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2018 Vol. 22, No. 3

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The new opportunities of public health and preventive medicine under the new situation
HU Zhi-bin, GU Ai-hua, WANG Jian-ming, SHEN Hong-bing
2018, 22(3): 215-216,239. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.001
Abstract(812) PDF(80)
Under the national strategy of "Health China 2030", the development of ‘public health and preventive medicine’ is facing new situations:(1) new technologies, represented by omics, have been applied in disease control and health promotion; (2) computer techonology and medical information technology are promoting the development and revolution of this discipline in the era of big data; (3) the launch of the large population-based cohort studies provide valuable opportunities for this discipline. We should focus on the aspects including omics techonologise and cohort studies, big data and disease control. We should also focus on the approach of compound research talents and research team training program and the approach to broaden the research coverage. All these will provide strong guarantee for promoting health China.
Relationship between lipid accumulation product and the risk of hypertension and diabetes in adults of Jiangsu Province
SU Jian, LÜ Shu-rong, YANG Jie, TAO Ran, QIN Yu, ZHOU Jin-yi, ZHANG Yong-qing, WU Ming
2018, 22(3): 217-221,271. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.002
Abstract(505) PDF(53)
Objective To explore the relationship between lipid accumulation product (LAP) and hypertension and diabetes in adults. Methods The data of Jiangsu Provincial Surveillance on Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors (2013) were used to investigate the association of LAP with blood pressure and plasma glucose, one-way ANOVA and multivariate Logistic regression were used to explore the relationship between LAP and the risk of hypertension and diabetes. Area under curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the predictive value of LAP, BMI and WC in hypertension and diabetes. Results The levels of blood pressure and plasma glucose were significantly different in residents with different degree of LAP (all P<0.05). There was an obvious trend of increased risk of hypertension and diabetes with increment in the quartiles of LAP both in men and women (all P<0.05). Compared with the lowest quartile, the risk of hypertension in the highest quartile of LAP increased 3.65 fold (95% CI:3.74-5.78) in men, and 3.52 fold (95% CI:3.70-5.53) in women, respectively; and the corresponding risk of diabetes increased 2.71 fold (95% CI:2.83-4.87) in men, and 3.37 fold (95% CI:3.32-5.77) in women, respectively. In female, ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC of LAP in predicting risk of hypertension and diabetes was 0.70 and 0.69 respectively, higher than that of BMI and WC (all P<0.05). Conclusions The LAP is associated with blood pressure and plasma glucose closely. The elevated level of LAP is associated with an increased risk of hypertension and diabetes.
A survey on the treatment patterns of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban China
WANG Yu-zhuo, CHEN Xiao-ying, XIAO Tian, WANG Wei-bing, XU Biao, FU Chao-wei
2018, 22(3): 222-225. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.003
Abstract(1127) PDF(115)
Objective To investigate the treatment patterns of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in urban community of Chinese big cities. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in 15 hospitals of Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guanghou, 1 530 T2DM patients were recruited continuously into this study. Participants were face-to-face interviewed by trained interviewers using a self-developed structured questionnaire, and all participants in the study were given an opportunity to test glycosylated hemoglobin free of charge. Results Of subjects, most only used oral antidiabetic drugs (OAD) (999/1 525, 65.5%), receiving lifestyle intervention only was the least (23/1 525, 1.5%), and a substantial proportion used both OAD and insulin (375/1 525, 24.6%). Among subjects with OAD, more than half of them took metformin (783/1 374, 57.0%), and the number of OADs significantly increased as the duration of diabetes. In combination use of OADs, it was most common to have the two kinds of OAD at the same time (634/1 374, 46.1%). Combination of metformin and sulfonylurea were the most frequently used drugs. Conclusions The OAD was popular under clinical guidelines among patients with T2DM in urban community of big Chinese cities. Treatment pattern should be adjusted with duration of T2DM.
Correlation between serum sex hormone levels and metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and elderly men
SHEN Xu-bo, XIONG Shi-min, LIU Fang-wei, SHI Yong-jun, YU Qin, LI Quan, SHEN Lian-bo, ZHOU Yuan-zhong
2018, 22(3): 226-230. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.004
Abstract(447) PDF(43)
Objective To investigate the relationship between serum sex hormone levels and metabolic syndrome (MS) in middle-aged and elderly men. Methods Adult males aged 40 years and above from Zunyi area were selected by the stratified cluster sampling method and questionnaires and physical examination were conducted. Total testosterone (TT), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), luteinizing hormone (LH), triglyceride (TG) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) were measured by fasting venous blood, calcuated free testosterone (cFT), free testosterone index (FTI) and testosterone secretion index (TSI). Results A total of 437 qualified subjects were included with a MS prevalence rate of 18.8%. The serum levels of TT, SHBG and TSI in the MS group were lower than those in the healthy group, FTI was higher than that in healthy group (all P<0.05). TT was negatively correlated with body mass index (BMI), TG, HDL and diastolic pressure (DBP), and SHBG was negatively correlated with BMI, TG and HDL; cFT was positively correlated with BMI, negatively correlated with SBP, FTI was positively correlated with BMI, TSI was positively correlated with HDL, negatively correlated with SBP, LH was negatively correlated with BMI, positively correlated with SBP (all P<0.05). While MS scores increased, serum levels of TT, SHBG and TSI levels gradually decreased, in contrast, cFT levels did not change significantly, FTI levels gradually increased and LH levels increased first and then decreased. Logistic regression analysis showed that after adjustment for age, smoking, alcohol consumption and other factors, low TT, SHBG and TSI levels (<50%) respectively resulted in 3.972, 2.426 and 2.534 times higher risk of MS (all P<0.05). Conclusion The decrease of serum TT, SHBG and TSI levels in middle-aged and elderly men was closely related to the occurrence of MS.
Investigation of the epidemic characteristics and risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among residents from monitoring point in Ningxia
ZHANG Yin-e, WU Ting-ting, MA Li-xia, TIAN Yuan, JIN Ya-nan, MA Fang, WANG Xiao-li, XIE Fan
2018, 22(3): 231-234. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.005
Abstract(512) PDF(37)
Objective To investigate the epidemic characteristics and risk factor of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on monitoring point in Ningxia. Methods The multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method was used in this study. The residents ≥ 40 years old were selected from 18 villages of three monitoring districts in Ningxia. Interview survey, body measurement and pulmonary function were examined and the risk factors were screened by logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 154 cases of COPD were screened in this study. The overall morbidity of COPD was 8.56%. Prevalence rate in male (12.53%) was higher than that in female (3.87%)(χ2=42.76,P<0.001). The prevalence of COPD was 5.07%, 6.69%, 5.04% and 17.35% in 40-, 50-, 60-and ≥ 70 years old group respectively. With aging, the prevalence of COPD was increasing (χtrend2=40.63, P<0.001). The main risk factors for COPD were men (OR=2.832, 95% CI:1.443-5.559),age (OR=4.887,95% CI:2.058-11.608),district (OR=2.510,95% CI:1.222-5.156),smoke (OR=2.261,95% CI:1.370-3.733), history of harmful gas exposure(OR=2.006,95% CI:1.096-3.670) and wood or furniture processing and decorating(OR=2.660,95% CI:1.271-5.566). Conclusions High risk for COPD in Ningxia monitoring point was related with gender, age, district, smoking, history of harmful gas exposure,wood or furniture processing and decorating.
Health literacy and associated factors among residents aged 15-69 years in Gansu, 2015
LU Yi-ming, ZHU Ze-shan, WEN Jian-qiang, WEI Guo-feng, WANG Li, WANG Huai-qi, LU Pei-jun, QIAN Guo-hong
2018, 22(3): 235-239. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.006
Abstract(521) PDF(45)
Objective To analyze the health literacy and associated factors among residents in Gansu Province. Methods A multi-stage sampling method was used to extract 23 250 residents aged 15-69 years; a cross-sectional study with face to face questionnaire interview was conducted among the eligible residents. The Rao-Scott adjusted chi-square test was used to test differences in health literacy level from socio-demographic characteristics, and complex sampling unconditional Logistic regression was used to explore influencing factors of health literacy level. Results In total, 22 048 (94.8%) out of 23 250 residents finished the interview, and the health literacy level was 4.7% among residents aged 15-69 in Gansu. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the ethnic Han had a higher possibility of owning health literacy (OR=2.217, 95% CI:1.392-3.532, P=0.001). The 25-group and 35-group had a higher possibility of owning health literacy than those aged 65-69 (all P<0.05). The senior high school/vocational high school/specialized middle school education, college or higher education had a higher possibility of owning health literacy than those who were illiterate or low literacy (all P<0.05). The 2 000-group and ≥ 5 000 group had a higher possibility of owning health literacy than those monthly income less than 500 yuan (all P<0.05).The medical staff had a higher possibility of owning health literacy than farmers (OR=3.837, 95% CI:1.653-8.909, P<0.001). Compared to the residents of the household population greater than or equal to 7, 4-group had a higher possibility of owning health literacy (OR=1.910, 95% CI:1.072-3.406, P=0.029). Conclusion The health literacy level remains low among residents in Gansu, underscoring tailed measures for the residents to improve the health literacy level.
Correlation between anxiety/depression and life meaning in patients with gastric cancer
LI Xiu, YAO Shuang, WEI Yong-ming, YUAN Hui
2018, 22(3): 240-243. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.007
Abstract(855) PDF(51)
Objective To investigate anxiety/depression in patients with gastric cancer and their relationship with meaning of life (MOL). Methods We enrolled 165 inpatients (aged 25-83 years) with gastric cancer in the department of oncology from two tertiary hospitals. At the same time, we enrolled 165 patients diagnosed as superficial gastritis in outpatient department. We assessed the patients using the resilience scale, meaning in life questionnaire, hospital anxiety and depression scale, and the general data questionnaire. Results The anxiety/depression levels of gastric cancer patients were higher, and the life meaning was lower; MOL was negatively correlated with anxiety/depression in patients with gastric cancer (r=-0.291,P<0.001). MOL played a mediating role between resilience and anxiety/depression in gastric cancer patients. Conclusions The reconstruction of MOL can enhance the resilience of patients and predict the anxiety/depression of patients with gastric cancer.This may provide new insights into clinical research and interventions for anxiety/depression in patients with gastric cancer.
Research on epidemic situation and risk factors for suicide ideation among primary and junior school students in less populated ethnic areas, China
CHANG Li-tao, DAI Jing, MIN Jie-qing, LIU Hong, HE Yun-yu, CHAI Jia-jia, ZHA Shun, WANG Fang, DAI Li-mei, YANG Yun-juan
2018, 22(3): 244-248,253. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.008
Abstract(411) PDF(41)
Objective To understand the epidemic of suicide ideation among less-populated ethnic students in primary and junior schools of China, to identify the risk factors of suicide ideation, and to provide scientific evidence for developing strategy and health policies to intervene their suicide-related behavior among ethnic minorities. Methods Less-populated ethnic students, aging between 9 and 16 years old, were recruited. Randomized cluster sampling was adopted. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect data. Risk factors for suicide ideation were assessed by univariate analysis and Logistic regression analysis. Results In 2016, 16.38%(430/2 625) of the less populated ethnic students in primary and junior school students of China had suicide ideation during the past 12-month period prior to the study, of which, the incidence was 17.39% in boys and 15.44% in girls. When stratified by ethnic groups, the self-reported incidence of suicide ideation among students in different ethnic groups was significantly different. The incidence rate was 16.80% among Bulang people, 13.43% among Achang people, 14.64% among Pumi people, 33.52% among Nu people, 11.70% among De'ang people, 11.71% among Dulong people, and 13.44% among Jinuo people. The multi-variates logistic regression analysis showed that students who had self-injury events, and unintentional injury over the past 12 months, felt lonely, stopped their daily activities continuously for two weeks or longer due to depression, suffered school violence over the past 30 days, were left-behind children, had mothers engaged in non-agricultural work, or had lower educational level in parents were more likely to have the idea of suicide. Conclusions The problem of suicide ideation cannot be ignored among the less-populated ethnic students in primary and junior school students of China. In the future, we should strengthen the prevention and comprehensive intervention against suicide related behavior in primary and middle school with more ethnic students.
Analysis of epidemiology characteristics of road traffic injury and death in Tianjin
WANG Zhuo, WANG De-zheng, ZHANG Ying, SHEN Cheng-feng, ZHANG Hui, SONG Gui-de, XU Zhong-liang, JIANG Guo-hong
2018, 22(3): 249-253. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.009
Abstract(527) PDF(50)
Objective To analyze the epidemiologic features of road traffic injury and death and provide scientific basis for prevention. Methods The data of road traffic injuries and deaths were collected from reports reported by medical organizations at all levels in the city, and were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases 10th (ICD-10). Results The total road traffic injury incidence rate was 339.61/100 000 and the mortality rate was 13.81/100 000. The average age of injury occurrence was (40.19±18.40), while that of death cases was (49.16±17.76). Among total injury occurrence cases, the number of male and female was 21 177 and 13 349. The sex ratio was 1.59:1. Among total death cases, the number of male and female was 1 077 and 327. The sex ratio was 3.29:1.The highest incidence rate was in those aged 30-years old, the highest mortality rate was 65 years and older. Farmers and workers were the top 1 and top 2 in both incidence rate and mortality rate. The highest four incidence rate areas were Doling District (704.06/100 000, Xiqing District (700.01/100 000), Binhai New District (672.55/100 000) and Jinnan District (539.23/100 000). Areas with the highest mortality rate were Jixian County (30.07/100 000), Jinghai County (28.01/100 000), Wuqing District (25.48/100 000) and Baodi District (23.19/100 000). Incidence peaked at the 2nd season and mortality at the 3rd and 4th season. Conclusions The average age of road traffic injuried cases is younger than death cases. Farmers and workers account for the highest proportion. Economically active areas have higher incidence rate, relatively undeveloped areas have higher mortality rate.
Status of condom use and influencing factors among men who have sex with men in Wuhu City from 2011 to 2015
DOU Zheng-dong, FANG Yan-jiao, RUI Bei
2018, 22(3): 254-257,286. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.010
Abstract(536) PDF(31)
Objective To investigate status of condom use and influencing factors among men who have sex with men(MSM) in Wuhu City from 2011 to 2015,so as to provide basis for making prevention measures. Methods About 400 MSM were investigated annually by questionnaires according to the National Protocol for HIV Sentinel Surveillance during 2011-2015 and blood samples were collected for HIV, syphilis and HCV testing. Results Of a total 2 037 participants, the rates of condom use in anal intercourse in the past 6 months were respectively 23.24%, 38.13%, 37.41%, 47.15% and 82.22% with a upward trend from 2011 to 2015(χtrends test2=266.778,P<0.001). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that participants who had commercial sex in the past 6 months, having sex with females, being diagnosed sexual transmitted diseases(STDs) in past year were risk factors of condom use in anal intercourse. The prevalence of HIV, TP, and HCV were 5.84%, 12.37%, 0.69% respectively with increasing trends of HIV and TP prevalence. The positive rates of HIV were 4.36%,3.36%,6.48%,6.48% and 8.64% respectively from 2011 to 2015. Conclusions Rates of condom use among MSM in Wuhu city from 2011 to 2015 slightly rose. The prevalence of HIV and TP increased every year. Propaganda education and behavioral intervention among MSM should be strengthened to reduce risk sex behaviors to stop STDs/AIDS epidemics, especially among MSM who have commercial homosexual behavior or heterosexual behavior.
Survival rate and risk factors of mortality among 358 adult HIV/AIDS patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy in Shijiazhuang
WANG Ying-ying, YANG Hai-tao, WANG Yong-hong, LIU Shu-jun
2018, 22(3): 258-261. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.011
Abstract(853) PDF(41)
Objective To explore the survival status and risk factors among adult HIV/AIDS patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in Shijiazhuang. Methods This retrospective cohort study enrolled 358 HIV/AIDS patients receiving HAART in Shijiazhuang City from 2005 to 2013. Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the survival rate. Cox regression model was performed to analyze the risk factors associated with survival status. Trend F-H test was used to identify the ordinal tendency of different CD4+ T cell counts baseline. Results The overall mortality of 358 HIV/AIDS patients receiving HAART was 2.75/100 person-years. The 1, 3 and 5 year cumulative survival rate was 92%, 91% and 86%.The results of Cox analysis showed that baseline CD4+ T cell counts, clinical staging, hemoglobin and route of HIV infection are influencing factors of survival status. The trend F-H test showed that the higher baseline CD4+ T cell counts were associated with lower mortality risk. Conclusions The effect of HAART in Shijiazhuang is satisfactory. The early standard treatment helps to improve the survival status of HIV/AIDS patients.
Investigation on status of infectious diseases epidemics or outbreaks and related factors in primary schools in Xi'an
ZHANG Song-jie, MA Qian-qian, HUANG Ying, LI Jun
2018, 22(3): 262-265. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.012
Abstract(405) PDF(37)
Objective To explore the status of infectious disease epidemics or outbreaks and related factors in primary schools in Xi'an, so as to provide scientific basis for the development of school infectious disease prevention and control strategies. Methods A total of 92 primary schools were selected by probability proportionate to size sampling method. The information of infectious disease epidemics or outbreaks and related factors in these schools from 2013 to 2015 was investigated and related factors were analyzed by univariate and multivariate unconditional Logistic regression analysis. Results 31 of 92 schools have experienced 47 times of infectious disease epidemics or outbreaks from 2013 to 2015. All of the cases were respiratory infectious disease, of which 57.4% (27/47) was chickenpox epidemics. A total of 832 cases were reported, the average incidence rate was 8.7%, and the epidemics mainly occurred in winter and spring seasons. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that high ventilation rate of classroom was a factor for the epidemics or outbreaks of infectious diseases in schools (OR=0.864, 95%CI:0.761-0.982,P=0.025), the comprehensive scores for prevention and control of infectious diseases were significantly higher in schools with infectious disease epidemics or outbreaks than those in schools without infectious disease epidemics or outbreaks (OR=1.277, 95%CI:1.013-1.610,P=0.039). Conclusions The main type of infectious diseases with epidemics or outbreaks in schools is respiratory infectious disease including chicken pox, mumps and influenza. Prevention and control should focus on these diseases. Increased classroom ventilation rates, and strengthened management of prevention and control can reduce the epidemics or outbreaks of infectious diseases in school.
Analysis of multiple infection status and epidemiological characteristics of hand,foot and mouth disease in Hefei City from 2011 to 2016
YOU En-qing, CHEN Li-li, WU Jin-ju, HUANG Fen
2018, 22(3): 266-271. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.013
Abstract(507) PDF(45)
Objective To explore the multiple infection status of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) and its epidemiological characteristics in Hefei City to provide scientific evidence for HFMD prevention and control. Methods The cases of multiple infection of HFMD living in Hefei were screened out from National Notifiable Disease Report System and analyzed by descriptive epidemiology. Results The incidence of reinfection of HFMD in Hefei from 2011 to 2016 was 10.73 per 100 000, and the incidence of multiple infections was 5.12%. 83.36% of the reinfection occurred within two years of the last infection. The median age of first infection among multiple infections was 1.94 years old and single infection cases was 2.30 years old, there was significant difference (Z=-28.84,P<0.001). The incidence of multiple infections in the 0-year-old group was the highest (8.15%), and the incidence of multiple infections decreased with age in children less than 6 years old (χtrend2=609.28, P<0.001). Boys were more susceptible to multiple infections, and reinfection cases were mainly occurred by the children in kindergarten. The incidence of reinfection was also high in areas with high incidence of HFMD. Conclusions Multiple infections of HFMD is a serious common health threat to children in Hefei. We should pay more attention to the population including boys with a first onset age less than three years old, kindergarten children as well as children from areas with high incidence and take prevention and control measures.
Time-series analysis of the relationship between particulate matter and mortality in Shijiazhuang
CHEN Lang, ZHAO Chuan, GUAN Ming-yang, LIU Yue, XU Dong-qun, SONG Jie
2018, 22(3): 272-277. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.014
Abstract(703) PDF(55)
Objective To investigate the relationship between the concentrations of airborne particulates PM10, PM2.5 and daily mortality in Shijiazhuang. Methods The data of PM10, PM2.5 and meteorological factors (including daily average temperature, relative humidity) and daily cause-specific deaths during 2013-2016 were collected in Shijiazhuang. The generalized additive model was used to evaluate the association between PM10, PM2.5 exposure and mortality. And we conducted stratification analyses by age and sex for exploring the potential health effects. Results The average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in Shijiazhuang were 207.40 μg/m3 and 113.86 μg/m3, which were 1.96 times and 2.25 times higher than National Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-2012). Time-series analysis showed that an increase of 10 μg/m3 of PM10 could increase the non-accidental mortality and the circulatory mortality by 0.14% (95% CI:0.01%-0.27%) and 0.16% (95% CI:0.00%-0.33%) respectively. An increase of 10 μg/m3 of PM2.5 could increase the non-accidental mortality and respiratory mortality by 0.19%(95% CI:0.01%-0.38%),0.40%(95% CI:0.03%-0.79%), respectively. After adjusting the gaseous pollutants O3/SO2/NO2, the acute health effects of PM10 and PM2.5 disappeared. Stratified analysis showed that men were more affected by PM10, and the older people might be more sensitive to PM2.5. Conclusions The pollution of particulates in Shijiazhuang is serious, and the increase of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations might increase the mortality risk of residents. It is suggested that relevant government departments should strengthen the control of air pollution so as to reduce the health effect.
Analysis of mumps antibody levels and mumps virus genotypes in Guilin City in 2015
LIANG Pan-qing, PAN Ding-quan, TANG Guo-rong, ZHANG Ying, XU Ying, BEI Chun-hua
2018, 22(3): 278-281. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.015
Abstract(384) PDF(31)
Objective To determine mumps antibody levels and mumps virus genotypes in Guilin city in 2015 and provide a scientific basis for controlling mumps. Methods Immunoglobulin G (IgG)antibody of mumps patients were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Small MuV hydrophobic protein gene was genotyped in pharyngeal swab of mumps patients using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results The positive rate of mumps virus antibody in 263 cases of mumps in Guilin City was 81.75%. There were no significant difference in the positive rate of mumps virus antibody between different age groups (χ2=1.71, P=0.668),but there were significant difference in the level of mumps virus antibody between different age groups(H=14.16, P=0.003). There were no significant difference in the positive rate of mumps virus antibody between males and females (χ2=2.83, P=0.092), but the level of mumps virus antibody between males and females were significantly different (Z=-2.55, P=0.011). There were no significant differences in antibody positive rates and antibody levels of mumps virus among three groups of patients with epidemic parotitis (χ2=4.61, P=0.100; H=1.85, P=0.413). 25 strains of mumps virus were isolated from the 263 pharyngeal swabs of patients, which are all F genotypes. Conclusions The immune level of mumps in infants and young children in Guilin City is low. The incidence rate of mumps in males is higher than that in females in Guilin. The main type of mumps virus is F genotype.
Study on pathogen surveillance and epidemic characteristics of foodborne disease in sentinel hospital of Ji'nan from 2013 to 2016
YANG Li, DUAN De-shui, ZHONG Qing, SUN Ting, DONG Shu-xiang, LI Shi-kai, LIU Shou-qin, SUN Yan-bin
2018, 22(3): 282-286. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.016
Abstract(374) PDF(39)
Objective To understand pathogen characteristics of foodborne diseases in Ji'nan City from 2013 to 2016, and to provide basis for prevention and control of foodborne diseases. Methods A total of 1 730 cases of specimens from two foodborne sentinel hospitals in Ji'nan City during 2013-2016 were collected and tested. Results The positive detection rate of foodborne diseases was 37.34%. Among these, the positive rate of bacterial infection was 19.31%, and the main bacterial pathogen was EAEC. The positive rate of virus infection was 14.05%, and the main viral pathogen was GⅡ. Besides, the positive rate of multiple infections was 3.99%. The detection rates of pathogens in years (χ2=33.19,P<0.001) and genders(χ2=12.09,P=0.001)were statistically different.Virus infection was mainly in winter and bacterial infection was mainly in summer. The age distribution of positive cases was the highest in 18-35 years age group, accounting for 50.00%. The top three of suspected exposure foods were dairy products(accounting for 18.89%),meat products(accounting for 17.49%)and sea food (accounting for 13.62).Suspected exposed foods causing multiple infections were mainly meat products(17.39%)and sea food(17.39%). Conclusions The main pathogens of them were EAEC in summer and autumn and norovirus GⅡ was in winter. These results suggested that the appropriate foodborne disease prevention and control measures should be developed based on different seasons and pathogenic factors, according to different characteristics of exposed people and exposed food.
Factors of hypertension in cold and non-cold area of China: A systematic review and Meta-analysis
ZHOU Lu, TONG Shuang, ZHANG Hui, LIU Yu-peng, LI Xia, ZHU Lin, YANG Dan, ZHANG Wei, SUN Dian-jun, YANG Bao-feng, ZHAO Ya-shuang
2018, 22(3): 287-292,297. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.017
Abstract(455) PDF(42)
Objective To systematically evaluate the influencing factors of hypertension in China and the differences between cold area and non-cold area in China. Methods Hypertension or high blood pressure as the key words, studies about different influencing factors of hypertension were searched and selected. Data were extracted and analyzed with Comprehensive Meta Analysis 2.0. Results Sixteen influencing factors of hypertension were included in this systematic review and analysis The first three influencing factors of hypertension were obesity, family medical history and diabetes with pooled OR of 3.00(95% CI:2.69-3.36), 2.04(95% CI:1.87-2.23), and 1.94(95% CI:1.68-2.24), respectively. The five factors (overweight, obesity, diabetes, smoking and alcohol drinking) of population attribution risk were calculated; and the population attribution risk of obesity and overweight were 22.00% and 21.39%, respectively. The pooled OR of the association between age and hypertension was 1.35(95% CI:1.27-1.45) for cold region, 1.50(95% CI:1.47-1.53) for non-cold region, respectively. The OR of gender associated with hypertension was 1.30(95% CI:1.16-1.45) for cold region, non-cold regions was 0.99 (95% CI:0.90-1.09). The pooled OR of waistline was 1.37 (95% CI:1.30-1.44), ORcold regions was 2.75(95% CI:2.11-3.59), ORnon-cold regions was 3.06(95% CI:2.70-3.48). Conclusions The main factors affecting the hypertension of China were overweight, obesity, diabetes, smoking and alcohol drinking. There were no significant differences in the influencing factors of hypertension between cold regions and non-cold regions.
The establishment of a prognostic nomogram for survival of esophageal squamous carcinoma patients after surgery
ZHONG Xue-jing, CHEN Long-tian, CHEN Li-ling, HU Zhi-jian, LIN Zheng, LIN Shao-wei, CHEN Wei-lin, WU Jian
2018, 22(3): 293-297. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.018
Abstract(461) PDF(29)
Objective The postoperative follow-up data of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma after surgery has been collected, to explore the factors that affect their survival time, and establish an effective prognostic nomogram for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Methods A series of 338 ESCC patients surgically treated and pathologically confirmed in Zhangzhou Hospital between 2005 and 2011 were retrospectively reviewed in the study. Cox regression model was used to analyze the prognostic factors, then a nomogram model was established in predicting the outcome of these patients. Results The median overall survival (OS) was 27.30 months(95% CI:22.84-31.76),Cox regression confirmed that the lymph node metastasis, the depth of tumor invasion, age, and tumor size were independent risk factors (all P<0.05). In addition, we identified that lymph node metastasis was the most important factor(HR=4.322, 95% CI:3.296-5.844, P=0.001). The concordance index(C-index) of the nomogram to predict overall survival was 0.74(95% CI:0.72-0.76, P<0.001). Conclusions The prognostic nomogram provided individualized risk estimate of survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients after surgery, which is very significant for clinical therapy.
Prediction on the number of hepatitis B by ARIMA model in China
SHEN Zhong-zhou, WANG Ya-wen, MA Shuai, ZHAO Peng-yu, YU Kai, YAN Bao-hu, JIANG Yu
2018, 22(3): 298-301,307. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.019
Abstract(586) PDF(47)
Objective To develop a suitable autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model for predicting the new reported number of hepatitis B in China. Methods The data was collected from March 2010 to August 2017 to built the database by Excel 2010. The model was built by R 3.3.3 software with data from March 2010 to March 2017 and the model's predicting ability was evaluated by the data from April 2017 to August 2017. Results A strong seasonal and decreasing nature, the lowest value in February and the highest peak in March, were observed in the new reported cases of hepatitis B. The ARIMA(2,1,1)(1,1,1)12 model was chosen to forecast the new report cases of hepatitis B in China. By comparing the data, it showed that the mean absolute error, the maximum relative error, the minimum relative error and the mean relative error of this model were 2 628.55, 6.16%, 1.29% and 2.61%, respectively. Conclusions The ARIMA (2,1,1)(1,1,1)12 model is suggested to give a good prediction on the monthly number of hepatitis B in China.
Advance in of research on interactions between hepatitis C virus and host cell-mediated antiviral mechanism
ZHANG Biao, HUO Wen-zhe
2018, 22(3): 302-307. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.020
Abstract(639) PDF(28)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the major causes of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV infection can stimulate its target cells (hepatocyte) to produce interferons and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). The ISGs inhibit HCV at several steps of the virus replication. Hepatocyte-mediated innate immunity is critical in recognizing and blocking HCV replication, which is one of the key defense mechanisms against HCV by the host. However, HCV has evolved several mechanisms to evade the innate immune responses by hepatocytes. In this review, we focus on the research advance in hepatocyte-mediated antiviral mechanism that recognizes and inhibits HCV as well as the immune evasion of HCV.
Advances in family clusters cases of human infection with avian influenza
ZHU Meng-man, LIU Xiao-qing, FU Wei-jie, YUAN Hui
2018, 22(3): 308-311. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.021
Abstract(433) PDF(27)
Family clusters of H5N1 virus infection have been found in many countries around the world since 1997. Subsequently, local areas in China also have reported family clusters of H7N9 virus infection. The current phenomenon of human-to-human transmission is limited and unsustainable. In addition, the specific way and mode of transmission is not clear and there is no evidence that the two viruses can continue to spread among the people. Family clustered cases occur mainly in populations who close to or in contact with poultry. The possible genetic susceptibility and the difference between individual recept expression increases the risk of family members infected with avian influenza virus. With the persistence of human infection with H5N1 and H7N9 avian influenza virus and the occurrence of viral mutations, it does not rule out the possibility of obtaining adaptive mutations to humans. What is the more important, cases who have undetected symptoms in the H7N9 virus may cause uncontrollable interpersonal prevalence. In this paper, the epidemiological characteristics, transmission patterns and communication capacity of the human infection H5N1 and H7N9 virus family clustering cases were elaborated, which were helpful to provide the scientific evidence for prevention and control in avian influenza epidemic.
Advances in research on hand,foot and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6
HE Xin, YANG Ting, XIE Zhong-ping
2018, 22(3): 312-316. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.022
Abstract(701) PDF(38)
In recent years,coxsackievirus A6 (CoxA6) has outbreaken in many countries and some areas of China. It has gradually emerged as a major pathogen of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD), causing widespread concern around the world. CoxA6 not only infects children under 5 years of age, but also can cause serious harm to adults. Detoxification is a common clinical manifestation of HFMD caused by CoxA6. In severe cases, neurological symptoms, aseptic meningitis and encephalitis occur. In addition, CoxA6 infection can cause more severe skin lesions. However, the current researches on CoxA6 are not comprehensive, especially about the pathogenesis and animal models of CoxA6. Therefore, summarizing the related researches of CoxA6 will lay the foundation for the future preventions and treatments of CoxA6-induced HFMD, and it can also provide a new idea for the development of CoxA6 vaccine. This review aims to provide an overview of the current prevalence of CoxA6, CoxA6 virus infection, the clinical symptoms, as well as the researches of CoxA6 vaccine.
The pioneer of epidemiology and biostatistics: William Augustus Guy
LI Bao-zhu, ZHANG Qian-yu, YE Dong-qing
2018, 22(3): 317-320. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.023
Abstract(622) PDF(40)
In 19th century, William Augustus Guy, a British doctor, was an outstanding contributor to the history of public health. He devoted his whole life to medical and human causes, which brought profound influence to later generations. One of Guy's most influential works was the first epidemiological case-control study, which was ground breaking in the history of epidemiology. Moreover, Guy also made special contributions in promoting vaccination, improving occupational health, practicing medical hilanthropy, and improving tabular analysis. As a famous physician, he is remembered and respected by future generations for making great break through in statistics and epidemiology.
2018, 22(3): 321-322. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2018.03.024
Abstract(364) PDF(24)