Effects of environmental exposure during pregnancy on preterm birth and low birth weight: a cohort study
目的 探讨中国孕妇孕期环境暴露和新生儿早产及低出生体重的关系。 方法 采用自行设计的孕期环境暴露调查问卷,问卷内容包括被动吸烟、通风情况、装修情况、臭水沟、垃圾站、化工厂、高温、辐射、噪声和粉尘等环境暴露因素,对中国孕产妇队列研究项目中的孕妇进行问卷调查,随访收集新生儿的出生情况。关联性分析采用Logistic回归分析模型。 结果 本研究以6 189名孕妇为研究对象,其中283名(4.57%)孕妇早产,分娩202名(3.26%)低出生体重儿,调整年龄、民族、户口、文化程度、职业、家庭年收入、孕前体重指数(body mass index,BMI)以及产次等因素后,Logistic回归分析模型分析显示,与未接触噪声的孕妇相比,孕妇孕期在工作或居家环境中暴露于噪声环境更容易发生早产(OR=1.668,95% CI:1.197~2.323);与未接触高温的孕妇相比,孕期在工作或居家环境中暴露于高温环境的孕妇更容易发生早产(OR=2.237,95% CI:1.171~4.274)。尚未发现其他环境暴露因素与早产和低出生体重的相关性。 结论 孕期暴露于噪声和高温环境是孕妇早产的危险因素。积极开展健康宣教,减少孕妇孕期在生活工作环境中的噪声和高温暴露,可能有助于降低早产的发生风险。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the relationship between maternal environmental exposure during pregnancy and neonatal preterm delivery and low birth weight. Methods A self-designed questionnaire of environmental exposure during pregnancy was used, including factors such as passive smoking, ventilation, decoration, gutter, garbage station, chemical plant, high temperature, radiation, noise, dust and others. A questionnaire survey was conducted among pregnant women in the Chinese Maternal Pregnant Women Cohort Study, and the birth status of newborns was collected. Correlation analysis was carried out by logistic liner regression model. Results A total of 6 189 pregnant women recruited were in our study, including 283 cases of premature birth (4.57%) and 202 cases of low birth weight (3.26%). After adjusting for age, nationality, registered residence, education, occupation, annual family income, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and parity other factors, logistic liner regression model showed that pregnant women exposed to noise during pregnancy were more likely to have preterm delivery than those who were not exposed to noise during pregnancy (OR=1.668, 95% CI: 1.197-2.323). Pregnant women who were exposed to high temperatures at work or at home during pregnancy were more likely to have preterm labor than those who were not (OR=2.237, 95% CI: 1.171-4.274). For other environmental exposure factors, no association were found with preterm delivery and low birth weight. Conclusions Exposure to noise and high temperature during pregnancy may be the risk factors of preterm delivery. Actively carry out health education to reduce the noise and high temperature exposure of pregnant women in the working and living environment, may help to reduce the risk of preterm delivery. -
Key words:
- Preterm delivery /
- Low birth weight /
- Environmental exposure /
- Cohort study
表 1 调查对象一般人口学特征[n(%)]
Table 1. General demographic characteristics of participants [n(%)]
变量 研究对象 早产 出生体重 是 否 χ2值 P值 低出生体重 正常出生体重 巨大儿 χ2值 P值 年龄(岁) 45.578 <0.001 29.685 <0.001 16~ 889(14.36) 29(10.25) 860(14.56) 23(11.39) 820(14.76) 46(10.65) 25~ 3 030(48.96) 111(39.22) 2 919(49.42) 86(42.57) 2 750(49.50) 194(44.91) 30~ 1 654(26.72) 84(29.68) 1 570(26.58) 58(23.71) 1 453(26.16) 143(33.10) ≥35 616(9.95) 59(20.85) 557(9.43) 35(17.33) 532(9.58) 49(11.34) 民族 0.005 0.941 0.261 0.878 汉族 5 855(94.60) 268(94.70) 5 587(94.60) 11(5.45) 302(5.44) 21(4.86) 少数民族 334(5.40) 15(5.30) 319(5.40) 191(94.55) 5 253(94.56) 411(95.14) 户口 6.307 0.012 5.814 0.055 非农业 2 874(46.44) 152(53.71) 2 722(46.09) 110(54.46) 2 571(46.28) 193(44.68) 农业 3 315(53.56) 131(46.09) 3 184(53.91) 92(45.54) 2 984(53.72) 239(55.32) 文化程度 2.924 0.404 4.419 0.620 初中及以下 846(13.67) 40(14.13) 806(13.65) 26(12.87) 757(13.63) 63(14.58) 高中 1 337(21.60) 65(22.97) 1 272(21.54) 42(20.79) 1 217(21.91) 78(18.06) 大专/本科 3 606(58.26) 154(54.42) 3 452(58.45) 119(58.91) 3 228(58.11) 259(59.95) 硕士及以上 400(6.46) 24(8.48) 376(6.37) 15(7.43) 353(6.35) 32(7.41) 职业 1.595 0.207 1.481 0.477 无业 1 712(27.66) 69(24.38) 1 643(27.82) 50(34.08) 1 549(22.52) 113(26.16) 有职业 4 477(72.34) 214(75.62) 4 263(72.18) 152(48.43) 4 006(53.15) 319(73.84) 家庭年收入(元) 3.230 0.358 9.623 0.142 <70 000 1 408(22.75) 63(22.26) 1 345(22.77) 41(20.30) 1 254(22.57) 113(26.16) 70 000~ 611(9.87) 20(7.07) 591(10.01) 13(6.44) 557(10.03) 41(9.49) 100 000~ 2 356(38.07) 109(38.52) 2 247(38.05) 84(41.58) 2 128(38.31) 144(33.33) ≥200 000 1 814(29.31) 91(32.16) 1 723(29.17) 64(31.68) 1 616(29.09) 134(31.02) 孕前体重指数 1.896 0.594 62.754 <0.001 偏瘦 822(13.28) 35(11.97) 787(13.33) 35(17.33) 756(13.61) 31(7.18) 正常 3 958(63.95) 177(63.11) 3 781(64.02) 131(64.85) 3 583(64.50) 116(56.48) 超重 1 110(17.94) 59(20.39) 1 051(17.80) 31(15.35) 963(17.34) 116(26.85) 肥胖 299(4.83) 12(4.53) 287(4.86) 5(2.48) 253(4.55) 41(9.49) 产次 0.342 0.559 3.321 0.190 初产妇 3 513(56.76) 155(54.84) 3 358(56.85) 118(58.33) 3 131(56.37) 267(61.75) 经产妇 2 676(43.24) 128(45.16) 2 548(43.15) 84(41.67) 2 424(43.63) 165(38.25) 表 2 调查对象的环境暴露情况[n(%)]
Table 2. The environmental exposure of the participants [n(%)]
环境暴露因素 研究对象 早产 出生体重 是 否 χ2值 P值 低出生体重 正常出生体重 巨大儿 χ2值 P值 被动吸烟 0.007 0.934 0.778 0.678 无 3 528(57.00) 162(57.24) 3 366(56.99) 112(55.45) 3 177(57.19) 239(55.32) 有 2 661(43.00) 121(42.76) 2 540(43.01) 90(44.55) 2 378(42.81) 193(44.68) 排油烟机/排风扇使用 0.002 0.965 1.816 0.403 无 5 625(90.89) 257(90.81) 5 368(90.89) 181(89.60) 5 058(91.58) 386(89.35) 有 546(9.11) 26(9.19) 538(9.11) 21(10.40) 497(8.95) 46(10.65) 居住场所通风 0.545 0.460 3.528 0.171 较好 4 428(71.55) 197(69.61) 4 231(71.64) 145(71.78) 2 957(71.23) 326(75.46) 较差 1 761(28.45) 86(30.39) 1 675(28.36) 57(28.22) 1 598(28.77) 106(24.42) 居住和工作场所装修 0.218 0.641 1.262 0.532 无 4 164(67.28) 194(68.55) 3 970(67.28) 143(70.79) 3 738(67.11) 293(67.82) 有 2 025(32.72) 89(31.45) 2 025(32.72) 59(29.21) 1 827(32.89) 139(32.18) 臭水沟 0.833 0.361 2.825 0.244 无 5 927(95.77) 268(94.70) 5 659(95.82) 193(95.54) 5 327(95.90) 407(94.21) 有 262(4.23) 15(5.30) 247(4.18) 9(4.46) 228(4.10) 25(5.79) 垃圾站 0.466 0.495 2.606 0.272 无 5 790(93.55) 262(92.58) 5 528(93.60) 184(91.09) 5 298(93.57) 408(94.44) 有 399(6.45) 21(7.42) 378(6.40) 18(8.91) 357(6.43) 24(5.56) 化工厂 0.874 0.350 1.160 0.560 无 6 079(98.22) 280(98.94) 5 799(98.19) 199(98.51) 5 453(98.16) 427(98.84) 有 110(1.78) 3(1.06) 107(1.81) 3(1.49) 102(1.84) 5(1.16) 农药 1.806 0.180 1.562 0.458 无 6 143(99.26) 279(98.59) 5 864(99.29) 199(98.51) 5 515(99.28) 429(99.31) 有 46(0.74) 4(1.41) 42(0.71) 3(1.49) 40(0.72) 3(0.69) 辐射 0.304 0.582 0.546 0.761 无 5 356(86.54) 248(87.63) 5 108(86.49) 174(86.14) 4 813(86.64) 369(85.42) 有 833(13.46) 35(12.37) 798(13.51) 28(13.86) 742(13.36) 63(14.58) 噪声 3.945 0.047 0.478 0.788 无 5 341(86.30) 233(82.33) 5 108(86.49) 171(84.65) 4 797(86.35) 373(86.34) 有 848(13.70) 50(17.67) 798(13.51) 31(15.35) 758(13.65) 59(13.66) 高温 6.310 0.012 0.703 0.704 无 6 057(97.87) 271(95.76) 5 786(97.97) 196(97.03) 5 438(97.89) 423(97.92) 有 132(2.13) 12(4.24) 120(2.03) 6(2.97) 117(2.11) 9(2.08) 染发剂等化学物质 2.325 0.127 0.267 0.875 无 6 132(99.08) 278(98.23) 5 854(99.12) 200(99.01) 5 503(99.06) 429(99.31) 有 57(0.92) 5(1.77) 52(0.88) 2(0.99) 52(0.94) 3(0.69) 表 3 环境暴露与早产和低出生体重关系的多因素Logistic线性回归分析模型分析
Table 3. Multivariate logistic liner regression model analysis of the relationship between environmental exposure and preterm birth and low birth weight
环境暴露 早产 低出生体重 例数
[n(%)]OR(95% CI)值 P值 例数
[n(%)]OR(95% CI)值 P值 被动吸烟 无 162(57.24) 1.000 112(55.45) 1.000 有 121(42.76) 1.017(0.772~1.340) 0.905 90(44.55) 1.018(0.737~1.406) 0.912 排油烟机或
排风扇使用无 257(90.81) 1.000 181(89.60) 1.000 有 26(9.19) 1.051(0.659~1.675) 0.836 21(10.40) 1.215(0.723~2.044) 0.462 居住场所
通风有 197(69.61) 1.000 145(71.78) 1.000 无 86(30.39) 1.155(0.899~1.500) 0.280 57(28.22) 1.025(0.749~1.401) 0.879 居住和工作
情况无 194(68.55) 1.000 143(70.79) 1.000 有 89(31.45) 1.027(0.768~1.372) 0.858 59(29.21) 0.889(0.628~1.258) 0.507 臭水沟 无 268(94.70) 1.000 193(95.54) 1.000 有 15(5.30) 1.200(0.641~2.246) 0.569 9(4.46) 1.269(0.612~2.631) 0.523 垃圾站 无 262(92.58) 1.000 184(91.09) 1.000 有 21(7.42) 1.140(0.683~1.903) 0.615 18(8.91) 1.613(0.946~2.751) 0.079 化工厂 无 280(98.94) 1.000 199(98.51) 1.000 有 3(1.06) 0.771(0.222~2.274) 0.566 3(1.49) 0.969(0.302~3.109) 0.958 农药 无 279(98.59) 1.000 199(98.51) 1.000 有 4(1.41) 1.063(0.252~4.474) 0.934 3(1.49) 2.525(0.762~8.366) 0.130 辐射 否 248(87.63) 1.000 1.000 是 35(12.37) 0.883(0.587~1.328) 0.550 28(13.86) 0.965(0.608, 1.530) 0.879 噪音 无 233(82.33) 1.000 1.000 有 50(17.67) 1.668(1.197~2.323) 0.003 31(15.35) 1.306(0.863~1.975) 0.207 高温 无 271(95.76) 1.000 196(97.03) 1.000 有 12(4.24) 2.237(1.171~4.274) 0.015 6(2.97) 1.417(0.565~3.555) 0.458 染发剂等
化学物质无 278(98.23) 1.000 200(99.01) 1.000 有 5(1.77) 2.001(0.706~5.673) 0.192 2(0.99) 1.384(0.331~5.800) 0.656 -
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