.004
    Note: APC, the annual percentage change; AAPC, the average annual percentage change.
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    表  2  2013―2022年自贡市结核病就诊延迟影响因素分析

    Table  2.   Analysis of influencing factors on medical care-seeking delay for tuberculosis patients in Zigong, 2013-2022

    因素  Factors 患者数
    Number of patients
    Health-care seeking delay
    Univariate analysis
    Multifactorial analysis


    (95% CI)
    年份/年  Year 91.789 < 0.001
      2013―2019 11 176(75.48) 4 886(43.72) 6 290(56.28) 1.000
      2020―2022 3 631(24.52) 1 260(36.70) 2 371(63.30) 1.396(1.273~1.531) < 0.001
    年龄组/岁  Age group/years 36.336 < 0.001
       < 20 585(3.95) 304(51.97) 281(48.03) 1.000
      20~ < 40 2 845(19.21) 1 221(42.92) 1 624(57.08) 1.147(0.901~1.460) 0.266
      40~ < 60 5 650(38.16) 2 347(41.54) 3 303(58.46) 1.230(0.966~1.566) 0.093
      ≥60 5 727(38.68) 2 274(39.71) 3 453(60.29) 1.261(0.989~1.608) 0.061
    性别  Gender 0.466 0.495
      男性  Male 11 185(75.54) 4 625(41.35) 6 560(58.65)
      女性  Female 3 622(24.46) 1 521(41.99) 2 101(58.01)
    民族  Ethnic group 0.024 0.877
      汉族  Han 14 741(99.55) 6 118(41.50) 8 623(58.50)
      少数民族  Ethnic minorities 66(0.45) 28(42.42) 38(57.58)
    户籍  Household register 0.104 0.747
      本地  Locality 13 793(93.15) 5 730(41.54) 8 063(58.46)
      非本地  Non-locality 1 014(6.85) 416(41.02) 598(58.98)
    职业类型  Occupation 141.466 < 0.001
      农民  Farmer 8 984(60.67) 3 761(41.86) 5 223(58.14) 1.000
      学生  Student 442(2.99) 242(54.75) 200(45.25) 0.640(0.486~0.844) 0.002
      家政及待业  Housekeeping and unemployment 3 330(22.49) 1 270(38.14) 2 060(61.86) 0.892(0.814~0.976) 0.013
      工人及民工  Worker and migrant labourer 794(5.36) 438(55.16) 356(44.84) 0.805(0.685~0.976) 0.009
      专业技术人员  Technical professionals 328(2.22) 135(41.16) 193(58.84) 0.868(0.681~1.105) 0.249
      其他职业  Other occupations 929(6.27) 300(32.29) 629(67.70) 1.170(0.997~1.371) 0.054
    患者来源  Patient source 185.689 < 0.001
      转诊  Referral 7 077(47.79) 2 882(40.72) 4 195(59.28) 1.000
      追踪  Trace 2 068(13.97) 832(40.23) 1 236(59.77) 1.341(1.202~1.495) < 0.001
      直接就诊 Active visiting 4 891(33.03) 2 237(45.74) 2 654(54.26) 1.124(1.027~1.231) 0.011
      推介  Urge medical treatment 213(1.44) 28(13.15) 185(86.85) 0.319(0.197~0.517) < 0.001
      主动发现  Proactive discovery 77(0.52) 50(64.94) 27(35.06) 3.501(2.332~5.257) < 0.001
      其他来源  Other sources 481(3.25) 117(24.32) 364(75.68) 6.017(4.805~7.536) < 0.001
    诊断分型  Diagnosis and classification 38.293 < 0.001
      继发型  Secondary type 1 4401(97.26) 6 034(41.90) 8 367(58.10) 1.000
      结核性胸膜炎  Tuberculous pleurisy 290(1.96) 70(24.14) 220(75.86) 2.202(1.656~2.930) < 0.001
      其他分型  Other classification 116(0.78) 42(36.21) 74(63.79) 1.267(0.847~1.896) 0.225
    治疗分类  Treatment classification 17.752 < 0.001
      初治  Initial treatment 13 999(94.54) 5 868(41.92) 8 131(58.08) 1.000
      复治  Repeated treatment 808(5.46) 278(34.41) 530(65.59) 1.079(0.920~1.267) 0.348
    病原学结果  Pathogenetic results 61.484 < 0.001
      阳性  Positivity 6 062(40.94) 2 285(37.69) 3 777(62.31) 1.000
      阴性  Negativity 8 745(59.06) 3 861(44.15) 4 884(55.85) 0.899(0.832~0.972) 0.007
    地区  Areas 1 079.150 < 0.001
      大安区  Da′an District 2 067(13.96) 672(32.51) 1 395(67.49) 1.000
      富顺县  Fushun County 4 639(31.33) 2 818(60.75) 1 821(39.25) 0.264(0.235~0.298) < 0.001
      贡井区  Gojing District 1 440(9.73) 589(40.90) 851(59.10) 0.715(0.620~0.824) < 0.001
      荣县  Rong County 3 033(20.48) 965(31.82) 2 068(68.18) 1.020(0.898~1.158) 0.760
      沿滩区  Yantan District 1 710(11.55) 511(29.88) 1 199(70.12) 1.148(0.996~1.322) 0.057
      自流井区  Ziliujing District 1 918(12.95) 591(30.81) 1 327(69.19) 0.980(0.967~1.293) 0.094
    Note: “―” the indicator was not included in the multifactorial analysis.
    ① Number of people(proportion/%); ② Other occupations include business services, food and catering industry, public place service staff, herdsmen, long-distance drivers, and other undefined occupations; ③ Other sources refer to patients with unspecified origins in medical records; ④ Secondary types include those secondary to diseases such as pneumoconiosis, diabetes, HIV, etc; ⑤ Other types include primary forms, hematogenous dissemination, and other extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
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