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梁夏楠 梁长威 徐斌 阳世雄 梁晓云 潘利花 谢艺红

梁夏楠, 梁长威, 徐斌, 阳世雄, 梁晓云, 潘利花, 谢艺红. 2014―2023年南宁市小学水痘突发公共卫生事件流行病学特征及相关因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(11): 1287-1294. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.008
引用本文: 梁夏楠, 梁长威, 徐斌, 阳世雄, 梁晓云, 潘利花, 谢艺红. 2014―2023年南宁市小学水痘突发公共卫生事件流行病学特征及相关因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(11): 1287-1294. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.008
LIANG Xianan, LIANG Changwei, XU Bin, YANG Shixiong, LIANG Xiaoyun, PAN Lihua, XIE Yihong. Epidemiological characteristics and related factors of varicella public health emergency events in primary schools of Nanning City from 2014 to 2023[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(11): 1287-1294. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.008
Citation: LIANG Xianan, LIANG Changwei, XU Bin, YANG Shixiong, LIANG Xiaoyun, PAN Lihua, XIE Yihong. Epidemiological characteristics and related factors of varicella public health emergency events in primary schools of Nanning City from 2014 to 2023[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(11): 1287-1294. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.008


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.008

广西壮族自治区卫生健康委员会自筹经费科研课题 Z20211324


    谢艺红,E-mail: gxxieyihong@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R211;R521;R181

Epidemiological characteristics and related factors of varicella public health emergency events in primary schools of Nanning City from 2014 to 2023


Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Health Commission Self-funded Research Project Z20211324

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  分析2014―2023年南宁市小学水痘突发公共卫生事件(public health emergency events, PHEEs)的流行病学特征和影响因素,为开展小学水痘疫情防控工作提供科学参考。  方法  通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集2014―2023年南宁市水痘发病资料和小学水痘突发公共卫生事件信息,采用移动平均预警方法识别水痘流行期,运用描述性流行病学方法分析小学水痘PHEEs疫情特征,采用逐步法建立多重线性回归模型,分别分析水痘突发疫情持续时间和各流行期内PHEEs起数和疫情总病例数的相关因素。  结果  2014―2023年南宁市共报告116起小学水痘突发公共卫生事件,疫情主要发生在冬春季流行期(66.38%),不同流行期水痘突发公共卫生事件的中位持续时间(H=1.62, P=0.204)和疫情中位病例数(H=1.69, P=0.194)差异无统计学意义。农村小学总发病率(5.82%)高于其他类型学校(χ2 =646.04, P<0.001);县镇小学的疫情持续时间(F=4.02, P=0.021)、疫情平均病例数(F=4.54, P=0.013)、涉及班级数(F=9.36, P<0.001)最高;城市小学疫情涉及人数(F=28.06, P<0.001)最高。疫情首次报告病例数(β=0.84, P=0.006)、单起疫情病例数(β=0.16, P=0.048)和涉及班级数(β=1.21, P=0.004)是小学水痘突发公共卫生事件持续时间的影响因素;流行期内疫情总起数及疫情病例总数与首起疫情持续时间呈正相关(疫情总起数: β=0.08, P=0.029; 疫情病例总数: β=6.16, P=0.001),与流行期内疫情平均时间间隔呈负相关(疫情总起数: β=-0.21, P<0.001; 疫情病例总数: β=-8.14, P=0.001)。  结论  在水痘流行期应重视小学水痘疫情的防控,提高对校园水痘聚集疫情监测的敏感度,减少班级间传播可缩短突发公共卫生事件持续时间,同时应加强流行期异常信号识别(首起疫情持续时间、疫情间隔时间),以及时评估整体暴发水平。
  • 表  1  南宁市2014―2023年流行期小学水痘PHEEs疫情特征

    Table  1.   Characteristics of varicella PHEEs epidemics in primary schools in Nanning City, 2014―2023

    Winter and spring epidemic periods (n=10)
    Summer epidemic periods (n=8)
    t2值value P
    累计疫情起数  Total number of PHEEs 77(67.54) 37(32.46) 114(100.00)
    流行期疫情起数  Number of PHEEs 7.00(4.00, 8.00) 3.50(1.50, 8.00) 6.50(3.00, 8.00) 1.68 0.194
    流行期平均持续时间  Average duration of epidemic period/d 130.30±19.40 130.00±11.82 130.17±16.03 0.04 0.970
    Duration of PHEEs within the epidemic period
    34.00(23.00, 53.50) 29.00(20.00, 46.25) 33.00(21.00, 49.00) 1.62 0.204
    Average interval time between PHEEs within the epidemic period /d
    17.99±6.64 33.92±22.12 25.07±17.06 -2.17 0.045
    疫情病例总数  Total number of outbreak cases 3 308(71.20) 1 338(28.80) 4 646(100.00)
    Number of cases per outbreak during the epidemic period
    34.00(23.00, 52.25) 26.00(20.75, 45.00) 32.00(22.00, 49.00) 1.69 0.194
    Average reported cases in Nanning City during the epidemic period
    4 373.70±2 263.33 2 943.25±1 317.31 3 737.94±1 990.35 1.58 0.134
    Average interval time between epidemics within the epidemic period/d
    25.50(17.00, 28.00) 17.50(15.50, 23.00) 20.00(16.00, 28.00) 1.44 0.229
    ①以人数(占比/%)或M(P25, P75)或x±s表示。
    Note: PHEEs, public health emergency events.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%) or M(P25, P75) or x±s.
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    表  2  2014―2023年南宁市不同类型小学水痘PHEEs流行病学特征

    Table  2.   Epidemiological characteristics of varicella PHEEs in different types of primary schools in Nanning City, 2014―2023

    Rural primary schools (n=41)
    County town primary schools (n=36)
    Urban primary schools (n=39)
    Total (n=116)
    总发病率  Overall incidence rate/% 5.82(1 325/22 768) 3.39 (1 943/57 347) 2.36 (1 514/64 078) 3.32 (4 782/144 193) 646.04 < 0.001
    学生发病率  Student incidence rate/% 6.13(1 321/21 541) 3.57 (1 938/54 343) 2.51 (1 508/60 152) 3.50 (4 767/136 036) 617.58 < 0.001
    教职员工发病率  Incidence rate among faculty and staff/% 0.33(4/1 227) 0.17(5/3 004) 0.15(6/3 926) 0.18(15/8 157) 1.61 0.448
    涉及人数 Number of people affected 555.32±431.97 1 592.97±848.63 1 643.03±855.53 1 243.04±887.22 28.06 < 0.001
    疫情持续时间 Duration of epidemic outbreaks/d 31.56±21.24 45.58±26.84 35.49±17.92 37.23±22.73 4.02 0.021
    Number of Initial cases reported per epidemic outbreak
    15.59±6.13 17.00±6.79 15.44±4.75 15.97±5.92 0.79 0.457
    疫情平均病例数  Average number of cases per epidemic outbreak 32.32±18.43 53.94±47.81 38.85±24.11 41.22±32.97 4.54 0.013
    男性  Male 54.26 (719/1 325) 60.52 (1 176/1 943) 56.27 (852/1 514) 57.44 (2 747/4 782) 13.87 0.001
    涉及班级数  Number of affected classrooms 7.20±4.03 12.72±6.42 11.08±6.69 10.22±6.21 9.36 <0.001
    配备校医  Equipped with school doctor 14.63(6/41) 19.44(7/36) 89.74(35/39) 41.38(48/116) 58.84 <0.001
    有内宿  Has boarding facilities 17.07(7/41) 55.56(20/36) 61.54(24/39) 35.34(41/116) 18.89 <0.001
    有校外午托  With off-campus lunch care 2.44(1/41) 13.89(5/36) 28.21(11/39) 14.66(17/116) 10.63 0.005
    采取停课措施  Class suspension 26.83(11/41) 13.89(5/36) 12.82(5/39) 18.10(21/116) 3.27 0.195
    冬春流行期  Winter and spring epidemic periods 63.41(26/41) 72.22(26/36) 64.10(25/39) 66.38(77/116) 2.09 0.719
    夏季流行期  Summer epidemic periods 34.15(14/41) 25.00(9/36) 35.90(14/39) 31.90(37/116)
    非流行期  Outside of epidemic periods 2.44(1/41) 2.78(1/36) 0 1.72(2/116)
    Note: PHEEs, public health emergency events.
    ① Composition ratio/% or x±s.
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    表  3  南宁市2014―2023年小学水痘PHEEs持续时间相关因素分析

    Table  3.   Analysis of factors related to the duration of varicella PHEEs in primary schools in Nanning City, 2014―2023

    单因素分析 Univariate analysis 多因素分析  Multivariate analysis
    β值value sx
    学校类型  School type
      农村小学  Rural primary school -3.93 4.95 -0.79 0.430
      县镇小学 County town primary school 10.10 5.12 1.97 0.051
    首次报告病例数  Number of initial case reported 1.51 0.33 4.56 <0.001 0.84 0.30 2.80 0.006
    单起疫情病例数  Number of case in a single epidemic outbreak 0.38 0.05 6.96 <0.001 0.16 0.08 2.00 0.048
    涉及班级数  Number of affected classroom 2.09 0.28 7.42 <0.001 1.21 0.41 2.93 0.004
    流行季节  Epidemic periods
      冬春流行期  Winter and spring epidemic periods 17.36 16.29 1.07 0.289
      夏季流行期 Summer epidemic periods 13.20 16.51 0.80 0.426
    无教职员工病例  No cases among faculty and staff -2.98 6.49 -0.46 0.650
    无校医  No school doctor 1.21 4.30 0.28 0.778
    无内宿  No boarding facilities -2.45 4.26 -0.58 0.566
    无校外午托  No off-campus lunch care -9.72 5.92 1.64 0.103
    未采取停课措施  Class suspension measures not implemented -8.15 5.45 -1.49 0.138
    注:1. PHEEs,突发公共卫生事件。
    2. 采用线性回归分析,以水痘PHEEs持续时间作为因变量(n=116)。
    ①以城市小学为对照; ②以非流行期为对照,全部变量进入多因素模型,采用逐步法筛选变量。
    Note: 1. PHEEs, public health emergency events.
    2. A generalized linear model was used for analysis, with the duration of varicella PHEEs as the dependent variable (n=116).
    ① Using urban primary schools as the control; ② Using the non-epidemic period as the control. Incorporating all variables into a multi-factor model and a stepwise method was employed to select variables.
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    表  4  南宁市2014―2023年流行期小学水痘PHEEs总起数相关因素分析

    Table  4.   Analysis of factors related to the total number of varicella PHEEs in primary schools during the epidemic period in Nanning City, 2014―2023

    单因素分析 Univariate analysis 多因素分析  Multivariate analysis
    β值value sx值value t值value P值value β值value sx值value t值value P值value
    首起疫情距流行期起始时间  Time from the start of the epidemic period to the first outbreak/d -0.13 0.06 -2.10 0.052
    首起疫情持续时间  Duration of the first outbreak/d 0.06 0.05 1.09 0.290 0.08 0.03 2.42 0.029
    首起疫情病例数  Number of cases in the first outbreak -0.02 0.03 -0.79 0.441
    Total reported cases in Nanning City during the epidemic period
    0 0 -1.01 0.314
    流行期持续时间  Duration of the epidemic period/d 0.09 0.07 1.25 0.230
    Average interval time between epidemics within the epidemic period/d
    -0.20 0.05 -3.87 0.001 -0.21 0.05 -4.75 <0.001
    Time interval between the start of the epidemic period and the beginning of the school term/d
    -0.08 0.13 -0.57 0.580
    注:1. PHEEs,突发公共卫生事件。
    2. 采用线性回归分析,以18个流行期内PHEEs起数为因变量,全部变量进入多因素模型,采用逐步法筛选变量。
    Note: 1. PHEEs, public health emergency events.
    2. Linear regression analysis was utilized, with the number of PHEEs within 18 epidemic periods as the dependent variable, and multivariate analysis employed a stepwise method for variable selection.
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    表  5  南宁市2014―2023年流行期小学水痘PHEEs病例总数相关因素分析

    Table  5.   Analysis of factors associated with the total number of varicella PHEEs cases in primary schools during epidemic periods in Nanning City, 2014―2023

    单因素分析  Univariate analysis 多因素分析  Multivariate analysis
    β值value sx值value t值value P值value β值value sx值value t值value P值value
    首起疫情距流行期起始时间  Time from the start of the epidemic period to the first outbreak/d -4.85 2.94 -1.65 0.118
    首起疫情持续时间  Duration of the first outbreak /d 5.16 2.06 2.51 0.023 6.16 1.44 4.29 0.001
    首起疫情病例数  Number of cases in the first outbreak 0.71 1.13 0.63 0.537
    Total reported cases in Nanning City during the epidemic period
    0.07 0.02 3.06 0.007
    流行期持续时间  Duration of the epidemic period /d 3.79 3.25 1.16 0.261
    Average interval time between epidemics within the epidemic period/d
    -6.84 2.68 -2.55 0.022 -8.14 1.88 -4.32 0.001
    Time interval between the start of the epidemic period and the beginning of the school term/d
    2.51 6.04 0.42 0.683
    注:1. PHEEs,突发公共卫生事件。
    2. 采用线性回归分析,以18个流行期内PHEEs起数为因变量,全部变量进入多因素模型,采用逐步法筛选变量。
    Note: 1. PHEEs, public health emergency events.
    2. Linear regression analysis was utilized, with the number of PHEEs within 18 epidemic periods as the dependent variable, and multivariate analysis employed a stepwise method for variable selection.
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