Influential factors of mild cognitive impairment in type 2 diabetes mellitus based on machine learning and logistic regression
目的 应用机器学习和logistic回归分析模型分析2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)轻度认知功能障碍的影响因素,为相关干预措施提供依据。 方法 收集南京鼓楼医院内分泌科1 284例T2DM患者的资料,将数据分为训练集(70%)和测试集(30%),分别采用logistic回归分析、随机森林、XGBoost模型对数据建模并进行可解释性分析。 结果 随机森林模型的预测性能最高,训练集的AUC值为1.0,测试集的AUC值为0.783(95% CI:0.660~0.894),模型筛选出T2DM患者发生轻度认知功能障碍的19个重要变量,如受教育时间、年龄、胰岛素敏感指数、周围神经病变、糖化血红蛋白、骨代谢异常等。 结论 随机森林模型的预测性能最佳,可以协助医务人员准确识别T2DM患者发生轻度认知功能障碍的危险因素,有助于医务人员对患者进行早期预防。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the risk factors of mild cognitive impairment in type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) by using machine learning and Logistic regression, and to provide basis for relevant intervention. Methods The data of 1 284 T2DM patients in the Department of Endocrinology of Nanjing Gulou Hospital were collected. The data were divided into the training set (70%) and the testing set (30%). Logistic regression model, Random Forest and XGBoost were used to construct the models, and the results were explained by the model interpretability. Results The random forest model had the highest predictive performance, the AUC value of the training set was 1.0 while the testing one was 0.783 (95% CI: 0.660-0.894), the model screened 19 important variables for MCI in patients with T2DM, such as education time, age, insulin sensitivity index, peripheral neuropathy, glycosylated hemoglobin, abnormal bone metabolism. Conclusions The prediction performance of random forest model is the best, which can help medical staff accurately identify the risk factors of MCI in patients with T2DM, and help medical staff to apply early intervention. -
表 1 两组患者疾病资料的比较
Table 1. Comparison of disease data between two groups of patients
变量variable 正常对照组 ②
Control group②
(n=865)MCI组 ②
group ②
(n= 419)t/Z/χ2
value病程/年Course of disease /years 9.56±8.01 10.81±8.28 -2.56 0.010 年龄/年Age/years 55.34±11.70 61.91±8.60 -11.36 < 0.001 性别Gender 16.60 < 0.001 男Male 605(69.94) 245(58.47) 女Female 260(30.06) 174(41.53) 受教育时间/年Years of education/years 12.97±3.24 10.41±3.35 13.15 < 0.001 糖尿病家族史Family history of diabetes 467(53.99) 191(45.58) 7.65 0.006 合并高血压Concomitant history of hypertension 407(47.05) 244(58.23) 14.12 < 0.001 合并高血脂Concomitant history of hyperlipidemia 357(41.27) 147(35.08) 4.28 0.039 体质指数/(kg·m-2) Body mass index/(kg·m-2) 24.84(23.03, 27.12) 24.14(22.23, 26.46) -3.54 < 0.001 周围神经病变Diabetes peripheral neuropathy 235(27.17) 180(42.96) 31.46 < 0.001 颈动脉斑块Complications of carotid artery plaques 471(54.45) 296(70.64) 30.11 < 0.001 糖尿病肾病Complications of diabetic nephropathy 83(9.59) 58(13.84) 4.78 0.029 骨代谢异常Abnormal bone metabolism 303(35.03) 217(51.79) -20.94 < 0.001 下肢大血管病变Lower extremity atherosclerosis 408(47.17) 260(62.05) 24.46 < 0.001 脑血管病史History of cerebrovascular diseases 83(9.60) 74(17.66) 16.37 < 0.001 心血管病史History of cardiovascular 107(12.37) 85(20.29) 13.30 < 0.001 使用GLP-1药物 ① Using GLP-1 medication ① 23(2.66) 13(3.10) 0.65 0.786 三酰甘油/(mmol·L-1) Triglyceride/(mmol·L-1) 1.35(0.95, 2.06) 1.30(0.90, 1.83) -1.78 0.075 胆固醇/(mmol·L-1) Cholesterol/(mmol·L-1) 4.53(3.79, 5.34) 4.45(3.70, 5.27) -1.21 0.225 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇/(mmol·L-1) Low density lipoprotein cholesterol/(mmol·L-1) 2.64(2.00, 3.30) 2.99(2.32, 3.66) -5.52 < 0.001 肾小球滤过率/(mL·min·1.73 m-2) Glomeruar filtration rate/(mL·min·1.73 m-2) 117.65(106.20, 135.60) 117.65(98.00, 134.05) -1.68 0.094 尿酸/(μmol·L-1) Uric acid/(μmol·L-1) 326.00(275.00, 378.00) 305.00(253.00, 363.00) 3.57 < 0.001 血清骨钙素/(μg·L-1) Serum osteocalcin/(μg·L-1) 12.26(9.87, 15.85) 12.13(9.45, 15.75) 0.57 0.163 糖化血红蛋白/% Glycosylated hemoglobin/% 8.40(7.00, 10.00) 9.10(7.40, 10.90) -3.99 < 0.001 空腹血糖/(mmol·L-1) Fasting plasma glucose/(mmol·L-1) 7.76(6.39, 9.85) 8.10(6.78, 10.27) -2.85 0.004 餐后2 h血糖/(mmol·L-1) 2-hour postprandial blood glucose/(mmol·L-1) 15.50(12.90, 18.40) 16.30(13.15, 19.65) -2.79 0.005 空腹胰岛素/(μIU·mL-1) Fasting insulin/(μIU·mL-1) 6.69(4.90, 9.91) 6.69(3.66, 8.34) -4.16 < 0.001 餐后2 h胰岛素/(μIU·mL-1) 2-hour post meal insulin/(μIU·mL-1) 26.22(15.00, 47.20) 24.10(12.05, 40.70) -2.02 < 0.001 胰岛素抵抗指数Homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance 2.51(1.60, 3.86) 2.21(1.34, 3.52) -2.59 0.010 胰岛素敏感指数Homeostasis model assessment insulin sensitivity 32.35(18.16, 58.85) 25.00(13.10, 45.35) -4.62 < 0.001 C-反应蛋白/(mg·L-1) C-reactive protein/(mg·L-1) 2.50(1.70, 3.50) 2.50(1.70, 3.60) -0.27 0.784 注:GLP-1,胰高糖素样肽-1; MCI, 轻度认知功能障碍。
①使用GLP-1药物指使用利拉鲁肽注射液、度拉糖肽注射液; ②以M(P25,P75)或人数(占比/%)或x±s表示。
Note: GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1; MCI, mild cognitive impairment.
① The use of GLP-1 drug refers to the use of liraglutide injection and dulaglutide injection; ② M(P25,P75) or number of people (proportion/%) or x±s. -
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