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CN 34-1304/RISSN 1674-3679

Volume 28 Issue 10
Oct.  2024
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SUN Siyu, YANG Wenhao, HUANG Tingyuan, YUAN Lexin, CHEN Jiamin, LIU Hui, LIN Weiquan, ZHU Wei. A prospective cohort study on the prevalence and influencing factors of falls among community-dwelling older adults in Guangzhou City[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(10): 1164-1169. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.10.008
Citation: SUN Siyu, YANG Wenhao, HUANG Tingyuan, YUAN Lexin, CHEN Jiamin, LIU Hui, LIN Weiquan, ZHU Wei. A prospective cohort study on the prevalence and influencing factors of falls among community-dwelling older adults in Guangzhou City[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(10): 1164-1169. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.10.008

A prospective cohort study on the prevalence and influencing factors of falls among community-dwelling older adults in Guangzhou City

doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.10.008
SUN Siyu, YANG Wenhao and HUANG Tingyuan contributed equally to this work

National Natural Science Foundation of China 72104061

Guangzhou Municipal Health Science and Technology Project 20241A011055

Key Medical Discipline Construction Project of Guangzhou 2021-2023-12

Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Chronic and Major Disease Monitoring and Control 2024A03J0558

More Information
  • Corresponding author: LIN Weiquan, E-mail:; ZHU Wei, E-mail:
  • Received Date: 2024-06-04
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-09-19
  • Available Online: 2024-12-11
  • Publish Date: 2024-10-10
  •   Objective  To understand the prevalence and influencing factors of falls among community-dwelling older adults in Guangzhou City, and to explore the synergistic patterns and influencing pathways among different factors.  Methods  The prospective cohort study method was used for a baseline survey of 4 950 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years and above in Guangzhou City in 2021; the occurrence of falls and other health conditions among baseline older adults was followed up in 2022. Cox proportional hazards model was used to analyze the influencing factors of falls. Association rules and Bayesian network modeling were used to analyze the synergistic patterns and influence pathways of the influencing factors.  Results  A final valid sample of 3 393 older adults was included with a median follow-up of 1.53 years. The prevalence of falls was 25.49% (95% CI: 24.02%-26.96%). Cox proportional hazards model results showed that females (HR=1.246, 95% CI: 1.088-1.426), ≥75 years (HR=1.343, 95% CI: 1.133-1.592), insured (HR=1.440, 95% CI: 1.038-1.997), diabetes (HR=1.309, 95% CI: 1.143-1.498) and stroke (HR=1.914, 95% CI: 1.309-2.799) increased the risk of falls occurring in older adults; high school and above (HR=0.861, 95% CI: 0.750-0.987), daily exercise (HR=0.684, 95% CI: 0.580-0.807), and satisfaction with self-assessment of health status (HR=0.484, 95% CI: 0.278-0.841) reduced the risk of falls among older adults. The results of association rules showed that the most common collaboration mode was diabetes, females, and falls (support: 19.07%, confidence: 32.77%, lift: 1.29). The result of Bayesian Network model showed that exercise frequency, age, education, self-assessment of health status, gender, diabetes, and stroke were the important influencing factors of falls, and the area under the curve of the model was 0.612.  Conclusions  The prevalence of falls among community-dwelling older adults in Guangzhou City was high, and the influencing factors are complex. It is recommended to develop and implement comprehensive intervention measures for high-risk groups, including those who are physically inactive, elderly, female, and those with chronic diseases.
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